descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeSat, 4 Apr 2015 00:02:25 +0000
2015-04-04 John Napiorkowski more ignoring git files when making tarball master
2015-04-04 John Napiorkowski skip git directory;
2015-04-03 John Napiorkowski fix reported install issue
2012-09-19 Eden Cardim added last-minute changes to meta-files for release
2012-08-06 Eden Cardim preventing original request writer from being left...
2012-08-06 Eden Cardim adding test case contributed by nebulous
2012-08-06 Eden Cardim bumping version
2012-08-06 Eden Cardim updated changes file (woops)
2012-07-19 Eden Cardim parameters are now being properly passed to the sub...
2012-06-20 Eden Cardim prepare 0.18 release
2012-06-20 Eden Cardim major refactor, all tests passing
2012-06-14 nebulous A test for $c->req smashing
2011-08-08 Tomas Doran Small fixes
2011-03-22 Tomas Doran Version 0.17 v0.17
2010-02-22 Kieren Diment bloody svn ... Changes file
2010-02-22 Kieren Diment Added subrequest and subrequest_response names aliased...
13 years ago v0.17 Tag 0.17
14 years ago v0.16 Tag 0.16
14 years ago v0.15 Tag 0.15
9 years ago master