descriptionA small, simple mailinglist manager in the Unix tradition
last changeThu, 19 Jul 2012 04:05:22 +0000
2012-07-19 Chris Nehren Use sd for issue tracking master
2012-07-19 Chris Nehren Add rough, untested bounce parsing.
2012-07-19 Chris Nehren Remove Method::Signatures::Simple.
2012-07-19 Chris Nehren add some stuff to MANIFEST.SKIP
2012-07-19 Chris Nehren some fixes to the still premature web frontend
2011-09-06 Chris Nehren README -> README.pod, add some content
2011-09-04 Chris Nehren More tests are a good thing
2011-09-04 Chris Nehren standardize on strictures+autodie+Test::Most where...
2011-09-04 Chris Nehren Merge branch 'oo-dispatcher'
2011-09-04 Chris Nehren more tests for lists
2011-09-04 Chris Nehren fix transport support in the dispatcher so it can be...
2011-09-04 Chris Nehren bring Moo to the Dispatcher for more flexibility and...
2011-09-04 Chris Nehren simple tests for lists
2011-09-04 Chris Nehren sanity checking for the config file
2011-09-04 Chris Nehren error checking for tying the aliases file
2011-09-04 Chris Nehren use more things in the compile test
11 years ago master