Move mention of different "stash styles" to Ch2
[catagits/Catalyst-Manual.git] / lib / Catalyst / Manual / Tutorial / 04_BasicCRUD.pod
fbbb9084 1=head1 NAME
d442cc9f 2
3ab6187c 3Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::04_BasicCRUD - Catalyst Tutorial - Chapter 4: Basic CRUD
d442cc9f 4
6=head1 OVERVIEW
4b4d3884 8This is B<Chapter 4 of 10> for the Catalyst tutorial.
d442cc9f 9
10L<Tutorial Overview|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial>
12=over 4
14=item 1
3ab6187c 16L<Introduction|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::01_Intro>
d442cc9f 17
18=item 2
3ab6187c 20L<Catalyst Basics|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::02_CatalystBasics>
d442cc9f 21
22=item 3
3ab6187c 24L<More Catalyst Basics|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::03_MoreCatalystBasics>
d442cc9f 25
26=item 4
3ab6187c 28B<04_Basic CRUD>
d442cc9f 29
30=item 5
3ab6187c 32L<Authentication|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::05_Authentication>
d442cc9f 33
34=item 6
3ab6187c 36L<Authorization|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::06_Authorization>
d442cc9f 37
38=item 7
3ab6187c 40L<Debugging|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::07_Debugging>
d442cc9f 41
42=item 8
3ab6187c 44L<Testing|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::08_Testing>
d442cc9f 45
46=item 9
3ab6187c 48L<Advanced CRUD|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::09_AdvancedCRUD>
3533daff 49
50=item 10
3ab6187c 52L<Appendices|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::10_Appendices>
d442cc9f 53
d442cc9f 57=head1 DESCRIPTION
4b4d3884 59This chapter of the tutorial builds on the fairly primitive
60application created in Chapter 3 to add basic support for Create,
61Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) of C<Book> objects. Note that the
62'list' function in Chapter 2 already implements the Read portion of
63CRUD (although Read normally refers to reading a single object; you
72609296 64could implement full Read functionality using the techniques
4b4d3884 65introduced below). This section will focus on the Create and Delete
66aspects of CRUD. More advanced capabilities, including full Update
67functionality, will be addressed in Chapter 9.
69Although this chapter of the tutorial will show you how to build CRUD
70functionality yourself, another option is to use a "CRUD builder" type
f2bbfc36 71of tool to automate the process. You get less control, but it can be
72quick and easy. For example, see
d7db9156 73L<Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD|Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD>,
4b4d3884 74L<CatalystX::CRUD|CatalystX::CRUD>, and
7edc5484 75L<CatalystX::CRUD::YUI|CatalystX::CRUD::YUI>.
1390ef0e 76
72609296 77You can check out the source code for this example from the Catalyst
78Subversion repository as per the instructions in
3ab6187c 79L<Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::01_Intro|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::01_Intro>.
d442cc9f 80
3533daff 81
d442cc9f 82=head1 FORMLESS SUBMISSION
55490817 84Our initial attempt at object creation will utilize the "URL
3533daff 85arguments" feature of Catalyst (we will employ the more common form-
86based submission in the sections that follow).
d442cc9f 87
89=head2 Include a Create Action in the Books Controller
91Edit C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> and enter the following method:
93 =head2 url_create
fce83e5f 94
d442cc9f 95 Create a book with the supplied title, rating, and author
fce83e5f 96
d442cc9f 97 =cut
fce83e5f 98
f2bbfc36 99 sub url_create :Local {
55490817 100 # In addition to self & context, get the title, rating, &
101 # author_id args from the URL. Note that Catalyst automatically
102 # puts extra information after the "/<controller_name>/<action_name/"
fce83e5f 103 # into @_. The args are separated by the '/' char on the URL.
d442cc9f 104 my ($self, $c, $title, $rating, $author_id) = @_;
fce83e5f 105
55490817 106 # Call create() on the book model object. Pass the table
d442cc9f 107 # columns/field values we want to set as hash values
3b1fa91b 108 my $book = $c->model('DB::Book')->create({
d442cc9f 109 title => $title,
110 rating => $rating
111 });
fce83e5f 112
55490817 113 # Add a record to the join table for this book, mapping to
d442cc9f 114 # appropriate author
fce83e5f 115 $book->add_to_book_authors({author_id => $author_id});
d442cc9f 116 # Note: Above is a shortcut for this:
fce83e5f 117 # $book->create_related('book_authors', {author_id => $author_id});
d442cc9f 119 # Assign the Book object to the stash for display in the view
120 $c->stash->{book} = $book;
fce83e5f 121
d442cc9f 122 # Set the TT template to use
123 $c->stash->{template} = 'books/create_done.tt2';
124 }
126Notice that Catalyst takes "extra slash-separated information" from the
127URL and passes it as arguments in C<@_>. The C<url_create> action then
128uses a simple call to the DBIC C<create> method to add the requested
129information to the database (with a separate call to
fce83e5f 130C<add_to_book_authors> to update the join table). As do virtually all
d442cc9f 131controller methods (at least the ones that directly handle user input),
132it then sets the template that should handle this request.
8a472b34 135=head2 Include a Template for the 'url_create' Action:
d442cc9f 136
137Edit C<root/src/books/create_done.tt2> and then enter:
139 [% # Use the TT Dumper plugin to Data::Dumper variables to the browser -%]
140 [% # Not a good idea for production use, though. :-) 'Indent=1' is -%]
141 [% # optional, but prevents "massive indenting" of deeply nested objects -%]
142 [% USE Dumper(Indent=1) -%]
fce83e5f 143
d442cc9f 144 [% # Set the page title. META can 'go back' and set values in templates -%]
145 [% # that have been processed 'before' this template (here it's for -%]
72609296 146 [% # root/lib/site/html and root/lib/site/header). Note that META only -%]
147 [% # works on simple/static strings (i.e. there is no variable -%]
148 [% # interpolation). -%]
d442cc9f 149 [% META title = 'Book Created' %]
fce83e5f 150
151 [% # Output information about the record that was added. First title. -%]
d442cc9f 152 <p>Added book '[% book.title %]'
fce83e5f 153
154 [% # Output the last name of the first author. -%]
155 by '[% book.authors.first.last_name %]'
d442cc9f 157 [% # Output the rating for the book that was added -%]
158 with a rating of [% book.rating %].</p>
fce83e5f 159
d442cc9f 160 [% # Provide a link back to the list page -%]
161 [% # 'uri_for()' builds a full URI; e.g., 'http://localhost:3000/books/list' -%]
8a7c5151 162 <p><a href="[% c.uri_for('/books/list') %]">Return to list</a></p>
fce83e5f 163
d442cc9f 164 [% # Try out the TT Dumper (for development only!) -%]
165 <pre>
166 Dump of the 'book' variable:
167 [% Dumper.dump(book) %]
168 </pre>
55490817 170The TT C<USE> directive allows access to a variety of plugin modules
171(TT plugins, that is, not Catalyst plugins) to add extra functionality
172to the base TT capabilities. Here, the plugin allows
173L<Data::Dumper|Data::Dumper> "pretty printing" of objects and
174variables. Other than that, the rest of the code should be familiar
4b4d3884 175from the examples in Chapter 3.
d442cc9f 176
fce83e5f 177Note: If you are using TT v2.15 you will need to change the code that
178outputs the "last name for the first author" above to match this:
180 [% authors = book.authors %]
181 by '[% authors.first.last_name IF authors.first;
182 authors.list.first.value.last_name IF ! authors.first %]'
184to get around an issue in TT v2.15 where blessed hash objects were not
185handled correctly. But, if you are still using v2.15, it's probably
f2bbfc36 186time to upgrade (v2.15 is almost 4 years old). If you are following
444d6b27 187along in Debian, then you should be on at least v2.20. You can test
188your version of Template Toolkit with the following:
fce83e5f 189
190 perl -MTemplate -e 'print "$Template::VERSION\n"'
d442cc9f 192
8a472b34 193=head2 Try the 'url_create' Feature
d442cc9f 194
f2bbfc36 195Make sure the development server is running with the "-r" restart
d442cc9f 197
f2bbfc36 198 $ DBIC_TRACE=1 script/ -r
d442cc9f 199
200Note that new path for C</books/url_create> appears in the startup debug
d442cc9f 203Next, use your browser to enter the following URL:
205 http://localhost:3000/books/url_create/TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2/5/4
55490817 207Your browser should display "Added book 'TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2' by
208'Stevens' with a rating of 5." along with a dump of the new book model
209object as it was returned by DBIC. You should also see the following
210DBIC debug messages displayed in the development server log messages
fbbb9084 211if you have DBIC_TRACE set:
d442cc9f 212
3b1fa91b 213 INSERT INTO book (rating, title) VALUES (?, ?): `5', `TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2'
214 INSERT INTO book_author (author_id, book_id) VALUES (?, ?): `4', `6'
d442cc9f 215
216The C<INSERT> statements are obviously adding the book and linking it to
217the existing record for Richard Stevens. The C<SELECT> statement results
218from DBIC automatically fetching the book for the C<Dumper.dump(book)>.
fce83e5f 220If you then click the "Return to list" link, you should find that
221there are now six books shown (if necessary, Shift+Reload or
222Ctrl+Reload your browser at the C</books/list> page). You should now
223see the six DBIC debug messages similar to the following (where
3b1fa91b 225
a467a714 226 SELECT, author.first_name, author.last_name
227 FROM book_author me JOIN author author
fce83e5f 228 ON = me.author_id WHERE ( me.book_id = ? ): 'N'
d442cc9f 230
89d3dae9 231=head1 CONVERT TO A CHAINED ACTION
55490817 233Although the example above uses the same C<Local> action type for the
4b4d3884 234method that we saw in the previous chapter of the tutorial, there is an
55490817 235alternate approach that allows us to be more specific while also
236paving the way for more advanced capabilities. Change the method
237declaration for C<url_create> in C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> you
89d3dae9 238entered above to match the following:
240 sub url_create :Chained('/') :PathPart('books/url_create') :Args(3) {
fce83e5f 241 # In addition to self & context, get the title, rating, &
242 # author_id args from the URL. Note that Catalyst automatically
243 # puts the first 3 arguments worth of extra information after the
244 # "/<controller_name>/<action_name/" into @_ because we specified
245 # "Args(3)". The args are separated by the '/' char on the URL.
246 my ($self, $c, $title, $rating, $author_id) = @_;
248 ...
89d3dae9 249
55490817 250This converts the method to take advantage of the Chained
72609296 251action/dispatch type. Chaining lets you have a single URL
55490817 252automatically dispatch to several controller methods, each of which
253can have precise control over the number of arguments that it will
89d3dae9 254receive. A chain can essentially be thought of having three parts --
72609296 255a beginning, a middle, and an end. The bullets below summarize the key
89d3dae9 256points behind each of these parts of a chain:
259=over 4
262=item *
266=over 4
268=item *
270B<Use "C<:Chained('/')>" to start a chain>
272=item *
274Get arguments through C<CaptureArgs()>
276=item *
278Specify the path to match with C<PathPart()>
283=item *
287=over 4
289=item *
d442cc9f 290
89d3dae9 291Link to previous part of the chain with C<:Chained('_name_')>
293=item *
295Get arguments through C<CaptureArgs()>
297=item *
299Specify the path to match with C<PathPart()>
304=item *
308=over 4
310=item *
312Link to previous part of the chain with C<:Chained('_name_')>
314=item *
316B<Do NOT get arguments through "C<CaptureArgs()>," use "C<Args()>" instead to end a chain>
318=item *
320Specify the path to match with C<PathPart()>
72609296 327In our C<url_create> method above, we have combined all three parts into
328a single method: C<:Chained('/')> to start the chain,
329C<:PathPart('books/url_create')> to specify the base URL to match, and
330C<:Args(3)> to capture exactly three arguments and to end the chain.
89d3dae9 331
55490817 332As we will see shortly, a chain can consist of as many "links" as you
333wish, with each part capturing some arguments and doing some work
334along the way. We will continue to use the Chained action type in this
4b4d3884 335chapter of the tutorial and explore slightly more advanced capabilities
55490817 336with the base method and delete feature below. But Chained dispatch
337is capable of far more. For additional information, see
338L<Catalyst::Manual::Intro/Action types>,
72609296 340and the 2006 Advent calendar entry on the subject:
89d3dae9 341L<>.
344=head2 Try the Chained Action
55490817 346If you look back at the development server startup logs from your
347initial version of the C<url_create> method (the one using the
89d3dae9 348C<:Local> attribute), you will notice that it produced output similar
349to the following:
fbbb9084 351 [debug] Loaded Path actions:
352 .-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------.
353 | Path | Private |
354 +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
355 | / | /default |
356 | / | /index |
357 | /books | /books/index |
358 | /books/list | /books/list |
359 | /books/url_create | /books/url_create |
360 '-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------'
89d3dae9 361
55490817 362Now start the development server with our basic chained method in
363place and the startup debug output should change to something along
89d3dae9 364the lines of the following:
fbbb9084 366 [debug] Loaded Path actions:
367 .-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------.
368 | Path | Private |
369 +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
370 | / | /default |
371 | / | /index |
372 | /books | /books/index |
373 | /books/list | /books/list |
374 '-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------'
fce83e5f 375
fbbb9084 376 [debug] Loaded Chained actions:
377 .-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------.
378 | Path Spec | Private |
379 +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
380 | /books/url_create/*/*/* | /books/url_create |
381 '-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------'
89d3dae9 382
55490817 383C<url_create> has disappeared form the "Loaded Path actions" section
384but it now shows up under the newly created "Loaded Chained actions"
72609296 385section. And the "/*/*/*" portion clearly shows our requirement for
fbbb9084 386three arguments.
89d3dae9 387
55490817 388As with our non-chained version of C<url_create>, use your browser to
89d3dae9 389enter the following URL:
fbbb9084 391 http://localhost:3000/books/url_create/TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2/5/4
89d3dae9 392
55490817 393You should see the same "Added book 'TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2' by
394'Stevens' with a rating of 5." along with a dump of the new book model
72609296 395object. Click the "Return to list" link, and you should find that there
396are now seven books shown (two copies of I<TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2>).
89d3dae9 397
8a472b34 399=head2 Refactor to Use a 'base' Method to Start the Chains
89d3dae9 400
55490817 401Let's make a quick update to our initial Chained action to show a
402little more of the power of chaining. First, open
89d3dae9 403C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> in your editor and add the following
fbbb9084 406 =head2 base
fce83e5f 407
fbbb9084 408 Can place common logic to start chained dispatch here
fce83e5f 409
fbbb9084 410 =cut
fce83e5f 411
fbbb9084 412 sub base :Chained('/') :PathPart('books') :CaptureArgs(0) {
413 my ($self, $c) = @_;
fce83e5f 414
1cde0fd6 415 # Store the ResultSet in stash so it's available for other methods
3b1fa91b 416 $c->stash->{resultset} = $c->model('DB::Book');
fce83e5f 417
fbbb9084 418 # Print a message to the debug log
419 $c->log->debug('*** INSIDE BASE METHOD ***');
420 }
55490817 422Here we print a log message and store the DBIC ResultSet in
423C<$c-E<gt>stash-E<gt>{resultset}> so that it's automatically available
424for other actions that chain off C<base>. If your controller always
72609296 425needs a book ID as its first argument, you could have the base method
55490817 426capture that argument (with C<:CaptureArgs(1)>) and use it to pull the
427book object with C<-E<gt>find($id)> and leave it in the stash for
428later parts of your chains to then act upon. Because we have several
994b66ad 429actions that don't need to retrieve a book (such as the C<url_create>
430we are working with now), we will instead add that functionality
431to a common C<object> action shortly.
55490817 433As for C<url_create>, let's modify it to first dispatch to C<base>.
434Open up C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> and edit the declaration for
994b66ad 435C<url_create> to match the following:
89d3dae9 436
437 sub url_create :Chained('base') :PathPart('url_create') :Args(3) {
f2bbfc36 439Once you save C<lib/MyApp/Controller/>, notice that the
440development server will restart and our "Loaded Chained actions" section
441will changed slightly:
55490817 442
fbbb9084 443 [debug] Loaded Chained actions:
444 .-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------.
445 | Path Spec | Private |
446 +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
447 | /books/url_create/*/*/* | /books/base (0) |
448 | | => /books/url_create |
449 '-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------'
89d3dae9 450
fce83e5f 451The "Path Spec" is the same, but now it maps to two Private actions as
452we would expect. The C<base> method is being triggered by the
453C</books> part of the URL. However, the processing then continues to
454the C<url_create> method because this method "chained" off C<base> and
455specified C<:PathPart('url_create')> (note that we could have omitted
456the "PathPart" here because it matches the name of the method, but we
444d6b27 457will include it to make the logic as explicit as possible).
89d3dae9 458
459Once again, enter the following URL into your browser:
fbbb9084 461 http://localhost:3000/books/url_create/TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2/5/4
89d3dae9 462
fce83e5f 463The same "Added book 'TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2' by 'Stevens' with a
464rating of 5." message and a dump of the new book object should appear.
465Also notice the extra "INSIDE BASE METHOD" debug message in the
466development server output from the C<base> method. Click the "Return
467to list" link, and you should find that there are now eight books
468shown. (You may have a larger number of books if you repeated any of
469the "create" actions more than once. Don't worry about it as long as
470the number of books is appropriate for the number of times you added
471new books... there should be the original five books added via
472C<myapp01.sql> plus one additional book for each time you ran one
473of the url_create variations above.)
d442cc9f 474
478Although the C<url_create> action in the previous step does begin to
479reveal the power and flexibility of both Catalyst and DBIC, it's
480obviously not a very realistic example of how users should be expected
481to enter data. This section begins to address that concern.
484=head2 Add Method to Display The Form
486Edit C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> and add the following method:
488 =head2 form_create
fce83e5f 489
d442cc9f 490 Display form to collect information for book to create
fce83e5f 491
d442cc9f 492 =cut
fce83e5f 493
89d3dae9 494 sub form_create :Chained('base') :PathPart('form_create') :Args(0) {
d442cc9f 495 my ($self, $c) = @_;
fce83e5f 496
d442cc9f 497 # Set the TT template to use
498 $c->stash->{template} = 'books/form_create.tt2';
499 }
72609296 501This action simply invokes a view containing a form to create a book.
d442cc9f 502
1390ef0e 503
d442cc9f 504=head2 Add a Template for the Form
506Open C<root/src/books/form_create.tt2> in your editor and enter:
508 [% META title = 'Manual Form Book Create' -%]
444d6b27 509
8a7c5151 510 <form method="post" action="[% c.uri_for('form_create_do') %]">
d442cc9f 511 <table>
512 <tr><td>Title:</td><td><input type="text" name="title"></td></tr>
513 <tr><td>Rating:</td><td><input type="text" name="rating"></td></tr>
514 <tr><td>Author ID:</td><td><input type="text" name="author_id"></td></tr>
515 </table>
516 <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
517 </form>
519Note that we have specified the target of the form data as
520C<form_create_do>, the method created in the section that follows.
1390ef0e 522
d442cc9f 523=head2 Add a Method to Process Form Values and Update Database
525Edit C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> and add the following method to
526save the form information to the database:
528 =head2 form_create_do
fce83e5f 529
d442cc9f 530 Take information from form and add to database
fce83e5f 531
d442cc9f 532 =cut
fce83e5f 533
89d3dae9 534 sub form_create_do :Chained('base') :PathPart('form_create_do') :Args(0) {
d442cc9f 535 my ($self, $c) = @_;
fce83e5f 536
d442cc9f 537 # Retrieve the values from the form
538 my $title = $c->request->params->{title} || 'N/A';
539 my $rating = $c->request->params->{rating} || 'N/A';
540 my $author_id = $c->request->params->{author_id} || '1';
fce83e5f 541
d442cc9f 542 # Create the book
3b1fa91b 543 my $book = $c->model('DB::Book')->create({
d442cc9f 544 title => $title,
545 rating => $rating,
546 });
547 # Handle relationship with author
fce83e5f 548 $book->add_to_book_authors({author_id => $author_id});
549 # Note: Above is a shortcut for this:
550 # $book->create_related('book_authors', {author_id => $author_id});
d442cc9f 552 # Store new model object in stash
553 $c->stash->{book} = $book;
fce83e5f 554
d442cc9f 555 # Avoid Data::Dumper issue mentioned earlier
55490817 556 # You can probably omit this
d442cc9f 557 $Data::Dumper::Useperl = 1;
fce83e5f 558
d442cc9f 559 # Set the TT template to use
560 $c->stash->{template} = 'books/create_done.tt2';
561 }
564=head2 Test Out The Form
55490817 566Notice that the server startup log reflects the two new chained
89d3dae9 567methods that we added:
fbbb9084 569 [debug] Loaded Chained actions:
570 .-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------.
571 | Path Spec | Private |
572 +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
573 | /books/form_create | /books/base (0) |
574 | | => /books/form_create |
575 | /books/form_create_do | /books/base (0) |
576 | | => /books/form_create_do |
577 | /books/url_create/*/*/* | /books/base (0) |
578 | | => /books/url_create |
579 '-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------'
89d3dae9 580
d442cc9f 581Point your browser to L<http://localhost:3000/books/form_create> and
582enter "TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol 3" for the title, a rating of 5, and an
1390ef0e 583author ID of 4. You should then see the output of the same
d442cc9f 584C<create_done.tt2> template seen in earlier examples. Finally, click
585"Return to list" to view the full list of books.
587B<Note:> Having the user enter the primary key ID for the author is
fce83e5f 588obviously crude; we will address this concern with a drop-down list and
589add validation to our forms in Chapter 9.
d442cc9f 590
72609296 594Turning our attention to the Delete portion of CRUD, this section
d442cc9f 595illustrates some basic techniques that can be used to remove information
596from the database.
599=head2 Include a Delete Link in the List
1cde0fd6 601Edit C<root/src/books/list.tt2> and update it to match the following (two
d442cc9f 602sections have changed: 1) the additional '<th>Links</th>' table header,
72609296 603and 2) the four lines for the Delete link near the bottom):
d442cc9f 604
605 [% # This is a TT comment. The '-' at the end "chomps" the newline. You won't -%]
606 [% # see this "chomping" in your browser because HTML ignores blank lines, but -%]
607 [% # it WILL eliminate a blank line if you view the HTML source. It's purely -%]
608 [%- # optional, but both the beginning and the ending TT tags support chomping. -%]
fce83e5f 609
28c32bc6 610 [% # Provide a title -%]
d442cc9f 611 [% META title = 'Book List' -%]
fce83e5f 612
d442cc9f 613 <table>
614 <tr><th>Title</th><th>Rating</th><th>Author(s)</th><th>Links</th></tr>
615 [% # Display each book in a table row %]
616 [% FOREACH book IN books -%]
617 <tr>
618 <td>[% book.title %]</td>
619 <td>[% book.rating %]</td>
620 <td>
fce83e5f 621 [% # NOTE: See "Exploring The Power of DBIC" for a better way to do this! -%]
d442cc9f 622 [% # First initialize a TT variable to hold a list. Then use a TT FOREACH -%]
623 [% # loop in 'side effect notation' to load just the last names of the -%]
55490817 624 [% # authors into the list. Note that the 'push' TT vmethod doesn't return -%]
d442cc9f 625 [% # a value, so nothing will be printed here. But, if you have something -%]
55490817 626 [% # in TT that does return a value and you don't want it printed, you can -%]
6d97b973 627 [% # 1) assign it to a bogus value, or -%]
628 [% # 2) use the CALL keyword to call it and discard the return value. -%]
d442cc9f 629 [% tt_authors = [ ];
fce83e5f 630 tt_authors.push(author.last_name) FOREACH author = book.authors %]
d442cc9f 631 [% # Now use a TT 'virtual method' to display the author count in parens -%]
3b1fa91b 632 [% # Note the use of the TT filter "| html" to escape dangerous characters -%]
633 ([% tt_authors.size | html %])
d442cc9f 634 [% # Use another TT vmethod to join & print the names & comma separators -%]
3b1fa91b 635 [% tt_authors.join(', ') | html %]
d442cc9f 636 </td>
637 <td>
638 [% # Add a link to delete a book %]
e075db0c 639 <a href="[% c.uri_for(c.controller.action_for('delete'), []) %]">Delete</a>
d442cc9f 640 </td>
641 </tr>
642 [% END -%]
643 </table>
55490817 645The additional code is obviously designed to add a new column to the
72609296 646right side of the table with a C<Delete> "button" (for simplicity, links
647will be used instead of full HTML buttons; in practice, anything that
fce83e5f 648modifies data should be handled with a form sending a POST request).
fe01b24f 649
55490817 650Also notice that we are using a more advanced form of C<uri_for> than
651we have seen before. Here we use
652C<$c-E<gt>controller-E<gt>action_for> to automatically generate a URI
653appropriate for that action based on the method we want to link to
654while inserting the C<> value into the appropriate place. Now,
655if you ever change C<:PathPart('delete')> in your controller method to
656C<:PathPart('kill')>, then your links will automatically update
657without any changes to your .tt2 template file. As long as the name
72609296 658of your method does not change (here, "delete"), then your links will
55490817 659still be correct. There are a few shortcuts and options when using
0416017e 660C<action_for()>:
662=over 4
664=item *
666If you are referring to a method in the current controller, you can
667use C<$self-E<gt>action_for('_method_name_')>.
669=item *
671If you are referring to a method in a different controller, you need
fbbb9084 672to include that controller's name as an argument to C<controller()>, as in
0416017e 673C<$c-E<gt>controller('_controller_name_')-E<gt>action_for('_method_name_')>.
b2ad8bbd 676
55490817 677B<Note:> In practice you should B<never> use a GET request to delete a
678record -- always use POST for actions that will modify data. We are
c5d94181 679doing it here for illustrative and simplicity purposes only.
d442cc9f 680
1390ef0e 681
994b66ad 682=head2 Add a Common Method to Retrieve a Book for the Chain
55490817 684As mentioned earlier, since we have a mixture of actions that operate
685on a single book ID and others that do not, we should not have C<base>
686capture the book ID, find the corresponding book in the database and
687save it in the stash for later links in the chain. However, just
688because that logic does not belong in C<base> doesn't mean that we
689can't create another location to centralize the book lookup code. In
690our case, we will create a method called C<object> that will store the
691specific book in the stash. Chains that always operate on a single
692existing book can chain off this method, but methods such as
693C<url_create> that don't operate on an existing book can chain
fbbb9084 694directly off base.
994b66ad 695
696To add the C<object> method, edit C<lib/MyApp/Controller/>
697and add the following code:
e075db0c 699 =head2 object
fce83e5f 700
e075db0c 701 Fetch the specified book object based on the book ID and store
702 it in the stash
fce83e5f 703
e075db0c 704 =cut
fce83e5f 705
994b66ad 706 sub object :Chained('base') :PathPart('id') :CaptureArgs(1) {
fbbb9084 707 # $id = primary key of book to delete
994b66ad 708 my ($self, $c, $id) = @_;
fce83e5f 709
994b66ad 710 # Find the book object and store it in the stash
711 $c->stash(object => $c->stash->{resultset}->find($id));
fce83e5f 712
994b66ad 713 # Make sure the lookup was successful. You would probably
714 # want to do something like this in a real app:
715 # $c->detach('/error_404') if !$c->stash->{object};
716 die "Book $id not found!" if !$c->stash->{object};
fce83e5f 717
718 # Print a message to the debug log
719 $c->log->debug("*** INSIDE OBJECT METHOD for obj id=$id ***");
994b66ad 720 }
722Now, any other method that chains off C<object> will automatically
55490817 723have the appropriate book waiting for it in
acbd7bdd 724C<$c-E<gt>stash-E<gt>{object}>.
994b66ad 725
994b66ad 726
d442cc9f 727=head2 Add a Delete Action to the Controller
729Open C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> in your editor and add the
730following method:
1390ef0e 732 =head2 delete
fce83e5f 733
d442cc9f 734 Delete a book
fce83e5f 735
d442cc9f 736 =cut
fce83e5f 737
994b66ad 738 sub delete :Chained('object') :PathPart('delete') :Args(0) {
994b66ad 739 my ($self, $c) = @_;
fce83e5f 740
994b66ad 741 # Use the book object saved by 'object' and delete it along
3b1fa91b 742 # with related 'book_author' entries
994b66ad 743 $c->stash->{object}->delete;
fce83e5f 744
d442cc9f 745 # Set a status message to be displayed at the top of the view
746 $c->stash->{status_msg} = "Book deleted.";
fce83e5f 747
d442cc9f 748 # Forward to the list action/method in this controller
749 $c->forward('list');
750 }
55490817 752This method first deletes the book object saved by the C<object> method.
753However, it also removes the corresponding entry from the
3b1fa91b 754C<book_author> table with a cascading delete.
d442cc9f 755
756Then, rather than forwarding to a "delete done" page as we did with the
757earlier create example, it simply sets the C<status_msg> to display a
758notification to the user as the normal list view is rendered.
760The C<delete> action uses the context C<forward> method to return the
761user to the book list. The C<detach> method could have also been used.
762Whereas C<forward> I<returns> to the original action once it is
763completed, C<detach> does I<not> return. Other than that, the two are
767=head2 Try the Delete Feature
f2bbfc36 769One you save the Books controller, the server should automatically restart.
770The C<delete> method should now appear in the "Loaded Chained actions" section
89d3dae9 771of the startup debug output:
fbbb9084 773 [debug] Loaded Chained actions:
994b66ad 774 .-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------.
775 | Path Spec | Private |
776 +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
777 | /books/id/*/delete | /books/base (0) |
778 | | -> /books/object (1) |
779 | | => /books/delete |
780 | /books/form_create | /books/base (0) |
781 | | => /books/form_create |
782 | /books/form_create_do | /books/base (0) |
783 | | => /books/form_create_do |
784 | /books/url_create/*/*/* | /books/base (0) |
785 | | => /books/url_create |
786 '-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------'
89d3dae9 787
d442cc9f 788Then point your browser to L<http://localhost:3000/books/list> and click
55490817 789the "Delete" link next to the first "TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2". A green
790"Book deleted" status message should display at the top of the page,
994b66ad 791along with a list of the eight remaining books. You will also see the
792cascading delete operation via the DBIC_TRACE output:
3b1fa91b 794 SELECT, me.title, me.rating FROM book me WHERE ( ( = ? ) ): '6'
795 DELETE FROM book WHERE ( id = ? ): '6'
796 SELECT me.book_id, me.author_id FROM book_author me WHERE ( me.book_id = ? ): '6'
797 DELETE FROM book_author WHERE ( author_id = ? AND book_id = ? ): '4', '6'
d442cc9f 798
800=head2 Fixing a Dangerous URL
55490817 802Note the URL in your browser once you have performed the deletion in the
d442cc9f 803prior step -- it is still referencing the delete action:
acbd7bdd 805 http://localhost:3000/books/id/6/delete
d442cc9f 806
55490817 807What if the user were to press reload with this URL still active? In
808this case the redundant delete is harmless (although it does generate
809an exception screen, it doesn't perform any undesirable actions on the
810application or database), but in other cases this could clearly be
fbbb9084 811extremely dangerous.
d442cc9f 812
813We can improve the logic by converting to a redirect. Unlike
814C<$c-E<gt>forward('list'))> or C<$c-E<gt>detach('list'))> that perform
815a server-side alteration in the flow of processing, a redirect is a
3533daff 816client-side mechanism that causes the browser to issue an entirely
d442cc9f 817new request. As a result, the URL in the browser is updated to match
818the destination of the redirection URL.
820To convert the forward used in the previous section to a redirect,
55490817 821open C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> and edit the existing
d442cc9f 822C<sub delete> method to match:
994b66ad 824 =head2 delete
fce83e5f 825
d442cc9f 826 Delete a book
fce83e5f 827
d442cc9f 828 =cut
fce83e5f 829
994b66ad 830 sub delete :Chained('object') :PathPart('delete') :Args(0) {
fbbb9084 831 my ($self, $c) = @_;
fce83e5f 832
994b66ad 833 # Use the book object saved by 'object' and delete it along
3b1fa91b 834 # with related 'book_author' entries
994b66ad 835 $c->stash->{object}->delete;
fce83e5f 836
d442cc9f 837 # Set a status message to be displayed at the top of the view
838 $c->stash->{status_msg} = "Book deleted.";
fce83e5f 839
0416017e 840 # Redirect the user back to the list page. Note the use
841 # of $self->action_for as earlier in this section (BasicCRUD)
fbbb9084 842 $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for($self->action_for('list')));
d442cc9f 843 }
846=head2 Try the Delete and Redirect Logic
f2bbfc36 848Point your browser to L<http://localhost:3000/books/list> (don't just
849hit "Refresh" in your browser since we left the URL in an invalid state
850in the previous section!) and delete the first copy of the remaining two
851"TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2" books. The URL in your browser should return
852to the L<http://localhost:3000/books/list> URL, so that is an
853improvement, but notice that I<no green "Book deleted" status message is
854displayed>. Because the stash is reset on every request (and a redirect
855involves a second request), the C<status_msg> is cleared before it can
856be displayed.
d442cc9f 857
8a472b34 859=head2 Using 'uri_for' to Pass Query Parameters
d442cc9f 860
4b4d3884 861There are several ways to pass information across a redirect. One
862option is to use the C<flash> technique that we will see in Chapter 5
72609296 863of this tutorial; however, here we will pass the information via query
4b4d3884 864parameters on the redirect itself. Open
865C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> and update the existing C<sub delete>
89d3dae9 866method to match the following:
d442cc9f 867
55490817 868 =head2 delete
fce83e5f 869
d442cc9f 870 Delete a book
fce83e5f 871
d442cc9f 872 =cut
fce83e5f 873
994b66ad 874 sub delete :Chained('object') :PathPart('delete') :Args(0) {
fbbb9084 875 my ($self, $c) = @_;
fce83e5f 876
994b66ad 877 # Use the book object saved by 'object' and delete it along
3b1fa91b 878 # with related 'book_author' entries
994b66ad 879 $c->stash->{object}->delete;
fce83e5f 880
d442cc9f 881 # Redirect the user back to the list page with status msg as an arg
55490817 882 $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for($self->action_for('list'),
d442cc9f 883 {status_msg => "Book deleted."}));
884 }
886This modification simply leverages the ability of C<uri_for> to include
55490817 887an arbitrary number of name/value pairs in a hash reference. Next, we
888need to update C<root/src/wrapper.tt2> to handle C<status_msg> as a
d442cc9f 889query parameter:
1390ef0e 891 ...
d442cc9f 892 <div id="content">
1390ef0e 893 [%# Status and error messages %]
894 <span class="message">[% status_msg || c.request.params.status_msg %]</span>
895 <span class="error">[% error_msg %]</span>
896 [%# This is where TT will stick all of your template's contents. -%]
897 [% content %]
898 </div><!-- end content -->
899 ...
55490817 901Although the sample above only shows the C<content> div, leave the
1390ef0e 902rest of the file intact -- the only change we made to the C<wrapper.tt2>
55490817 903was to add "C<|| c.request.params.status_msg>" to the
1390ef0e 904C<E<lt>span class="message"E<gt>> line.
d442cc9f 905
907=head2 Try the Delete and Redirect With Query Param Logic
f2bbfc36 909Point your browser to L<http://localhost:3000/books/list> (you should
910now be able to safely hit "refresh" in your browser). Then delete the
911remaining copy of "TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2". The green "Book deleted"
912status message should return.
d442cc9f 913
55490817 914B<NOTE:> Another popular method for maintaining server-side
915information across a redirect is to use the C<flash> technique we
4b4d3884 916discuss in the next chapter of the tutorial,
3ab6187c 917L<Authentication|Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::05_Authentication>. While
55490817 918C<flash> is a "slicker" mechanism in that it's all handled by the
919server and doesn't "pollute" your URLs, B<it is important to note that
920C<flash> can lead to situations where the wrong information shows up
921in the wrong browser window if the user has multiple windows or
72609296 922browser tabs open>. For example, Window A causes something to be
55490817 923placed in the stash, but before that window performs a redirect,
924Window B makes a request to the server and gets the status information
994b66ad 925that should really go to Window A. For this reason, you may wish
89d3dae9 926to use the "query param" technique shown here in your applications.
d442cc9f 927
1cde0fd6 929=head1 EXPLORING THE POWER OF DBIC
55490817 931In this section we will explore some additional capabilities offered
932by DBIx::Class. Although these features have relatively little to do
933with Catalyst per se, you will almost certainly want to take advantage
1cde0fd6 934of them in your applications.
1cde0fd6 937=head2 Add Datetime Columns to Our Existing Books Table
55490817 939Let's add two columns to our existing C<books> table to track when
1cde0fd6 940each book was added and when each book is updated:
942 $ sqlite3 myapp.db
3b1fa91b 943 sqlite> ALTER TABLE book ADD created INTEGER;
944 sqlite> ALTER TABLE book ADD updated INTEGER;
945 sqlite> UPDATE book SET created = DATETIME('NOW'), updated = DATETIME('NOW');
946 sqlite> SELECT * FROM book;
f2bbfc36 947 1|CCSP SNRS Exam Certification Guide|5|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
948 2|TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1|5|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
949 3|Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1|4|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
950 4|Perl Cookbook|5|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
951 5|Designing with Web Standards|5|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
952 9|TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol 3|5|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
1cde0fd6 953 sqlite> .quit
954 $
956This will modify the C<books> table to include the two new fields
957and populate those fields with the current time.
acbd7bdd 959
a46b474e 960=head2 Update DBIx::Class to Automatically Handle the Datetime Columns
1cde0fd6 961
962Next, we should re-run the DBIC helper to update the Result Classes
963with the new fields:
965 $ script/ model DB DBIC::Schema MyApp::Schema \
b66dd084 966 create=static components=TimeStamp dbi:SQLite:myapp.db \
967 on_connect_do="PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON"
1cde0fd6 968 exists "/root/dev/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Model"
969 exists "/root/dev/MyApp/script/../t"
970 Dumping manual schema for MyApp::Schema to directory /root/dev/MyApp/script/../lib ...
971 Schema dump completed.
972 exists "/root/dev/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Model/"
974Notice that we modified our use of the helper slightly: we told
d05dbc42 975it to include the L<DBIx::Class::TimeStamp|DBIx::Class::TimeStamp>
1cde0fd6 976in the C<load_components> line of the Result Classes.
f2bbfc36 978If you open C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/> in your editor you should
979see that the C<created> and C<updated> fields are now included in the
980call to C<add_columns()>. However, also notice that the C<many_to_many>
981relationships we manually added below the "C<# DO NOT MODIFY...>" line
982were automatically preserved.
1cde0fd6 983
55490817 984While we have this file open, let's update it with some additional
985information to have DBIC automatically handle the updating of these
986two fields for us. Insert the following code at the bottom of the
987file (it B<must> be B<below> the "C<# DO NOT MODIFY...>" line and
1cde0fd6 988B<above> the C<1;> on the last line):
990 #
991 # Enable automatic date handling
992 #
993 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
994 "created",
995 { data_type => 'datetime', set_on_create => 1 },
996 "updated",
997 { data_type => 'datetime', set_on_create => 1, set_on_update => 1 },
55490817 998 );
1cde0fd6 999
a46b474e 1000This will override the definition for these fields that Schema::Loader
1001placed at the top of the file. The C<set_on_create> and
1002C<set_on_update> options will cause DBIx::Class to automatically
1003update the timestamps in these columns whenever a row is created or
1cde0fd6 1005
1cde0fd6 1006Then enter the following URL into your web browser:
1008 http://localhost:3000/books/url_create/TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2/5/4
1010You should get the same "Book Created" screen we saw above. However,
1011if you now use the sqlite3 command-line tool to dump the C<books> table,
1012you will see that the new book we added has an appropriate date and
1013time entered for it (see the last line in the listing below):
444d6b27 1015 $ sqlite3 myapp.db "select * from book"
f2bbfc36 1016 1|CCSP SNRS Exam Certification Guide|5|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
1017 2|TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1|5|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
1018 3|Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1|4|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
1019 4|Perl Cookbook|5|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
1020 5|Designing with Web Standards|5|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
1021 9|TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol 3|5|2010-02-16 04:15:45|2010-02-16 04:15:45
1022 10|TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2|5|2010-02-16 04:18:42|2010-02-16 04:18:42
1cde0fd6 1023
55490817 1024Notice in the debug log that the SQL DBIC generated has changed to
1cde0fd6 1025incorporate the datetime logic:
2a6eb5f9 1027 INSERT INTO book ( created, rating, title, updated ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? ):
f2bbfc36 1028 '2010-02-16 04:18:42', '5', 'TCPIP_Illustrated_Vol-2', '2010-02-16 04:18:42'
2a6eb5f9 1029 INSERT INTO book_author ( author_id, book_id ) VALUES ( ?, ? ): '4', '10'
1cde0fd6 1030
1032=head2 Create a ResultSet Class
444d6b27 1034An often overlooked but extremely powerful features of DBIC is that it
55490817 1035allows you to supply your own subclasses of C<DBIx::Class::ResultSet>.
1036It allows you to pull complex and unsightly "query code" out of your
1cde0fd6 1037controllers and encapsulate it in a method of your ResultSet Class.
1038These "canned queries" in your ResultSet Class can then be invoked
1039via a single call, resulting in much cleaner and easier to read
1040controller code.
55490817 1042To illustrate the concept with a fairly simple example, let's create a
1cde0fd6 1043method that returns books added in the last 10 minutes. Start by
a46b474e 1044making a directory where DBIx::Class will look for our ResultSet Class:
1cde0fd6 1045
444d6b27 1046 $ mkdir lib/MyApp/Schema/ResultSet
1cde0fd6 1047
3b1fa91b 1048Then open C<lib/MyApp/Schema/ResultSet/> and enter the following:
1cde0fd6 1049
3b1fa91b 1050 package MyApp::Schema::ResultSet::Book;
fce83e5f 1051
1cde0fd6 1052 use strict;
1053 use warnings;
1054 use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
fce83e5f 1055
1cde0fd6 1056 =head2 created_after
fce83e5f 1057
1cde0fd6 1058 A predefined search for recently added books
fce83e5f 1059
1cde0fd6 1060 =cut
fce83e5f 1061
1cde0fd6 1062 sub created_after {
fadc4ae7 1063 my ($self, $datetime) = @_;
fce83e5f 1064
b66dd084 1065 my $date_str = $self->result_source->schema->storage
fadc4ae7 1066 ->datetime_parser->format_datetime($datetime);
fce83e5f 1067
fadc4ae7 1068 return $self->search({
1069 created => { '>' => $date_str }
1070 });
1cde0fd6 1071 }
fce83e5f 1072
1cde0fd6 1073 1;
1cde0fd6 1075Then add the following method to the C<lib/MyApp/Controller/>:
1077 =head2 list_recent
fce83e5f 1078
1cde0fd6 1079 List recently created books
fce83e5f 1080
1cde0fd6 1081 =cut
fce83e5f 1082
1cde0fd6 1083 sub list_recent :Chained('base') :PathPart('list_recent') :Args(1) {
1084 my ($self, $c, $mins) = @_;
fce83e5f 1085
1cde0fd6 1086 # Retrieve all of the book records as book model objects and store in the
1087 # stash where they can be accessed by the TT template, but only
1088 # retrieve books created within the last $min number of minutes
3b1fa91b 1089 $c->stash->{books} = [$c->model('DB::Book')
1cde0fd6 1090 ->created_after(DateTime->now->subtract(minutes => $mins))];
fce83e5f 1091
1cde0fd6 1092 # Set the TT template to use. You will almost always want to do this
1093 # in your action methods (action methods respond to user input in
1094 # your controllers).
1095 $c->stash->{template} = 'books/list.tt2';
1096 }
f2bbfc36 1098Now try different values for the "minutes" argument (the final number
1099value) using the URL C<http://localhost:3000/books/list_recent/_#_> in
1100your browser. For example, this would list all books added in the last
1101fifteen minutes:
1cde0fd6 1102
1103 http://localhost:3000/books/list_recent/15
1105Depending on how recently you added books, you might want to
1106try a higher or lower value.
1109=head2 Chaining ResultSets
a46b474e 1111One of the most helpful and powerful features in DBIx::Class is that
1112it allows you to "chain together" a series of queries (note that this
1113has nothing to do with the "Chained Dispatch" for Catalyst that we
1114were discussing above). Because each ResultSet returns another
1115ResultSet, you can take an initial query and immediately feed that
1116into a second query (and so on for as many queries you need). Note
1117that no matter how many ResultSets you chain together, the database
1118itself will not be hit until you use a method that attempts to access
1119the data. And, because this technique carries over to the ResultSet
1120Class feature we implemented in the previous section for our "canned
1121search", we can combine the two capabilities. For example, let's add
1122an action to our C<Books> controller that lists books that are both
1123recent I<and> have "TCP" in the title. Open up
1124C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> and add the following method:
1cde0fd6 1125
acbd7bdd 1126 =head2 list_recent_tcp
fce83e5f 1127
1cde0fd6 1128 List recently created books
fce83e5f 1129
1cde0fd6 1130 =cut
fce83e5f 1131
1cde0fd6 1132 sub list_recent_tcp :Chained('base') :PathPart('list_recent_tcp') :Args(1) {
1133 my ($self, $c, $mins) = @_;
fce83e5f 1134
1cde0fd6 1135 # Retrieve all of the book records as book model objects and store in the
1136 # stash where they can be accessed by the TT template, but only
1137 # retrieve books created within the last $min number of minutes
1138 # AND that have 'TCP' in the title
3b1fa91b 1139 $c->stash->{books} = [$c->model('DB::Book')
1cde0fd6 1140 ->created_after(DateTime->now->subtract(minutes => $mins))
1141 ->search({title => {'like', '%TCP%'}})
1142 ];
fce83e5f 1143
1cde0fd6 1144 # Set the TT template to use. You will almost always want to do this
1145 # in your action methods (action methods respond to user input in
1146 # your controllers).
1147 $c->stash->{template} = 'books/list.tt2';
1148 }
f2bbfc36 1150To try this out, enter the following URL into your browser:
1cde0fd6 1151
1152 http://localhost:3000/books/list_recent_tcp/100
55490817 1154And you should get a list of books added in the last 100 minutes that
1155contain the string "TCP" in the title. However, if you look at all
1156books within the last 100 minutes, you should get a longer list
1157(again, you might have to adjust the number of minutes depending on
1cde0fd6 1158how recently you added books to your database):
1160 http://localhost:3000/books/list_recent/100
55490817 1162Take a look at the DBIC_TRACE output in the development server log for
1cde0fd6 1163the first URL and you should see something similar to the following:
fce83e5f 1165 SELECT, me.title, me.rating, me.created, me.updated FROM book me
f2bbfc36 1166 WHERE ( ( title LIKE ? AND created > ? ) ): '%TCP%', '2010-02-16 02:49:32'
1cde0fd6 1167
55490817 1168However, let's not pollute our controller code with this raw "TCP"
1169query -- it would be cleaner to encapsulate that code in a method on
1170our ResultSet Class. To do this, open
3b1fa91b 1171C<lib/MyApp/Schema/ResultSet/> and add the following method:
1cde0fd6 1172
1173 =head2 title_like
fce83e5f 1174
1cde0fd6 1175 A predefined search for books with a 'LIKE' search in the string
fce83e5f 1176
1cde0fd6 1177 =cut
fce83e5f 1178
1cde0fd6 1179 sub title_like {
fadc4ae7 1180 my ($self, $title_str) = @_;
fce83e5f 1181
fadc4ae7 1182 return $self->search({
1183 title => { 'like' => "%$title_str%" }
1184 });
1cde0fd6 1185 }
55490817 1187We defined the search string as C<$title_str> to make the method more
1188flexible. Now update the C<list_recent_tcp> method in
1189C<lib/MyApp/Controller/> to match the following (we have
1190replaced the C<-E<gt>search> line with the C<-E<gt>title_like> line
1cde0fd6 1191shown here -- the rest of the method should be the same):
1193 =head2 list_recent_tcp
fce83e5f 1194
1cde0fd6 1195 List recently created books
fce83e5f 1196
1cde0fd6 1197 =cut
fce83e5f 1198
1cde0fd6 1199 sub list_recent_tcp :Chained('base') :PathPart('list_recent_tcp') :Args(1) {
1200 my ($self, $c, $mins) = @_;
fce83e5f 1201
1cde0fd6 1202 # Retrieve all of the book records as book model objects and store in the
1203 # stash where they can be accessed by the TT template, but only
1204 # retrieve books created within the last $min number of minutes
1205 # AND that have 'TCP' in the title
3b1fa91b 1206 $c->stash->{books} = [$c->model('DB::Book')
1cde0fd6 1207 ->created_after(DateTime->now->subtract(minutes => $mins))
1208 ->title_like('TCP')
1209 ];
fce83e5f 1210
1cde0fd6 1211 # Set the TT template to use. You will almost always want to do this
1212 # in your action methods (action methods respond to user input in
1213 # your controllers).
1214 $c->stash->{template} = 'books/list.tt2';
1215 }
f2bbfc36 1217Try out the C<list_recent_tcp> and C<list_recent> URLs as we did above.
1218They should work just the same, but our code is obviously cleaner and
1219more modular, while also being more flexible at the same time.
1cde0fd6 1220
1222=head2 Adding Methods to Result Classes
a46b474e 1224In the previous two sections we saw a good example of how we could use
1225DBIx::Class ResultSet Classes to clean up our code for an entire query
1226(for example, our "canned searches" that filtered the entire query).
1227We can do a similar improvement when working with individual rows as
1228well. Whereas the ResultSet construct is used in DBIC to correspond
1229to an entire query, the Result Class construct is used to represent a
1230row. Therefore, we can add row-specific "helper methods" to our Result
1231Classes stored in C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/>. For example, open
3b1fa91b 1232C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/> and add the following method (as
a46b474e 1233always, it must be above the closing "C<1;>"):
1cde0fd6 1234
1235 #
1236 # Helper methods
1237 #
1238 sub full_name {
1239 my ($self) = @_;
fce83e5f 1240
1cde0fd6 1241 return $self->first_name . ' ' . $self->last_name;
1242 }
55490817 1244This will allow us to conveniently retrieve both the first and last
1245name for an author in one shot. Now open C<root/src/books/list.tt2>
1cde0fd6 1246and change the definition of C<tt_authors> from this:
acbd7bdd 1248 ...
1cde0fd6 1249 [% tt_authors = [ ];
fce83e5f 1250 tt_authors.push(author.last_name) FOREACH author = book.authors %]
acbd7bdd 1251 ...
1cde0fd6 1252
acbd7bdd 1255 ...
1cde0fd6 1256 [% tt_authors = [ ];
fce83e5f 1257 tt_authors.push(author.full_name) FOREACH author = book.authors %]
acbd7bdd 1258 ...
1cde0fd6 1259
55490817 1260(Only C<author.last_name> was changed to C<author.full_name> -- the
1cde0fd6 1261rest of the file should remain the same.)
f2bbfc36 1263Now go to the standard book list URL:
1cde0fd6 1264
1265 http://localhost:3000/books/list
55490817 1267The "Author(s)" column will now contain both the first and last name.
1268And, because the concatenation logic was encapsulated inside our
444d6b27 1269Result Class, it keeps the code inside our TT template nice and clean
55490817 1270(remember, we want the templates to be as close to pure HTML markup as
1271possible). Obviously, this capability becomes even more useful as you
444d6b27 1272use to to remove even more complicated row-specific logic from your
1cde0fd6 1273templates!
fce83e5f 1276=head2 Moving Complicated View Code to the Model
1278The previous section illustrated how we could use a Result Class
1279method to print the full names of the authors without adding any extra
1280code to our view, but it still left us with a fairly ugly mess (see
1283 ...
1284 <td>
1285 [% # NOTE: See Chapter 4 for a better way to do this! -%]
1286 [% # First initialize a TT variable to hold a list. Then use a TT FOREACH -%]
1287 [% # loop in 'side effect notation' to load just the last names of the -%]
1288 [% # authors into the list. Note that the 'push' TT vmethod does not print -%]
1289 [% # a value, so nothing will be printed here. But, if you have something -%]
1290 [% # in TT that does return a method and you don't want it printed, you -%]
1291 [% # can: 1) assign it to a bogus value, or 2) use the CALL keyword to -%]
1292 [% # call it and discard the return value. -%]
1293 [% tt_authors = [ ];
1294 tt_authors.push(author.full_name) FOREACH author = book.authors %]
1295 [% # Now use a TT 'virtual method' to display the author count in parens -%]
1296 [% # Note the use of the TT filter "| html" to escape dangerous characters -%]
1297 ([% tt_authors.size | html %])
1298 [% # Use another TT vmethod to join & print the names & comma separators -%]
1299 [% tt_authors.join(', ') | html %]
1300 </td>
1301 ...
1303Let's combine some of the techniques used earlier in this section to
1304clean this up. First, let's add a method to our Book Result Class to
1305return the number of authors for a book. Open
1306C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/> and add the following method:
444d6b27 1308 =head2 author_count
1310 Return the number of authors for the current book
fce83e5f 1312 =cut
1314 sub author_count {
1315 my ($self) = @_;
1317 # Use the 'many_to_many' relationship to fetch all of the authors for the current
1318 # and the 'count' method in DBIx::Class::ResultSet to get a SQL COUNT
1319 return $self->authors->count;
1320 }
1322Next, let's add a method to return a list of authors for a book to the
1323same C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/> file:
1325 =head2 author_list
1327 Return a comma-separated list of authors for the current book
1329 =cut
1331 sub author_list {
1332 my ($self) = @_;
1334 # Loop through all authors for the current book, calling all the 'full_name'
1335 # Result Class method for each
1336 my @names;
1337 foreach my $author ($self->authors) {
1338 push(@names, $author->full_name);
1339 }
1341 return join(', ', @names);
1342 }
1344This method loops through each author, using the C<full_name> Result
1345Class method we added to C<lib/MyApp/Schema/Result/> in the
1346prior section.
1348Using these two methods, we can simplify our TT code. Open
1349C<root/src/books/list.tt2> and update the "Author(s)" table cell to
1350match the following:
1352 ...
1353 <td>
1354 [% # Print count and author list using Result Class methods -%]
1355 ([% book.author_count | html %]) [% book.author_list | html %]
1356 </td>
1357 ...
1359Although most of the code we removed comprised comments, the overall
f2bbfc36 1360effect is dramatic... because our view code is so simple, we don't need
1361huge comments to clue people in to the gist of our code. The view code
1362is now self-documenting and readable enough that you could probably get
1363by with no comments at all. All of the "complex" work is being done in
1364our Result Class methods (and, because we have broken the code into
1365nice, modular chucks, the Result Class code is hardly something you
1366would call complex).
fce83e5f 1367
1368As we saw in this section, always strive to keep your view AND
1369controller code as simple as possible by pulling code out into your
1370model objects. Because DBIx::Class can be easily extended in so many
1371ways, it's an excellent to way accomplish this objective. It will
1372make your code cleaner, easier to write, less error-prone, and easier
1373to debug and maintain.
f2bbfc36 1375Before you conclude this section, hit Refresh in your browser... the
1376output should be the same even though the backend code has been trimmed
444d6b27 1378
fce83e5f 1379
d442cc9f 1380=head1 AUTHOR
1382Kennedy Clark, C<>
1384Please report any errors, issues or suggestions to the author. The
1385most recent version of the Catalyst Tutorial can be found at
59884771 1386L<>.
d442cc9f 1387
45c7830f 1388Copyright 2006-2008, Kennedy Clark, under Creative Commons License
95674086 1389(L<>).