descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeTue, 30 Jun 2015 12:20:46 +0000
2015-06-30 Errietta Kostala Don't show merge option for detach master
2015-06-22 tla add explicit language setting to some texts
2015-06-18 tla add some RTL and bidi testing data
2015-06-18 tla Minor fixes to pull request #58
2015-06-17 tla Merge branch 'master' of
2015-06-17 tla Merge pull request #59 from tla/textdirection
2015-06-17 tla Include text direction as editable attribute of a tradition
2015-06-10 Errietta Kostala Hide error when merging a new item
2015-05-27 Errietta Kostala Handle text direction when merging errietta/3970 errietta/merging
2015-05-27 Errietta Kostala Error handling when compressing readings
2015-05-15 Errietta Kostala Implementation of merge back-end & UI
2015-05-12 Errietta Kostala Pass on the text direction, scroll to end if RL
2015-05-12 Errietta Kostala Allow setting text direction.
2015-05-07 Tara L Andrews Fix event logic on yes/no reading merge buttons, hopefu...
2015-02-09 tla add test to check that traditions are taken away from...
2015-02-09 tla open ID realm is hostname only, not uri_for(/)
8 years ago castaway/3970-fixes
8 years ago errietta3970-fixes
8 years ago master
8 years ago errietta/3970
8 years ago errietta/merging
9 years ago errietta/login-3622