isa => Str,
+=head2 sqlt_args
+Arguments that are passed to SQL::Translator when ever it is invoked
+has 'sqlt_args' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => DBICHashRef,
=head2 version
Used for install, the version which will be 'installed' in the schema
$preversion ||= $self->preversion();
$sqlt_type ||= $self->sql_type();
+ $sqlt_args ||= $self->sqlt_args();
my $schema = $self->schema();
# create the dir if does not exist
['connect:s' => 'Supply the connect info as a json string' ],
['sql-dir:s' => 'The directory where sql diffs will be created'],
['sql-type:s' => 'The RDBMs flavour you wish to use'],
+ ['sqlt-args:s%' => 'Arguments to pass to SQL::Translate'],
['version:i' => 'Supply a version install'],
['preversion:s' => 'The previous version to diff against',],
['set:s' => 'JSON data used to perform data operations' ],
test_exec (qw| -It/lib/testinclude --schema=DBICTestAdminInc --insert --connect=[] |);
cmp_ok ( $? >> 8, '==', 70, 'Correct exit code from connecting a custom INC schema' );
+# test json backends
for my $js (@json_backends) {
eval {JSON::Any->import ($js) };
+# test dbicadmin schema create
+test_exec ( default_args(), qw|--create --sqlt-args add_drop_tables=1| );
sub test_dbicadmin {
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( sqlite_use_file => 1 ); # reinit a fresh db for every run