We get (from the tests):
App: 0
BaseApp::WithConfig: 0
And things that are optional deps:
MooseX::ConfigFromFile: 0
MooseX::SimpleConfig: 0
dist = MooseX-Getopt
repository_at = gitmo
authority = cpan:STEVAN
-auto_prereq = 0
+auto_prereq = 1
-Getopt::Long = 2.37
-Getopt::Long::Descriptive = 0.081
-Moose = 0.56
-[Prereq / TestRequires]
-Test::Exception = 0.21
-Test::Warn = 0.21
-Test::More = 0.88
-Test::Requires = 0.05
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 1;
+use Test::More 0.88;
+use Test::Warn 0.21;
+use Test::Requires 0.05;
+use Test::Exception 0.21;
- use_ok('MooseX::Getopt');