descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeMon, 7 Oct 2019 02:45:58 +0000
2019-10-07 Matt S Trout alnk once again points out that mst is an idiot q
2019-10-07 Matt S Trout rename and mention example
2019-10-07 Matt S Trout remove obsolete thing that never worked
2019-10-07 Matt S Trout document bangoverrides, add example
2019-10-07 Matt S Trout expand bangoverrides from order_by keys too for compat...
2019-10-07 Matt S Trout make sure extraclauses doesn't kill already extant...
2019-10-07 Matt S Trout singular methods as readers never worked, mst is an...
2019-10-07 Matt S Trout Install DBIC-compatible ident renderer
2019-10-06 Matt S Trout simplify the plugin thing
2019-10-05 Matt S Trout more compat bits and pieces
2019-10-04 Matt S Trout extraclauses and plugin system
2019-10-03 Matt S Trout THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS
2019-10-03 Matt S Trout clean up
2019-10-03 Matt S Trout plugin registration
2019-10-01 Matt S Trout insert select/rowvalues clauses, with and with_recursive
2019-10-01 Matt S Trout document the from and using clauses added to update...
4 years ago q