Ensure that concatenating "__END__" onto the script behaves correctly even
if $Tak::STDIONode::DATA happens to end in a \w character. It's not clear
to me whether that's actually possible in practice, but defensively adding
extra whitespace seems like a good idea nonetheless.
my $log_level = $args{log_level}||'info';
my ($kid_in, $kid_out, $kid_pid) = $self->_open($on, $log_level);
if ($kid_pid) {
- $kid_in->print($Tak::STDIONode::DATA, "__END__\n") unless $on eq '-';
+ $kid_in->print($Tak::STDIONode::DATA, "\n__END__\n") unless $on eq '-';
# Need to get a handshake to indicate STDIOSetup has finished
# messing around with file descriptors, otherwise we can severely
# confuse things by sending before the dup.