my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
$attrs ||= $self->_resolved_attrs;
- my $tmp_attrs = { %$attrs };
- # take off any limits, record_filter is cdbi, and no point of ordering a count
- delete $tmp_attrs->{$_} for (qw/select as rows offset order_by record_filter/);
+ # only take pieces we need for a simple count
+ my $tmp_attrs = { map
+ { $_ => $attrs->{$_} }
+ qw/ alias from where bind join /
+ };
# overwrite the selector (supplied by the storage)
$tmp_attrs->{select} = $rsrc->storage->_count_select ($rsrc, $tmp_attrs);
my ($self, $attrs) = @_;
my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
- $attrs ||= $self->_resolved_attrs_copy;
- my $sub_attrs = { %$attrs };
+ $attrs ||= $self->_resolved_attrs;
- # extra selectors do not go in the subquery and there is no point of ordering it
- delete $sub_attrs->{$_} for qw/collapse select _prefetch_select as order_by/;
+ my $sub_attrs = { map
+ { $_ => $attrs->{$_} }
+ qw/ alias from where bind join group_by having rows offset /
+ };
# if we multi-prefetch we group_by primary keys only as this is what we would
# get out of the rs via ->next/->all. We *DO WANT* to clobber old group_by regardless
$sub_attrs->{group_by} = [ map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } ($rsrc->_pri_cols) ]
- $sub_attrs->{select} = $rsrc->storage->_subq_count_select ($rsrc, $attrs);
+ # Calculate subquery selector
+ if (my $g = $sub_attrs->{group_by}) {
- # this is so that the query can be simplified e.g.
- # * ordering can be thrown away in things like Top limit
- $sub_attrs->{-for_count_only} = 1;
+ # necessary as the group_by may refer to aliased functions
+ my $sel_index;
+ for my $sel (@{$attrs->{select}}) {
+ $sel_index->{$sel->{-as}} = $sel
+ if (ref $sel eq 'HASH' and $sel->{-as});
+ }
- my $sub_rs = $rsrc->resultset_class->new ($rsrc, $sub_attrs);
+ for my $g_part (@$g) {
+ push @{$sub_attrs->{select}}, $sel_index->{$g_part} || $g_part;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my @pcols = map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } ($rsrc->primary_columns);
+ $sub_attrs->{select} = @pcols ? \@pcols : [ 1 ];
+ }
- $attrs->{from} = [{
- -alias => 'count_subq',
- -source_handle => $rsrc->handle,
- count_subq => $sub_rs->as_query,
- }];
- # the subquery replaces this
- delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/where bind collapse group_by having having_bind rows offset/;
+ # this is so that the query can be simplified e.g.
+ # * ordering can be thrown away in things like Top limit
+ $sub_attrs->{-for_count_only} = 1;
- return $self->_count_rs ($attrs);
+ return $rsrc->resultset_class
+ ->new ($rsrc, $sub_attrs)
+ ->as_subselect_rs
+ ->search ({}, { columns => { count => $rsrc->storage->_count_select ($rsrc, $attrs) } })
+ -> get_column ('count');
sub _bool {
sub as_subselect_rs {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->result_source->resultset->search( undef, {
- alias => $self->current_source_alias,
- from => [{
- $self->current_source_alias => $self->as_query,
- -alias => $self->current_source_alias,
- -source_handle => $self->result_source->handle,
- }]
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrs = $self->_resolved_attrs;
+ return $self->result_source->resultset->search( undef, {
+ from => [{
+ $attrs->{alias} => $self->as_query,
+ -alias => $attrs->{alias},
+ -source_handle => $self->result_source->handle,
+ }],
+ map { $_ => $attrs->{$_} } qw/select as alias/
# ->_resolve_join as otherwise they get lost - captainL
my $join = $self->_merge_attr( $attrs->{join}, $attrs->{prefetch} );
- delete @{$attrs}{qw/join prefetch collapse distinct select as columns +select +as +columns/};
+ delete @{$attrs}{qw/join prefetch collapse group_by distinct select as columns +select +as +columns/};
my $seen = { %{ (delete $attrs->{seen_join}) || {} } };
-alias => $attrs->{alias},
$attrs->{alias} => $rs_copy->as_query,
- delete @{$attrs}{@force_subq_attrs, 'where'};
+ delete @{$attrs}{@force_subq_attrs, qw/where bind/};
$seen->{-relation_chain_depth} = 0;
elsif ($attrs->{from}) { #shallow copy suffices
return { count => '*' };
-# Returns a SELECT which will end up in the subselect
-# There may or may not be a group_by, as the subquery
-# might have been called to accomodate a limit
-# Most databases would be happy with whatever ends up
-# here, but some choke in various ways.
-sub _subq_count_select {
- my ($self, $source, $rs_attrs) = @_;
- if (my $groupby = $rs_attrs->{group_by}) {
- my $avail_columns = $self->_resolve_column_info ($rs_attrs->{from});
- my $sel_index;
- for my $sel (@{$rs_attrs->{select}}) {
- if (ref $sel eq 'HASH' and $sel->{-as}) {
- $sel_index->{$sel->{-as}} = $sel;
- }
- }
- my @selection;
- for my $g_part (@$groupby) {
- if (ref $g_part or $avail_columns->{$g_part}) {
- push @selection, $g_part;
- }
- elsif ($sel_index->{$g_part}) {
- push @selection, $sel_index->{$g_part};
- }
- else {
- $self->throw_exception ("group_by criteria '$g_part' not contained within current resultset source(s)");
- }
- }
- return \@selection;
- }
- my @pcols = map { join '.', $rs_attrs->{alias}, $_ } ($source->primary_columns);
- return @pcols ? \@pcols : [ 1 ];
sub source_bind_attributes {
my ($self, $source) = @_;