Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ - Allow a scalarref to be supplied to the 'from' resultset attribute
+ - Classes submitted as result_class for a resultsource are now
+ automatically loaded via ensure_loaded()
+ - 'result_class' resultset attribute, identical to result_class()
0.08099_05 2008-10-30 21:30:00 (UTC)
- Rewritte of Storage::DBI::connect_info(), extended with an
sub select {
my ($self, $table, $fields, $where, $order, @rest) = @_;
- $table = $self->_quote($table) unless ref($table);
+ if (ref $table eq 'SCALAR') {
+ $table = $$table;
+ }
+ elsif (not ref $table) {
+ $table = $self->_quote($table);
+ }
local $self->{rownum_hack_count} = 1
if (defined $rest[0] && $self->{limit_dialect} eq 'RowNum');
@rest = (-1) unless defined $rest[0];
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 7;
+plan tests => 11;
my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({},
lives_ok(sub { $rs->first->get_column('count') }, '+select/+as chained search 1st rscolumn present');
lives_ok(sub { $rs->first->get_column('addedtitle') }, '+select/+as chained search 1st rscolumn present');
lives_ok(sub { $rs->first->get_column('addedtitle2') }, '+select/+as chained search 3rd rscolumn present');
+# test the from search attribute (gets between the FROM and WHERE keywords, allows arbitrary subselects)
+# also shows that outer select attributes are ok (i.e. order_by)
+# from doesn't seem to be useful without using a scalarref - there were no initial tests >:(
+$schema->storage->debug (1);
+my $cds = $schema->resultset ('CD')->search ({}, { order_by => 'me.cdid'}); # make sure order is consistent
+cmp_ok ($cds->count, '>', 2, 'Initially populated with more than 2 CDs');
+my $table = $cds->result_source->name;
+my $subsel = $cds->search ({}, {
+ columns => [qw/cdid title/],
+ from => \ "(SELECT cdid, title FROM $table LIMIT 2) me",
+is ($subsel->count, 2, 'Subselect correctly limited the rs to 2 cds');
+is ($subsel->next->title, $cds->next->title, 'First CD title match');
+is ($subsel->next->title, $cds->next->title, 'Second CD title match');