Add author tests to Makefile.PL
[catagits/Catalyst-TraitFor-Request-ProxyBase.git] /
2009-07-17 t0m Add author tests to Makefile.PL master
2009-07-17 Eric Prestemon Fix version number and Changes file
2009-07-17 Eric Prestemon Merge commit 'toms/master'
2009-07-16 Eric Prestemon Fixed POD to have one-line summary
2009-07-13 Tomas Doran (t0m) Update MANIFEST.SKIP to ignore built dists
2009-07-13 Tomas Doran (t0m) Update .gitignore to ignore built dists
2009-07-13 Tomas Doran (t0m) Actually try to use the code in anger, fix issues
2009-07-08 t0m Make author test run in my local::lib
2009-07-08 t0m All working now
2009-07-08 t0m Make Makefile.PL maintain README
2009-07-08 t0m Update MANIFEST.SKIP
2009-07-08 t0m Initial Changelog
2009-07-08 t0m Failing tests
2009-07-08 t0m Write the documentation before the code for novelty...
2009-07-08 t0m Add repos info and license
2009-07-08 Tomas Doran (t0m) Working, no functionality yet
2009-07-08 Tomas Doran (t0m) Basics
2009-07-08 Tomas Doran (t0m) Initial commit