my $attrs = { %{$self->_resolved_attrs} };
- # "needs" is a strong word here - if the subquery is part of an IN clause - no point of
- # even adding the group_by. It will really be used only when composing a poor-man's
- # multicolumn-IN equivalent OR set
- my $needs_group_by_subq = defined $attrs->{group_by};
+ my $existing_group_by = delete $attrs->{group_by};
+ my $needs_subq = defined $existing_group_by;
+ # simplify the joinmap and maybe decide if a subquery is necessary
+ my $relation_classifications = {};
- # simplify the joinmap and maybe decide if a grouping (and thus subquery) is necessary
- my $relation_classifications;
if (ref($attrs->{from}) eq 'ARRAY') {
- if (@{$attrs->{from}} == 1) {
- # not a fucking JOIN at all, quit with the dickery
- $relation_classifications = {};
- } else {
+ # if we already know we need a subq, no point of classifying relations
+ if (!$needs_subq and @{$attrs->{from}} > 1) {
$attrs->{from} = $storage->_prune_unused_joins ($attrs->{from}, $attrs->{select}, $cond, $attrs);
$relation_classifications = $storage->_resolve_aliastypes_from_select_args (
- ) unless $needs_group_by_subq; # we already know we need a group, no point of resolving them
+ );
else {
- $needs_group_by_subq ||= 1; # if {from} is unparseable assume the worst
+ $needs_subq ||= 1; # if {from} is unparseable assume the worst
- $needs_group_by_subq ||= exists $relation_classifications->{multiplying};
- # if no subquery - life is easy-ish
- unless (
- $needs_group_by_subq
- or
- keys %$relation_classifications # if any joins at all - need to wrap a subq
- or
- $self->_has_resolved_attr(qw/rows offset/) # limits call for a subq
+ # do we need anything like a subquery?
+ if (
+ ! $needs_subq
+ and
+ ! keys %{ $relation_classifications->{restricting} || {} }
+ and
+ ! $self->_has_resolved_attr(qw/rows offset/) # limits call for a subq
) {
# Most databases do not allow aliasing of tables in UPDATE/DELETE. Thus
# a condition containing 'me' or other table prefixes will not work
# at all. Tell SQLMaker to dequalify idents via a gross hack.
- my $sqla = $rsrc->storage->sql_maker;
- local $sqla->{_dequalify_idents} = 1;
+ my $cond = do {
+ my $sqla = $rsrc->storage->sql_maker;
+ local $sqla->{_dequalify_idents} = 1;
+ \[ $sqla->_recurse_where($self->{cond}) ];
+ };
return $rsrc->storage->$op(
$op eq 'update' ? $values : (),
- $self->{cond},
+ $cond,
- my $existing_group_by = delete $attrs->{group_by};
# make a new $rs selecting only the PKs (that's all we really need for the subq)
delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/collapse _collapse_order_by select _prefetch_selector_range as/;
else {
# if all else fails - get all primary keys and operate over a ORed set
# wrap in a transaction for consistency
# this is where the group_by starts to matter
- my $subq_group_by;
- if ($needs_group_by_subq) {
- $subq_group_by = $attrs->{columns};
+ if (
+ $existing_group_by
+ or
+ keys %{ $relation_classifications->{multiplying} || {} }
+ ) {
# make sure if there is a supplied group_by it matches the columns compiled above
# perfectly. Anything else can not be sanely executed on most databases so croak
# right then and there
if (
join ("\x00", sort @current_group_by)
- join ("\x00", sort @$subq_group_by )
+ join ("\x00", sort @{$attrs->{columns}} )
) {
$self->throw_exception (
"You have just attempted a $op operation on a resultset which does group_by"
+ $subrs = $subrs->search({}, { group_by => $attrs->{columns} });
my $guard = $storage->txn_scope_guard;
my @op_condition;
- for my $row ($subrs->search({}, { group_by => $subq_group_by })->cursor->all) {
+ for my $row ($subrs->cursor->all) {
push @op_condition, { map
{ $idcols->[$_] => $row->[$_] }
(0 .. $#$idcols)
my $tkfks = $schema->resultset('FourKeys_to_TwoKeys');
-my ($fa, $fb) = $tkfks->related_resultset ('fourkeys')->populate ([
+my ($fa, $fb, $fc) = $tkfks->related_resultset ('fourkeys')->populate ([
[qw/foo bar hello goodbye sensors read_count/],
[qw/1 1 1 1 a 10 /],
[qw/2 2 2 2 b 20 /],
+ [qw/1 1 1 2 c 30 /],
# This is already provided by DBICTest
# create a resultset matching $fa and $fb only
-my $fks = $schema->resultset ('FourKeys')
- ->search ({ map { $_ => [1, 2] } qw/foo bar hello goodbye/}, { join => 'fourkeys_to_twokeys' });
+my $fks = $schema->resultset ('FourKeys')->search (
+ {
+ sensors => { '!=', 'c' },
+ ( map { $_ => [1, 2] } qw/foo bar hello goodbye/ ),
+ }, { join => 'fourkeys_to_twokeys'}
is ($fks->count, 4, 'Joined FourKey count correct (2x2)');
'UPDATE fourkeys
SET read_count = read_count + 1
+ WHERE ( ( ( bar = ? OR bar = ? ) AND ( foo = ? OR foo = ? ) AND ( goodbye = ? OR goodbye = ? ) AND ( hello = ? OR hello = ? ) AND sensors != ? ) )
+ ',
+ [ ("'1'", "'2'") x 4, "'c'" ],
+ 'Correct update-SQL with multijoin with pruning',
+is ($fa->discard_changes->read_count, 11, 'Update ran only once on discard-join resultset');
+is ($fb->discard_changes->read_count, 21, 'Update ran only once on discard-join resultset');
+is ($fc->discard_changes->read_count, 30, 'Update did not touch outlier');
+# make the multi-join stick
+$fks = $fks->search({ 'fourkeys_to_twokeys.pilot_sequence' => { '!=' => 666 } });
+$schema->storage->debugobj ($debugobj);
+$schema->storage->debug (1);
+$fks->update ({ read_count => \ 'read_count + 1' });
+$schema->storage->debugobj ($orig_debugobj);
+$schema->storage->debug ($orig_debug);
+is_same_sql_bind (
+ $sql,
+ \@bind,
+ 'UPDATE fourkeys
+ SET read_count = read_count + 1
WHERE ( bar = ? AND foo = ? AND goodbye = ? AND hello = ? ) OR ( bar = ? AND foo = ? AND goodbye = ? AND hello = ? )',
[ map { "'$_'" } ( (1) x 4, (2) x 4 ) ],
- 'Correct update-SQL without multicolumn in support',
+ 'Correct update-SQL with multijoin without pruning',
-is ($fa->discard_changes->read_count, 11, 'Update ran only once on joined resultset');
-is ($fb->discard_changes->read_count, 21, 'Update ran only once on joined resultset');
+is ($fa->discard_changes->read_count, 12, 'Update ran only once on joined resultset');
+is ($fb->discard_changes->read_count, 22, 'Update ran only once on joined resultset');
+is ($fc->discard_changes->read_count, 30, 'Update did not touch outlier');
# try the same sql with forced multicolumn in
$schema->storage->_use_multicolumn_in (1);
(foo, bar, hello, goodbye) IN (
SELECT,, me.hello, me.goodbye
FROM fourkeys me
- WHERE ( bar = ? OR bar = ? ) AND ( foo = ? OR foo = ? ) AND ( goodbye = ? OR goodbye = ? ) AND ( hello = ? OR hello = ? )
+ LEFT JOIN fourkeys_to_twokeys fourkeys_to_twokeys ON
+ fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_bar =
+ AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_foo =
+ AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_goodbye = me.goodbye
+ AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_hello = me.hello
+ WHERE fourkeys_to_twokeys.pilot_sequence != ? AND ( bar = ? OR bar = ? ) AND ( foo = ? OR foo = ? ) AND ( goodbye = ? OR goodbye = ? ) AND ( hello = ? OR hello = ? ) AND sensors != ?
- [ map { "'$_'" } ( (1, 2) x 4 ) ],
+ [
+ "'666'",
+ ("'1'", "'2'") x 4,
+ "'c'",
+ ],
'Correct update-SQL with multicolumn in support',
is ($tkfks->count, $tkfk_cnt -= 1, 'Only one row deleted');
-# Make sure prefetch is properly stripped too
-# check with sql-equality, as sqlite will accept bad sql just fine
+# check with sql-equality, as sqlite will accept most bad sql just fine
$schema->storage->debugobj ($debugobj);
$schema->storage->debug (1);
- { year => { '!=' => 2010 } },
- { prefetch => 'liner_notes' },
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
+ { 'me.year' => { '!=' => 2010 } },
+ );
+ $rs->search({}, { join => 'liner_notes' })->delete;
+ is_same_sql_bind (
+ $sql,
+ \@bind,
+ 'DELETE FROM cd WHERE ( year != ? )',
+ ["'2010'"],
+ 'Non-restricting multijoins properly thrown out'
+ );
+ $rs->search({}, { prefetch => 'liner_notes' })->delete;
+ is_same_sql_bind (
+ $sql,
+ \@bind,
+ 'DELETE FROM cd WHERE ( year != ? )',
+ ["'2010'"],
+ 'Non-restricting multiprefetch thrown out'
+ );
+ $rs->search({}, { prefetch => 'artist' })->delete;
+ is_same_sql_bind (
+ $sql,
+ \@bind,
+ 'DELETE FROM cd WHERE ( cdid IN ( SELECT me.cdid FROM cd me JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist WHERE ( me.year != ? ) ) )',
+ ["'2010'"],
+ 'Restricting prefetch left in, selector thrown out'
+ );
+ $rs->result_source->name('');
+ # this is expected to fail - we only want to collect the generated SQL
+ eval { $rs->delete };
+ is_same_sql_bind (
+ $sql,
+ \@bind,
+ 'DELETE FROM WHERE ( year != ? )',
+ ["'2010'"],
+ 'delete with fully qualified table name and subquery correct'
+ );
+ eval { $rs->search({}, { prefetch => 'artist' })->delete };
+ is_same_sql_bind (
+ $sql,
+ \@bind,
+ 'DELETE FROM WHERE ( cdid IN ( SELECT me.cdid FROM me JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist WHERE ( me.year != ? ) ) )',
+ ["'2010'"],
+ 'delete with fully qualified table name and subquery correct'
+ );
+ $rs->result_source->name('cd');
$schema->storage->debugobj ($orig_debugobj);
$schema->storage->debug ($orig_debug);
-is_same_sql_bind (
- $sql,
- \@bind,
- 'DELETE FROM cd WHERE ( cdid IN ( SELECT me.cdid FROM cd me WHERE ( year != ? ) ) )',
- ["'2010'"],
- 'Update on prefetching resultset strips prefetch correctly'