keys of the related table are not fetched
- fix count for group_by as scalar
- add horrific fix to make Oracle's retarded limit syntax work
-- - remove Carp require
++ - changed UUIDColumns to use new UUIDMaker classes for uuid creation
++ using whatever module may be available
0.05003 2006-02-08 17:50:20
- add component_class accessors and use them for *_class
sub _quote {
my ($self, $label) = @_;
return '' unless defined $label;
-- return "*" if $label eq '*';
return $label unless $self->{quote_char};
-- if(ref $self->{quote_char} eq "ARRAY"){
-- return $self->{quote_char}->[0] . $label . $self->{quote_char}->[1]
-- if !defined $self->{name_sep};
-- my $sep = $self->{name_sep};
-- return join($self->{name_sep},
-- map { $self->{quote_char}->[0] . $_ . $self->{quote_char}->[1] }
-- split(/\Q$sep\E/,$label));
-- }
return $self->SUPER::_quote($label);
my ($sql, @bind) = $self->sql_maker->$op($ident, @args);
unshift(@bind, @$extra_bind) if $extra_bind;
if ($self->debug) {
- my @debug_bind = map { defined $_ ? $_ : 'NULL' } @bind;
- $self->debugfh->print("$sql: @debug_bind\n");
+ my @debug_bind = map { defined $_ ? qq{`$_'} : q{`NULL'} } @bind;
+ $self->debugfh->print("$sql: " . join(', ', @debug_bind) . "\n");
my $sth = $self->sth($sql,$op);
- croak "no sth generated via sql: $sql" unless $sth;
+ $self->throw_exception("no sth generated via sql: $sql") unless $sth;
@bind = map { ref $_ ? ''.$_ : $_ } @bind; # stringify args
my $rv;
if ($sth) {