has ARGV => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', metaclass => "NoGetopt");
has extra_argv => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', metaclass => "NoGetopt");
+sub _get_configfile_from_cli {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $configfile;
+ my $opt_parser = Getopt::Long::Parser->new( config => [ qw( pass_through ) ] );
+ $opt_parser->getoptions( "configfile=s" => \$configfile );
+ return $configfile;
sub new_with_options {
my ($class, @params) = @_;
- my $config_from_file;
+ my $constructor_params = ( @params == 1 ? $params[0] : {@params} );
+ my ($config_from_file, $configfile);
if($class->meta->does_role('MooseX::ConfigFromFile')) {
local @ARGV = @ARGV;
- my $configfile;
- my $opt_parser = Getopt::Long::Parser->new( config => [ qw( pass_through ) ] );
- $opt_parser->getoptions( "configfile=s" => \$configfile );
+ $configfile = $class->_get_configfile_from_cli;
+ if(!defined $configfile) {
+ $configfile = $constructor_params->{configfile};
+ }
if(!defined $configfile) {
my $cfmeta = $class->meta->find_attribute_by_name('configfile');
- my $constructor_params = ( @params == 1 ? $params[0] : {@params} );
Carp::croak("Single parameters to new_with_options() must be a HASH ref")
unless ref($constructor_params) eq 'HASH';
params => $constructor_params,
- my $params = $config_from_file ? { %$config_from_file, %{$processed{params}} } : $processed{params};
+ my $params = $config_from_file ? { configfile => $configfile, %$config_from_file, %{$processed{params}} } : $processed{params};
# did the user request usage information?
if ( $processed{usage} && ($params->{'?'} or $params->{help} or $params->{usage}) )
plan skip_all => 'Test requires MooseX::ConfigFromFile';
- plan tests => 37;
package App;
+ package App::ConfigFileFromProjectOption;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'App';
+ has 'project' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ required => 1,
+ );
+ has '+configfile' => ();
+ around _get_configfile_from_cli => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = @_;
+ my $project;
+ my $opt_parser = Getopt::Long::Parser->new( config => [ qw( pass_through ) ] );
+ $opt_parser->getoptions( "project=s" => \$project );
+ return "/notused/specific/$project/config";
+ };
# No config specified
local @ARGV = qw( --required_from_argv 1 );
- throws_ok { App->new_with_options } qr/Required option missing: required_from_config/;
+ throws_ok { App->new_with_options } qr/(Required option missing: required_from_config|Attribute \(required_from_config\) is required)/;
my $app = App::DefaultConfigFile->new_with_options;
+# No config specified
+ local @ARGV = qw( --required_from_argv 1 --project quux );
+ {
+ my $app = App::ConfigFileFromProjectOption->new_with_options;
+ isa_ok( $app, 'App::ConfigFileFromProjectOption' );
+ app_ok( $app );
+ ok( $app->config_from_override,
+ '... config_from_override true as expected' );
+ is( $app->project, 'quux',
+ '... project is quux as expected' );
+ is( $app->configfile, File::Spec->canonpath('/notused/specific/quux/config'),
+ '... configfile is /notused/specific/quux/config as expected' );
+ }
+# Config specified
+ local @ARGV = qw( --configfile /notused --required_from_argv 1 --project quux );
+ {
+ my $app = App::ConfigFileFromProjectOption->new_with_options;
+ isa_ok( $app, 'App::ConfigFileFromProjectOption' );
+ app_ok( $app );
+ ok( $app->config_from_override,
+ '... config_from_override true as expected' );
+ is( $app->project, 'quux',
+ '... project is quux as expected' );
+ is( $app->configfile, File::Spec->canonpath('/notused'),
+ '... configfile is /notused as expected' );
+ }
# Required arg not supplied from cmdline
local @ARGV = qw( --configfile /notused );
- throws_ok { App->new_with_options } qr/Required option missing: required_from_argv/;
+ throws_ok { App->new_with_options } qr/(Required option missing: required_from_argv|Attribute \(required_from_argv\) is required)/;
# Config file value overriden from cmdline
is( $app->required_from_argv, '1',
'... required_from_argv is 1 as expected' );