2009-10-09 naquad Added overview for beginners page (lib/Devel/REPL/Overv...
2009-07-01 t0m Bump versions
2009-07-01 t0m Insist on new Module::Install
2009-07-01 t0m Update MANIFEST.SKIP to not hate subversion users so...
2009-05-30 oliver resolve rt.cpan#44919 fix deprecated use of compute_all...
2009-04-10 oliver had to cut a new release, missing some M::I files ...
2009-04-09 oliver version bumps and Changes edit for new release
2009-04-09 oliver resolve rt.cpan#43807 three Completion drivers not...
2009-04-09 oliver resolve rt.cpan#43808 infinite recursion on Plugin...
2009-04-09 oliver resolve rt.cpan#44902 warning due to deprecated use...
2009-03-23 acmoore small fix to paste_title attribute of Nopaste plugin
2009-03-23 acmoore Adding comment formatting option to the nopaste plugin
2009-03-22 acmoore Adding #pastetitle command to Nopaste plugin
2009-02-18 Sartak r80228@onn: sartak | 2009-02-17 19:59:17 -0500
2009-02-18 Sartak r80226@onn: sartak | 2009-02-17 19:58:22 -0500
2009-02-15 oliver resolve rt.cpan#43109 Missing deps for Default Profile...
2009-02-07 oliver resolve rt.cpan#42904 Nopaste plugin handle undef error...
2009-02-07 oliver make ReadLineHistory history file location portable
2009-02-06 Sartak r79775@onn: sartak | 2009-02-06 15:56:59 -0500
2009-01-21 oliver make plugins be M::I features so dependencies are optional
2009-01-18 oliver make plugins be M::I features so dependencies are optional
2009-01-08 oliver Couple of mistakes in the manifest which was last commi...
2009-01-06 oliver Fix manifest
2009-01-06 oliver add distro files
2009-01-06 oliver update dependency versions, update Changes file from...
2008-12-16 Sartak r77573@onn: sartak | 2008-12-16 17:10:11 -0500
2008-08-12 Sartak r69376@onn: sartak | 2008-08-12 17:10:55 -0400
2008-08-12 Sartak r69325@onn: sartak | 2008-08-12 06:34:42 -0400
2008-07-29 ilmari Allow exception objects.
2008-06-25 Sartak r63228@onn: sartak | 2008-06-25 05:01:43 -0400
2008-06-25 Sartak r63222@onn: sartak | 2008-06-25 00:48:41 -0400
2008-06-20 matthewt fix from Sartak for end-of-line comment bug reported...
2008-06-09 oliver add expanded documentation
2008-06-09 oliver add expanded documentation
2008-06-02 Sartak r61423@onn: sartak | 2008-06-02 16:00:33 -0400
2008-05-31 Sartak r61346@onn: sartak | 2008-05-31 12:56:47 -0400
2008-05-31 Sartak r61342@onn: sartak | 2008-05-31 12:21:47 -0400
2008-05-31 nothingmuch use namespaace::clean in turtles completion driver
2008-05-31 Sartak r61340@onn: sartak | 2008-05-31 12:17:19 -0400
2008-05-31 Sartak r61338@onn: sartak | 2008-05-31 11:57:10 -0400
2008-05-27 Sartak r61093@onn: sartak | 2008-05-26 21:37:55 -0400
2008-05-27 Sartak r61091@onn: sartak | 2008-05-26 21:32:50 -0400
2008-05-27 Sartak r61087@onn: sartak | 2008-05-26 21:31:37 -0400
2008-05-27 Sartak r61086@onn: sartak | 2008-05-26 21:31:16 -0400
2008-05-26 Sartak Tweaks to complete package names and variables
2008-05-26 Sartak Return a reference to the correct lexical variable...
2008-05-26 Sartak Have LexEnv wrap find_variable to first look at lexical...
2008-05-26 Sartak Have Methods completion driver use FindVariable to...
2008-05-26 Sartak FindVariable plugin, which returns a reference to a...
2008-05-26 Sartak Back out previous change. requires doesn't work for...
2008-05-26 Sartak Use requires lexical_environment instead of manually...
2008-05-25 Sartak Avoid completing keywords on $foo-> ...
2008-05-25 Sartak CompletionDriver::Methods which currently only works...
2008-05-25 Sartak Add a PPI plugin for #ppi CODE
2008-05-25 Sartak Devel::REPL::Plugin::CompletionDriver::Globals
2008-05-25 Sartak Comment on what each piece of the INC driver is doing
2008-05-25 Sartak Various improvements and cleanups in CompletionDriver...
2008-05-25 Sartak Fully recurse so that we can complete more precisely
2008-05-25 Sartak If we complete to a subdirectory, add the final ::
2008-05-25 Sartak Add the @INC completion driver. Needs some tweaking...
2008-05-25 Sartak Refactor the finding of the last element of the documen...
2008-05-14 nothingmuch r80567@dhcp117: nothingmuch | 2008-05-14 19:51:22...
2008-05-14 nothingmuch r80566@dhcp117: nothingmuch | 2008-05-14 19:50:52...
2008-05-07 nothingmuch make mangling optional in B::Concise plugin
2008-05-06 Sartak Refactor to make it easier to add print/warn to the...
2008-05-06 Sartak Add a Nopaste plugin. #nopaste will publish your curren...
2008-05-06 Sartak Add the appropriate newlines from MultiLine::PPI
2008-05-06 Sartak Update Packages so that it won't explode on comments...
2008-05-06 nothingmuch Devel::REPL::Error
2008-05-06 nothingmuch Add CompletionDriver::Turtles
2008-05-05 nothingmuch update Plugin::Peek for error object
2008-05-05 nothingmuch update B::Concise plugin for error handling
2008-05-05 nothingmuch Devel::REPL::Plugin::B::Concise
2008-05-05 nothingmuch Devel::REPL::Plugin::Peek
2008-05-05 nothingmuch make compile return a single value, use is_error to...
2008-05-05 nothingmuch refactor formatting/printing shit, introduce error...
2008-05-05 nothingmuch print a warning when Completion is loaded but the Term...
2008-05-05 nothingmuch Cleanup Plugin::Packages
2008-05-05 nothingmuch 5.008001 instead of 5.8.1
2008-05-05 nothingmuch even turtles hate PPI
2008-05-05 Sartak Turn MultiLine::PPI's needs_continuation into a method...
2008-03-01 Sartak OutputCache: If sub _ is already defined, then warn...
2008-02-25 matthewt 1.002001
2008-02-18 Sartak Bump to 1.2.0, releasing to CPAN
2008-02-18 Sartak Depend on a minimum version of MooseX-Object-Pluggable
2008-01-25 matthewt use alias_method instead of trying to bolt in the MOP...
2007-11-29 Sartak Add most of my Changes, except the pesky Completion...
2007-11-29 Sartak Add the OutputCache plugin, which stores the most recen...
2007-11-08 matthewt fix REPL.pm to obsolete NewlineHack, commit changes...
2007-11-03 Sartak Add a Timing plugin to report how long each eval takes
2007-11-02 Sartak Add an Interrupt plugin for better handling of ^C
2007-09-26 Sartak Add LexEnv completion plugin. I still owe mst a refacto...
2007-09-23 Sartak Rewrite the Completion plugin using PPI. It's much...
2007-09-22 Sartak Remove -e switch, but refactor load_rcfile to make...
2007-09-21 Sartak FancyPrompt plugin for user-defined prompts, and an...
2007-09-21 Sartak You can now use re.pl -e 1.pl -e 2.pl to run 1.pl 2...
2007-09-21 Sartak grep /^${var}$/ is a little silly, just use $_ eq $var
2007-09-21 Sartak Color compile-time warnings
2007-09-21 Sartak 'Colors' plugin to colorize return values and errors...
2007-09-21 Sartak Add MultiLine::PPI to the default profile