Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ * Fixes
+ - Fix on_connect_* not always firing in some cases - a race condition
+ existed between storage accessor setters and the determine_driver
+ routines, triggering a connection before the set-cycle is finished
0.08270 2014-01-30 21:54 (PST)
* Fixes
- Fix 0.08260 regression in DBD::SQLite bound int handling. Inserted
sub _determine_supports_join_optimizer { 1 };
# Each of these methods need _determine_driver called before itself
-# in order to function reliably. This is a purely DRY optimization
+# in order to function reliably. We also need to separate accessors
+# from plain old method calls, since an accessor called as a setter
+# does *not* need the driver determination loop fired (and in fact
+# can produce hard to find bugs, like e.g. losing on_connect_*
+# semantics on fresh connections)
-# get_(use)_dbms_capability need to be called on the correct Storage
-# class, as _use_X may be hardcoded class-wide, and _supports_X calls
-# _determine_supports_X which obv. needs a correct driver as well
-my @rdbms_specific_methods = qw/
+# The construct below is simply a parameterized around()
+my $storage_accessor_idx = { map { $_ => 1 } qw(
- deployment_statements
+ datetime_parser_type
+for my $meth (keys %$storage_accessor_idx, qw(
+ deployment_statements
- datetime_parser_type
-for my $meth (@rdbms_specific_methods) {
+)) {
my $orig = __PACKAGE__->can ($meth)
or die "$meth is not a ::Storage::DBI method!";
- no strict qw/refs/;
- no warnings qw/redefine/;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ no warnings 'redefine';
*{__PACKAGE__ ."::$meth"} = subname $meth => sub {
if (
# only fire when invoked on an instance, a valid class-based invocation
! $_[0]->{_in_determine_driver}
+ # if this is a known *setter* - just set it, no need to connect
+ # and determine the driver
+ ! ( $storage_accessor_idx->{$meth} and @_ > 1 )
+ and
# Only try to determine stuff if we have *something* that either is or can
# provide a DSN. Allows for bare $schema's generated with a plain ->connect()
# to still be marginally useful
ok $schema->connection(
sub { DBI->connect(DBICTest->_database, undef, undef, { AutoCommit => 0 }) },
+ # DO NOT REMOVE - this seems like an unrelated piece of info,
+ # but is in fact a test for a bug where setting an accessor-via-option
+ # would trigger an early connect *bypassing* the on_connect_* pieces
+ cursor_class => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::Cursor',
on_connect_do => [
[ 'INSERT INTO TEST_empty VALUES (?)', {}, 2 ],