descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeSun, 3 May 2009 21:42:51 +0000
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Check body, because original_package_name may be a... master
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Remove dated comment
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Make sure wrapping twice works
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Finish renaming
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Begin renaming Policy::DynamicMoose to DynamicMoosePolicy
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Tidy
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore s/$meta/$class/
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Don't use get_method_map either
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Don't use get_attribute_map
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Add Role::Application to meta_type
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Handle aliasing too
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Handle pulling in a method from two different roles
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore Implementation of ClassOverridesRole
2009-05-03 Shawn M Moore ClassOverridesRole applies only to Moose::Meta::Class
2009-04-28 Shawn M Moore Skeleton for ClassOverridesRole
2009-04-28 Shawn M Moore Make sure imported functions don't require disambiguation
14 years ago master