$self->throw_exception( "new_result takes only one argument - a hashref of values" )
if @_ > 2;
- $self->throw_exception( "new_result expects a hashref" )
+ $self->throw_exception( "Result object instantiation requires a hashref as argument" )
unless (ref $values eq 'HASH');
my ($merged_cond, $cols_from_relations) = $self->_merge_with_rscond($values);
sub create {
- my ($self, $col_data) = @_;
- $self->throw_exception( "create needs a hashref" )
- unless ref $col_data eq 'HASH';
- return $self->new_result($col_data)->insert;
+ #my ($self, $col_data) = @_;
+ return shift->new_result(shift)->insert;
=head2 find_or_create
eval { my $duh = Film->insert; };
-like $@, qr/create needs a hashref/, "needs a hashref";
+like $@, qr/Result object instantiation requires a hashref as argument/, "needs a hashref";
ok +Film->create_test_film;
like $@, qr/class/, "add_to_actors must be object method";
eval { my $pj = $btaste->add_to_actors(%pj_data) };
-like $@, qr/expects a hashref/, "add_to_actors takes hash";
+like $@, qr/Result object instantiation requires a hashref as argument/, "add_to_actors takes hash";
my $pj = $btaste->add_to_actors(