//This is essential to make sure zooming and panning works properly.
svg_root.viewBox.baseVal.width = graph_svg.attr( 'width' );
svg_root.viewBox.baseVal.height = graph_svg.attr( 'height' );
//Now set scale and translate so svg height is about 150px and vertically centered in viewbox.
//This is just to create a nice starting enlargement.
var initial_svg_height = 250;
var scale = initial_svg_height/graph_svg.attr( 'height' );
var additional_translate = (graph_svg.attr( 'height' ) - initial_svg_height)/(2*scale);
var transform = svg_g.getAttribute('transform');
- var translate = parseFloat( transform.match( /translate\([^\)]*\)/ )[0].split('(')[1].split(' ')[1].split(')')[0] );
- translate += additional_translate;
- var transform = 'rotate(0) scale(' + scale + ') translate(4 ' + translate + ')';
- svg_g.setAttribute('transform', transform);
+ var x = 4;
+ var y = parseFloat( transform.match( /translate\([^\)]*\)/ )[0].split('(')[1].split(' ')[1].split(')')[0] );
+ y += additional_translate;
+ var transform = 'rotate(0) scale(' + scale + ')';
+ svg_g.setAttribute('transform', transform);
+ var keymap = document.getElementById("keymap");
+ var keymap_right = keymap.getBoundingClientRect().right;
+ keymap_right = svg_root.viewBox.baseVal.width - keymap_right;
+ var keymap_left = keymap.getBoundingClientRect().width;
+ if (text_direction == 'RL') {
+ // Edge of screen minus the width of the svg minus the width of the
+ // keymap minus the margin
+ x = (scrollToEnd() - keymap_right - keymap_left - 40) / scale;
+ }
+ else if (text_direction == 'BI') {
+ x = placeMiddle() / scale;
+ y = (svg_g.getBoundingClientRect().height + 50) / scale;
+ }
+ svg_g.setAttribute('transform', transform + ' translate(' + x + ' ' + y + ')');
//used to calculate min and max zoom level:
start_element_height = $('#__START__').children('ellipse')[0].getBBox().height;
//some use of call backs to ensure succesive execution
//initialize marquee
marquee = new Marquee();
- if (text_direction == 'RL') {
- scrollToEnd();
- }
function add_relations( callback_fn ) {
function scrollToEnd() {
var stateTf = svg_root_element.getCTM().inverse();
+ var elem_width = Math.floor(svg_root_element.getBoundingClientRect().width);
+ var vbdim = svg_root.viewBox.baseVal;
+ var x = vbdim.width - elem_width;
+ return x;
+function placeMiddle() {
+ var stateTf = svg_root_element.getCTM().inverse();
+ var elem_width = Math.floor(svg_root_element.getBoundingClientRect().width);
var vbdim = svg_root.viewBox.baseVal;
- var width = Math.floor(svg_root_element.getBoundingClientRect().width) - vbdim.width;
- var p = svg_root.createSVGPoint();
- p.x = width;
- p.y = 0;
- p = p.matrixTransform(stateTf);
+ var x = Math.floor((vbdim.width - elem_width) /2);
- var matrix = stateTf.inverse().translate(-p.x, -100);
- var s = "matrix(" + matrix.a + "," + matrix.b + "," + matrix.c + "," + matrix.d + "," + matrix.e + "," + matrix.f + ")";
- svg_root_element.setAttribute("transform", s);
+ return x;
$(document).ready(function () {
timer = null;