ok($new->in_storage, 'update_or_insert insert ok');
-# test in update mode
-$new->title('Insert or Update - updated');
-is( $schema->resultset("Track")->find(100)->title, 'Insert or Update - updated', 'update_or_insert update ok');
-SKIP: {
- skip "Tests require " . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('test_dt_sqlite'), 13
- unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('test_dt_sqlite');
- # test get_inflated_columns with objects
- my $event = $schema->resultset('Event')->search->first;
- my %edata = $event->get_inflated_columns;
- is($edata{'id'}, $event->id, 'got id');
- isa_ok($edata{'starts_at'}, 'DateTime', 'start_at is DateTime object');
- isa_ok($edata{'created_on'}, 'DateTime', 'create_on DateTime object');
- is($edata{'starts_at'}, $event->starts_at, 'got start date');
- is($edata{'created_on'}, $event->created_on, 'got created date');
- # get_inflated_columns w/relation and accessor alias
- isa_ok($new->updated_date, 'DateTime', 'have inflated object via accessor');
- my %tdata = $new->get_inflated_columns;
- is($tdata{'trackid'}, 100, 'got id');
- isa_ok($tdata{'cd'}, 'DBICTest::CD', 'cd is CD object');
- is($tdata{'cd'}->id, 1, 'cd object is id 1');
- is(
- $tdata{'position'},
- $schema->resultset ('Track')->search ({cd => 1})->count,
- 'Ordered assigned proper position',
- );
- is($tdata{'title'}, 'Insert or Update - updated');
- is($tdata{'last_updated_on'}, '1973-07-19T12:01:02');
- isa_ok($tdata{'last_updated_on'}, 'DateTime', 'inflated accessored column');
throws_ok (sub {
}, qr!Can't locate DBIx/Class/DoesNotExist.pm!, 'exception on nonexisting component');
### pre-connect tests (keep each test separate as to make sure rebless() runs)
my $s = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
- ok (!$s->storage->_dbh, 'definitely not connected');
- # Check that datetime_parser returns correctly before we explicitly connect.
- SKIP: {
- skip (
- "Pg parser detection test needs " . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('test_dt_pg'),
- 2
- ) unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('test_dt_pg');
- my $store = ref $s->storage;
- is($store, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI', 'Started with generic storage');
- my $parser = $s->storage->datetime_parser;
- is( $parser, 'DateTime::Format::Pg', 'datetime_parser is as expected');
- }
- ok (!$s->storage->_dbh, 'still not connected');
- }
- {
- my $s = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
# make sure sqlt_type overrides work (::Storage::DBI::Pg does this)
ok (!$s->storage->_dbh, 'definitely not connected');
is ($s->storage->sqlt_type, 'PostgreSQL', 'sqlt_type correct pre-connection');
--- /dev/null
+use DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies -skip_all_without => 'test_dt_sqlite';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Warn;
+use Try::Tiny;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+# Test offline parser determination (formerly t/inflate/datetime_determine_parser.t)
+ my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(
+ no_deploy => 1, # Deploying would cause an early rebless
+ );
+ is(
+ ref $schema->storage, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI',
+ 'Starting with generic storage'
+ );
+ # Calling date_time_parser should cause the storage to be reblessed,
+ # so that we can pick up datetime_parser_type from subclasses
+ my $parser = $schema->storage->datetime_parser();
+ is($parser, 'DateTime::Format::SQLite', 'Got expected storage-set datetime_parser');
+ isa_ok($schema->storage, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite', 'storage');
+ ok(! $schema->storage->connected, 'Not yet connected');
+# so user's env doesn't screw us
+my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
+# inflation test
+my $event = $schema->resultset("Event")->find(1);
+isa_ok($event->starts_at, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
+# klunky, but makes older Test::More installs happy
+my $starts = $event->starts_at;
+is("$starts", '2006-04-25T22:24:33', 'Correct date/time');
+my $dt_warn_re = qr/DateTime objects.+not supported properly/;
+my $row;
+ local $ENV{DBIC_DT_SEARCH_OK} = 1;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ fail('Disabled warning still issued') if $_[0] =~ $dt_warn_re;
+ warn @_;
+ };
+ $row = $schema->resultset('Event')->search({ starts_at => $starts })->single
+warnings_exist {
+ $row = $schema->resultset('Event')->search({ starts_at => $starts })->single
+} [$dt_warn_re],
+ 'using a DateTime object in ->search generates a warning';
+ local $TODO = "This stuff won't work without a -dt operator of some sort"
+ unless eval { require DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::DateOps };
+ is(eval { $row->id }, 1, 'DT in search');
+ local $ENV{DBIC_DT_SEARCH_OK} = 1;
+ ok($row =
+ $schema->resultset('Event')->search({ starts_at => { '>=' => $starts } })
+ ->single);
+ is(eval { $row->id }, 1, 'DT in search with condition');
+# create using DateTime
+my $created = $schema->resultset('Event')->create({
+ starts_at => DateTime->new(year=>2006, month=>6, day=>18),
+ created_on => DateTime->new(year=>2006, month=>6, day=>23)
+my $created_start = $created->starts_at;
+isa_ok($created->starts_at, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
+is("$created_start", '2006-06-18T00:00:00', 'Correct date/time');
+## timestamp field
+isa_ok($event->created_on, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
+## varchar fields
+isa_ok($event->varchar_date, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
+isa_ok($event->varchar_datetime, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
+## skip inflation field
+isnt(ref($event->skip_inflation), 'DateTime', 'No DateTime returned for skip inflation column');
+# klunky, but makes older Test::More installs happy
+my $createo = $event->created_on;
+is("$createo", '2006-06-22T21:00:05', 'Correct date/time');
+my $created_cron = $created->created_on;
+isa_ok($created->created_on, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
+is("$created_cron", '2006-06-23T00:00:00', 'Correct date/time');
+## varchar field using inflate_date => 1
+my $varchar_date = $event->varchar_date;
+is("$varchar_date", '2006-07-23T00:00:00', 'Correct date/time');
+## varchar field using inflate_datetime => 1
+my $varchar_datetime = $event->varchar_datetime;
+is("$varchar_datetime", '2006-05-22T19:05:07', 'Correct date/time');
+## skip inflation field
+my $skip_inflation = $event->skip_inflation;
+is ("$skip_inflation", '2006-04-21 18:04:06', 'Correct date/time');
+# extra accessor tests with update_or_insert
+ my $new = $schema->resultset("Track")->new( {
+ trackid => 100,
+ cd => 1,
+ title => 'Insert or Update',
+ last_updated_on => '1973-07-19 12:01:02'
+ } );
+ $new->update_or_insert;
+ ok($new->in_storage, 'update_or_insert insert ok');
+ # test in update mode
+ $new->title('Insert or Update - updated');
+ $new->update_or_insert;
+ is( $schema->resultset("Track")->find(100)->title, 'Insert or Update - updated', 'update_or_insert update ok');
+ # test get_inflated_columns with objects
+ my $event = $schema->resultset('Event')->search->first;
+ my %edata = $event->get_inflated_columns;
+ is($edata{'id'}, $event->id, 'got id');
+ isa_ok($edata{'starts_at'}, 'DateTime', 'start_at is DateTime object');
+ isa_ok($edata{'created_on'}, 'DateTime', 'create_on DateTime object');
+ is($edata{'starts_at'}, $event->starts_at, 'got start date');
+ is($edata{'created_on'}, $event->created_on, 'got created date');
+ # get_inflated_columns w/relation and accessor alias
+ isa_ok($new->updated_date, 'DateTime', 'have inflated object via accessor');
+ my %tdata = $new->get_inflated_columns;
+ is($tdata{'trackid'}, 100, 'got id');
+ isa_ok($tdata{'cd'}, 'DBICTest::CD', 'cd is CD object');
+ is($tdata{'cd'}->id, 1, 'cd object is id 1');
+ is(
+ $tdata{'position'},
+ $schema->resultset ('Track')->search ({cd => 1})->count,
+ 'Ordered assigned proper position',
+ );
+ is($tdata{'title'}, 'Insert or Update - updated');
+ is($tdata{'last_updated_on'}, '1973-07-19T12:01:02');
+ isa_ok($tdata{'last_updated_on'}, 'DateTime', 'inflated accessored column');
+# create and update with literals
+ my $d = {
+ created_on => \ '2001-09-11',
+ starts_at => \[ '?' => '2001-10-26' ],
+ };
+ my $ev = $schema->resultset('Event')->create($d);
+ for my $col (qw(created_on starts_at)) {
+ ok (ref $ev->$col, "literal untouched in $col");
+ is_deeply( $ev->$col, $d->{$col});
+ is_deeply( $ev->get_inflated_column($col), $d->{$col});
+ is_deeply( $ev->get_column($col), $d->{$col});
+ }
+ $ev->discard_changes;
+ is_deeply(
+ { $ev->get_dirty_columns },
+ {}
+ );
+ for my $col (qw(created_on starts_at)) {
+ isa_ok ($ev->$col, "DateTime", "$col properly inflated on retrieve");
+ }
+ for my $meth (qw(set_inflated_columns set_columns)) {
+ $ev->$meth({%$d});
+ is_deeply(
+ { $ev->get_dirty_columns },
+ $d,
+ "Expected dirty cols after setting literals via $meth",
+ );
+ $ev->update;
+ for my $col (qw(created_on starts_at)) {
+ ok (ref $ev->$col, "literal untouched in $col updated via $meth");
+ is_deeply( $ev->$col, $d->{$col});
+ is_deeply( $ev->get_inflated_column($col), $d->{$col});
+ is_deeply( $ev->get_column($col), $d->{$col});
+ }
+ }
+ my $s = DBICTest::Schema->connect('dbi:Pg:whatever');
+ ok (!$s->storage->_dbh, 'definitely not connected');
+ # Check that datetime_parser returns correctly before we explicitly connect.
+ my $store = ref $s->storage;
+ is($store, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI', 'Started with generic storage');
+ my $parser = $s->storage->datetime_parser;
+ is( $parser, 'DateTime::Format::Pg', 'datetime_parser is as expected');
+ ok (!$s->storage->_dbh, 'still not connected');
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
warnings_are {
+++ /dev/null
-use DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies -skip_all_without => 'test_dt_sqlite';
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Warn;
-use Try::Tiny;
-use lib qw(t/lib);
-use DBICTest;
-# so user's env doesn't screw us
-my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-# inflation test
-my $event = $schema->resultset("Event")->find(1);
-isa_ok($event->starts_at, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
-# klunky, but makes older Test::More installs happy
-my $starts = $event->starts_at;
-is("$starts", '2006-04-25T22:24:33', 'Correct date/time');
-my $dt_warn_re = qr/DateTime objects.+not supported properly/;
-my $row;
- local $ENV{DBIC_DT_SEARCH_OK} = 1;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- fail('Disabled warning still issued') if $_[0] =~ $dt_warn_re;
- warn @_;
- };
- $row = $schema->resultset('Event')->search({ starts_at => $starts })->single
-warnings_exist {
- $row = $schema->resultset('Event')->search({ starts_at => $starts })->single
-} [$dt_warn_re],
- 'using a DateTime object in ->search generates a warning';
- local $TODO = "This stuff won't work without a -dt operator of some sort"
- unless eval { require DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::DateOps };
- is(eval { $row->id }, 1, 'DT in search');
- local $ENV{DBIC_DT_SEARCH_OK} = 1;
- ok($row =
- $schema->resultset('Event')->search({ starts_at => { '>=' => $starts } })
- ->single);
- is(eval { $row->id }, 1, 'DT in search with condition');
-# create using DateTime
-my $created = $schema->resultset('Event')->create({
- starts_at => DateTime->new(year=>2006, month=>6, day=>18),
- created_on => DateTime->new(year=>2006, month=>6, day=>23)
-my $created_start = $created->starts_at;
-isa_ok($created->starts_at, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
-is("$created_start", '2006-06-18T00:00:00', 'Correct date/time');
-## timestamp field
-isa_ok($event->created_on, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
-## varchar fields
-isa_ok($event->varchar_date, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
-isa_ok($event->varchar_datetime, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
-## skip inflation field
-isnt(ref($event->skip_inflation), 'DateTime', 'No DateTime returned for skip inflation column');
-# klunky, but makes older Test::More installs happy
-my $createo = $event->created_on;
-is("$createo", '2006-06-22T21:00:05', 'Correct date/time');
-my $created_cron = $created->created_on;
-isa_ok($created->created_on, 'DateTime', 'DateTime returned');
-is("$created_cron", '2006-06-23T00:00:00', 'Correct date/time');
-## varchar field using inflate_date => 1
-my $varchar_date = $event->varchar_date;
-is("$varchar_date", '2006-07-23T00:00:00', 'Correct date/time');
-## varchar field using inflate_datetime => 1
-my $varchar_datetime = $event->varchar_datetime;
-is("$varchar_datetime", '2006-05-22T19:05:07', 'Correct date/time');
-## skip inflation field
-my $skip_inflation = $event->skip_inflation;
-is ("$skip_inflation", '2006-04-21 18:04:06', 'Correct date/time');
-# create and update with literals
- my $d = {
- created_on => \ '2001-09-11',
- starts_at => \[ '?' => '2001-10-26' ],
- };
- my $ev = $schema->resultset('Event')->create($d);
- for my $col (qw(created_on starts_at)) {
- ok (ref $ev->$col, "literal untouched in $col");
- is_deeply( $ev->$col, $d->{$col});
- is_deeply( $ev->get_inflated_column($col), $d->{$col});
- is_deeply( $ev->get_column($col), $d->{$col});
- }
- $ev->discard_changes;
- is_deeply(
- { $ev->get_dirty_columns },
- {}
- );
- for my $col (qw(created_on starts_at)) {
- isa_ok ($ev->$col, "DateTime", "$col properly inflated on retrieve");
- }
- for my $meth (qw(set_inflated_columns set_columns)) {
- $ev->$meth({%$d});
- is_deeply(
- { $ev->get_dirty_columns },
- $d,
- "Expected dirty cols after setting literals via $meth",
- );
- $ev->update;
- for my $col (qw(created_on starts_at)) {
- ok (ref $ev->$col, "literal untouched in $col updated via $meth");
- is_deeply( $ev->$col, $d->{$col});
- is_deeply( $ev->get_inflated_column($col), $d->{$col});
- is_deeply( $ev->get_column($col), $d->{$col});
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-use DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies -skip_all_without => 'test_dt_sqlite';
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use lib qw(t/lib);
-use DBICTest;
-my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(
- no_deploy => 1, # Deploying would cause an early rebless
- ref $schema->storage, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI',
- 'Starting with generic storage'
-# Calling date_time_parser should cause the storage to be reblessed,
-# so that we can pick up datetime_parser_type from subclasses
-my $parser = $schema->storage->datetime_parser();
-is($parser, 'DateTime::Format::SQLite', 'Got expected storage-set datetime_parser');
-isa_ok($schema->storage, 'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::SQLite', 'storage');
'Dummy', # this is a real result class we remove in the hook below
- qw/SelfRefAlias TreeLike TwoKeyTreeLike Event EventTZ NoPrimaryKey/,
+ qw/SelfRefAlias TreeLike TwoKeyTreeLike Event NoPrimaryKey/,
qw/Collection CollectionObject TypedObject Owners BooksInLibrary/,
qw/ForceForeign Encoded/,