else {
- ($self->{_row_parser} ||= eval sprintf 'sub { %s }', $rsrc->_mk_row_parser({
+ $self->{_row_parser} ||= eval sprintf 'sub { %s }', $rsrc->_mk_row_parser({
inflate_map => $infmap,
selection => $attrs->{select},
collapse => $attrs->{collapse},
- }) or die $@)->($rows, $fetch_all ? () : (
+ premultiplied => $attrs->{_main_source_premultiplied},
+ }) or die $@;
+ # modify $rows in-place, shrinking/extending as necessary
+ $self->{_row_parser}->($rows, $fetch_all ? () : (
# FIXME SUBOPTIMAL - we can do better, cursor->next/all (well diff. methods) should return a ref
sub { my @r = $cursor->next or return; \@r }, # how the collapser gets more rows
($self->{stashed_rows} = []), # where does it stuff excess
- )); # modify $rows in-place, shrinking/extending as necessary
+ ));
$_ = $inflator->($res_class, $rsrc, @$_) for @$rows;
# CDBI compat stuff
# run through the resulting joinstructure (starting from our current slot)
# and unset collapse if proven unnesessary
- if ($attrs->{collapse} && ref $attrs->{from} eq 'ARRAY') {
+ #
+ # also while we are at it find out if the current root source has
+ # been premultiplied by previous related_source chaining
+ #
+ # this allows to predict whether a root object with all other relation
+ # data set to NULL is in fact unique
+ if ($attrs->{collapse}) {
- if (@{$attrs->{from}} > 1) {
+ if (ref $attrs->{from} eq 'ARRAY') {
- # find where our table-spec starts and consider only things after us
- my @fromlist = @{$attrs->{from}};
- while (@fromlist) {
- my $t = shift @fromlist;
- $t = $t->[0] if ref $t eq 'ARRAY'; #me vs join from-spec mismatch
- last if ($t->{-alias} && $t->{-alias} eq $alias);
+ if (@{$attrs->{from}} <= 1) {
+ # no joins - no collapse
+ $attrs->{collapse} = 0;
+ else {
+ # find where our table-spec starts
+ my @fromlist = @{$attrs->{from}};
+ while (@fromlist) {
+ my $t = shift @fromlist;
+ my $is_multi;
+ # me vs join from-spec distinction - a ref means non-root
+ if (ref $t eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $t = $t->[0];
+ $is_multi ||= ! $t->{-is_single};
+ }
+ last if ($t->{-alias} && $t->{-alias} eq $alias);
+ $attrs->{_main_source_premultiplied} ||= $is_multi;
+ }
- for (@fromlist) {
- $attrs->{collapse} = ! $_->[0]{-is_single}
- and last;
+ # no non-singles remaining, nor any premultiplication - nothing to collapse
+ if (
+ ! $attrs->{_main_source_premultiplied}
+ and
+ ! List::Util::first { ! $_->[0]{-is_single} } @fromlist
+ ) {
+ $attrs->{collapse} = 0;
+ }
else {
- # no joins - no collapse
- $attrs->{collapse} = 0;
+ # if we can not analyze the from - err on the side of safety
+ $attrs->{_main_source_premultiplied} = 1;
use warnings;
use Try::Tiny;
-use List::Util 'first';
+use List::Util qw(first max);
use B 'perlstring';
use namespace::clean;
$rel_cols->{$1}{$2} = 1;
else {
- $my_cols->{$_} = {}; # important for ||= below
+ $my_cols->{$_} = {}; # important for ||='s below
my $relinfo;
- # run through relationships, collect metadata, inject non-left fk-bridges from
- # *INNER-JOINED* children (if any)
+ # run through relationships, collect metadata
for my $rel (keys %$rel_cols) {
my $rel_src = __get_related_source($self, $rel, $rel_cols->{$rel});
$relinfo->{$rel}{is_inner} = ( $inf->{attrs}{join_type} || '' ) !~ /^left/i;
$relinfo->{$rel}{rsrc} = $rel_src;
+ # FIME - need to use _resolve_cond here instead
my $cond = $inf->{cond};
if (
keys %$cond
- ! first { $_ !~ /^foreign\./ } (keys %$cond)
+ ! defined first { $_ !~ /^foreign\./ } (keys %$cond)
- ! first { $_ !~ /^self\./ } (values %$cond)
+ ! defined first { $_ !~ /^self\./ } (values %$cond)
) {
for my $f (keys %$cond) {
my $s = $cond->{$f};
$_ =~ s/^ (?: foreign | self ) \.//x for ($f, $s);
$relinfo->{$rel}{fk_map}{$s} = $f;
- # need to know source from *our* pov, hence $rel.
- $my_cols->{$s} ||= { via_fk => "$rel.$f" } if (
- defined $rel_cols->{$rel}{$f} # in fact selected
- and
- $relinfo->{$rel}{is_inner}
- );
+ # inject non-left fk-bridges from *INNER-JOINED* children (if any)
+ for my $rel (grep { $relinfo->{$_}{is_inner} } keys %$relinfo) {
+ my $ri = $relinfo->{$rel};
+ for (keys %{$ri->{fk_map}} ) {
+ # need to know source from *our* pov, hence $rel.col
+ $my_cols->{$_} ||= { via_fk => "$rel.$ri->{fk_map}{$_}" }
+ if defined $rel_cols->{$rel}{$ri->{fk_map}{$_}} # in fact selected
+ }
+ }
# if the parent is already defined, assume all of its related FKs are selected
# (even if they in fact are NOT in the select list). Keep a record of what we
# assumed, and if any such phantom-column becomes part of our own collapser,
# the parent (whatever it may be)
my $assumed_from_parent;
unless ($args->{_parent_info}{underdefined}) {
- $assumed_from_parent->{columns} = { map
- # only add to the list if we do not already select said columns
- { ! exists $my_cols->{$_} ? ( $_ => 1 ) : () }
- values %{$args->{_parent_info}{rel_condition} || {}}
- };
- $my_cols->{$_} = { via_collapse => $args->{_parent_info}{collapse_on_idcols} }
- for keys %{$assumed_from_parent->{columns}};
+ for my $col ( values %{$args->{_parent_info}{rel_condition} || {}} ) {
+ next if exists $my_cols->{$col};
+ $my_cols->{$col} = { via_collapse => $args->{_parent_info}{collapse_on_idcols} };
+ $assumed_from_parent->{columns}{$col}++;
+ }
# get colinfo for everything
+ # Stil don't know how to collapse, and we are the root node. Last ditch
+ # effort in case we are *NOT* premultiplied.
+ # Run through *each multi* all the way down, left or not, and all
+ # *left* singles (a single may become a multi underneath) . When everything
+ # gets back see if all the rels link to us definitively. If this is the
+ # case we are good - either one of them will define us, or if all are NULLs
+ # we know we are "unique" due to the "non-premultiplied" check
+ if (
+ ! $collapse_map->{-idcols_current_node}
+ and
+ ! $args->{premultiplied}
+ and
+ $common_args->{_node_idx} == 1
+ ) {
+ my (@collapse_sets, $uncollapsible_chain);
+ for my $rel (keys %$relinfo) {
+ # we already looked at these higher up
+ next if ($relinfo->{$rel}{is_single} && $relinfo->{$rel}{is_inner});
+ if (my $clps = $relinfo->{$rel}{rsrc}->_resolve_collapse ({
+ as => $rel_cols->{$rel},
+ _rel_chain => [ @{$args->{_rel_chain}}, $rel ],
+ _parent_info => { underdefined => 1 },
+ }, $common_args) ) {
+ # for singles use the idcols wholesale (either there or not)
+ if ($relinfo->{$rel}{is_single}) {
+ push @collapse_sets, $clps->{-idcols_current_node};
+ }
+ elsif (! $relinfo->{$rel}{fk_map}) {
+ $uncollapsible_chain = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $defined_cols_parent_side;
+ for my $fq_col ( grep { /^$rel\.[^\.]+$/ } keys %{$args->{as}} ) {
+ my ($col) = $fq_col =~ /([^\.]+)$/;
+ $defined_cols_parent_side->{$_} = $args->{as}{$fq_col} for grep
+ { $relinfo->{$rel}{fk_map}{$_} eq $col }
+ keys %{$relinfo->{$rel}{fk_map}}
+ ;
+ }
+ if (my $set = $self->_identifying_column_set([ keys %$defined_cols_parent_side ]) ) {
+ push @collapse_sets, [ sort map { $defined_cols_parent_side->{$_} } @$set ];
+ }
+ else {
+ $uncollapsible_chain = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $uncollapsible_chain = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($uncollapsible_chain) {
+ # if we got here - we are good to go, but the construction is tricky
+ # since our children will want to include our collapse criteria - we
+ # don't give them anything (safe, since they are all collapsible on their own)
+ # in addition we record the individual collapse posibilities
+ # of all left children node collapsers, and merge them in the rowparser
+ # coderef later
+ $collapse_map->{-idcols_current_node} = [];
+ $collapse_map->{-root_node_idcol_variants} = [ sort {
+ (scalar @$a) <=> (scalar @$b) or max(@$a) <=> max(@$b)
+ } @collapse_sets ];
+ }
+ }
# stop descending into children if we were called by a parent for first-pass
# and don't despair if nothing was found (there may be other parallel branches
# to dive into)
# if this is a 1:1 our own collapser can be used as a collapse-map
# (regardless of left or not)
- collapser_reusable => $relinfo->{$rel}{is_single},
+ collapser_reusable => @{$collapse_map->{-idcols_current_node}} && $relinfo->{$rel}{is_single},
}, $common_args );
# For an example of this coderef in action (and to see its guts) look at
# t/resultset/rowparser_internals.t
-# This is a huge performance win, as we call the same code for # every row
+# This is a huge performance win, as we call the same code for every row
# returned from the db, thus avoiding repeated method lookups when traversing
# relationships
else {
my $collapse_map = $self->_resolve_collapse ({
+ premultiplied => $args->{premultiplied},
# only consider real columns (not functions) during collapse resolution
# this check shouldn't really be here, as fucktards are not supposed to
- my $all_idcols_as_list = join ', ', sort map { @$_ } (
+ my @all_idcols = sort { $a <=> $b } map { @$_ } (
$collapse_map->{-idcols_extra_from_children} || (),
- my $top_node_id_path = join ('', map
- { "{'\xFF__IDVALPOS__${_}__\xFF'}" }
- @{$collapse_map->{-idcols_current_node}}
- );
+ my ($top_node_id_path, $top_node_id_cacher, @path_variants);
+ if (scalar @{$collapse_map->{-idcols_current_node}}) {
+ $top_node_id_path = join ('', map
+ { "{'\xFF__IDVALPOS__${_}__\xFF'}" }
+ @{$collapse_map->{-idcols_current_node}}
+ );
+ }
+ elsif( my @variants = @{$collapse_map->{-root_node_idcol_variants}} ) {
+ my @path_parts;
+ for (@variants) {
+ push @path_variants, sprintf "(join qq(\xFF), '', %s, '')",
+ ( join ', ', map { "'\xFF__VALPOS__${_}__\xFF'" } @$_ )
+ ;
+ push @path_parts, sprintf "( %s && %s)",
+ ( join ' && ', map { "( defined '\xFF__VALPOS__${_}__\xFF' )" } @$_ ),
+ $path_variants[-1];
+ ;
+ }
+ $top_node_id_cacher = sprintf '$cur_row_ids[%d] = (%s);',
+ $all_idcols[-1] + 1,
+ "\n" . join( "\n or\n", @path_parts, qq{"\0\$rows_pos\0"} );
+ $top_node_id_path = sprintf '{$cur_row_ids[%d]}', $all_idcols[-1] + 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->throw_exception('Unexpected collapse map contents');
+ }
my $rel_assemblers = __visit_infmap_collapse (
- $inflate_index, $collapse_map
+ $inflate_index, { %$collapse_map, -custom_node_id => $top_node_id_path },
- $parser_src = sprintf (<<'EOS', $all_idcols_as_list, $top_node_id_path, $rel_assemblers);
+ $parser_src = sprintf (<<'EOS', join(', ', @all_idcols), $top_node_id_path, $top_node_id_cacher||'', $rel_assemblers);
my ($rows_pos, $result_pos, $cur_row, @cur_row_ids, @collapse_idx, $is_new_res) = (0,0);
# this loop is a bit arcane - the rationale is that the passed in
# due to left joins some of the ids may be NULL/undef, and
# won't play well when used as hash lookups
- $cur_row_ids[$_] = defined $cur_row->[$_] ? $cur_row->[$_] : "\xFF\xFFN\xFFU\xFFL\xFFL\xFF\xFF"
+ # we also need to differentiate NULLs on per-row/per-col basis
+ #(otherwise folding of optional 1:1s will be greatly confused
+ $cur_row_ids[$_] = defined $cur_row->[$_] ? $cur_row->[$_] : "\0NULL\xFF$rows_pos\xFF$_\0"
for (%1$s);
+ # maybe(!) cache the top node id calculation
+ %3$s
$is_new_res = ! $collapse_idx[1]%2$s and (
$_[1] and $result_pos and (unshift @{$_[2]}, $cur_row) and last
- %3$s
+ %4$s
$_[0][$result_pos++] = $collapse_idx[1]%2$s
if $is_new_res;
- my $sequenced_node_id = join ('', map
+ my $sequenced_node_id = $collapse_map->{-custom_node_id} || join ('', map
{ "{'\xFF__IDVALPOS__${_}__\xFF'}" }
#my $known_defined = { %{ $parent_info->{known_defined} || {} } };
#$known_defined->{$_}++ for @{$collapse_map->{-idcols_current_node}};
for my $rel (sort keys %$rel_cols) {
# push @src, sprintf(
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
lives_ok(sub {
- # while cds.* will be selected anyway (prefetch currently forces the result of _resolve_prefetch)
- # only the requested me.name/me.artistid columns will be fetched.
+ # while cds.* will be selected anyway (prefetch implies it)
+ # only the requested me.name column will be fetched.
# reference sql with select => [...]
- # SELECT me.name, cds.title, me.artistid, cds.cdid, cds.artist, cds.title, cds.year, cds.genreid, cds.single_track FROM ...
+ # SELECT me.name, cds.title, cds.cdid, cds.artist, cds.title, cds.year, cds.genreid, cds.single_track FROM ...
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(
{ 'cds.title' => { '!=', 'Generic Manufactured Singles' } },
prefetch => [ qw/ cds / ],
order_by => [ { -desc => 'me.name' }, 'cds.title' ],
- select => [qw/ me.name cds.title me.artistid / ],
+ select => [qw/ me.name cds.title / ],
'W00T, manual prefetch with collapse works'
-my $row = $rs->next;
+ my $row = $rs->next;
local $TODO = 'Something is wrong with filter type rels, they throw on incomplete objects >.<';
lives_ok {
is ($rs->cursor->next, undef, 'cursor exhausted');
local $TODO = 'this does not work at all, need to promote rsattrs to an object on its own';
# make sure has_many column redirection does not do weird stuff when collapse is requested
+# multi-has_many with underdefined root, with rather random order
+$rs = $schema->resultset ('CD')->search ({}, {
+ join => [ 'tracks', { single_track => { cd => { artist => { cds => 'tracks' } } } } ],
+ collapse => 1,
+ columns => [
+ { 'single_track.trackid' => 'single_track.trackid' }, # definitive link to root from 1:1:1:1:M:M chain
+ { 'year' => 'me.year' }, # non-unique
+ { 'tracks.cd' => 'tracks.cd' }, # \ together both uniqueness for second multirel
+ { 'tracks.title' => 'tracks.title' }, # / and definitive link back to root
+ { 'single_track.cd.artist.cds.cdid' => 'cds.cdid' }, # to give uniquiness to ...tracks.title below
+ { 'single_track.cd.artist.cds.year' => 'cds.year' }, # non-unique
+ { 'single_track.cd.artist.artistid' => 'artist.artistid' }, # uniqufies entire parental chain
+ { 'single_track.cd.artist.cds.genreid' => 'cds.genreid' }, # nullable
+ { 'single_track.cd.artist.cds.tracks.title' => 'tracks_2.title' }, # unique when combined with ...cds.cdid above
+ ],
+for (1..3) {
+ $rs->create({ artist => 1, year => 1977, title => "fuzzy_$_" });
+my $rs_random = $rs->search({}, { order_by => \ 'RANDOM()' });
+is ($rs_random->count, 6, 'row count matches');
+ my @lines = (
+ [ "What are we actually trying to collapse (Select/As, tests below will see a *DIFFERENT* random order):" ],
+ [ map { my $s = $_; $s =~ s/single_track\./sngl_tr./; $s } @{$rs_random->{_attrs}{select} } ],
+ $rs_random->{_attrs}{as},
+ [ "-" x 159 ],
+ $rs_random->cursor->all,
+ );
+ diag join ' # ', map { sprintf '% 15s', (defined $_ ? $_ : 'NULL') } @$_
+ for @lines;
+my $queries = 0;
+$schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++ });
+my $orig_debug = $schema->storage->debug;
+$schema->storage->debug (1);
+for my $use_next (0, 1) {
+ my @random_cds;
+ if ($use_next) {
+ while (my $o = $rs_random->next) {
+ push @random_cds, $o;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ @random_cds = $rs_random->all;
+ }
+ is (@random_cds, 6, 'object count matches');
+ for my $cd (@random_cds) {
+ if ($cd->year == 1977) {
+ is( scalar $cd->tracks, 0, 'no tracks on 1977 cd' );
+ is( $cd->single_track, undef, 'no single_track on 1977 cd' );
+ }
+ elsif ($cd->year == 1976) {
+ is( scalar $cd->tracks, 2, 'Two tracks on 1976 cd' );
+ like( $_->title, qr/^o\d/, "correct title" )
+ for $cd->tracks;
+ is( $cd->single_track, undef, 'no single_track on 1976 cd' );
+ }
+ elsif ($cd->year == 1981) {
+ is( scalar $cd->tracks, 4, 'Four tracks on 1981 cd' );
+ like( $_->title, qr/^m\d/, "correct title" )
+ for $cd->tracks;
+ is( $cd->single_track, undef, 'no single_track on 1981 cd' );
+ }
+ elsif ($cd->year == 1978) {
+ is( scalar $cd->tracks, 3, 'Three tracks on 1978 cd' );
+ like( $_->title, qr/^e\d/, "correct title" )
+ for $cd->tracks;
+ ok( defined $cd->single_track, 'single track prefetched on 1987 cd' );
+ # FIXME - crap! skipping prefetch also doesn't work, next commit
+ #is( $cd->single_track->cd->artist->id, 1, 'Single_track->cd->artist prefetched on 1978 cd' );
+ #is( scalar $cd->single_track->cd->artist->cds, 6, '6 cds prefetched on artist' );
+ }
+ }
+is ($queries, 2, "Only two queries for rwo prefetch calls total");
+# can't is_deeply a random set - need *some* order
+my @hris = sort { $a->{year} cmp $b->{year} } @{$rs->search({}, {
+ order_by => [ 'tracks_2.title', 'tracks.title', 'cds.cdid', \ 'RANDOM()' ],
+is (@hris, 6, 'hri count matches' );
+is_deeply (\@hris, [
+ {
+ single_track => undef,
+ tracks => [
+ {
+ cd => 2,
+ title => "o1"
+ },
+ {
+ cd => 2,
+ title => "o2"
+ }
+ ],
+ year => 1976
+ },
+ {
+ single_track => undef,
+ tracks => [],
+ year => 1977
+ },
+ {
+ single_track => undef,
+ tracks => [],
+ year => 1977
+ },
+ {
+ single_track => undef,
+ tracks => [],
+ year => 1977
+ },
+ {
+ single_track => {
+ cd => {
+ artist => {
+ artistid => 1,
+ cds => [
+ {
+ cdid => 4,
+ genreid => undef,
+ tracks => [],
+ year => 1977
+ },
+ {
+ cdid => 5,
+ genreid => undef,
+ tracks => [],
+ year => 1977
+ },
+ {
+ cdid => 6,
+ genreid => undef,
+ tracks => [],
+ year => 1977
+ },
+ {
+ cdid => 3,
+ genreid => 1,
+ tracks => [
+ {
+ title => "e1"
+ },
+ {
+ title => "e2"
+ },
+ {
+ title => "e3"
+ }
+ ],
+ year => 1978
+ },
+ {
+ cdid => 1,
+ genreid => 1,
+ tracks => [
+ {
+ title => "m1"
+ },
+ {
+ title => "m2"
+ },
+ {
+ title => "m3"
+ },
+ {
+ title => "m4"
+ }
+ ],
+ year => 1981
+ },
+ {
+ cdid => 2,
+ genreid => undef,
+ tracks => [
+ {
+ title => "o1"
+ },
+ {
+ title => "o2"
+ }
+ ],
+ year => 1976
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ trackid => 6
+ },
+ tracks => [
+ {
+ cd => 3,
+ title => "e1"
+ },
+ {
+ cd => 3,
+ title => "e2"
+ },
+ {
+ cd => 3,
+ title => "e3"
+ },
+ ],
+ year => 1978
+ },
+ {
+ single_track => undef,
+ tracks => [
+ {
+ cd => 1,
+ title => "m1"
+ },
+ {
+ cd => 1,
+ title => "m2"
+ },
+ {
+ cd => 1,
+ title => "m3"
+ },
+ {
+ cd => 1,
+ title => "m4"
+ },
+ ],
+ year => 1981
+ },
+], 'W00T, multi-has_many manual underdefined root prefetch with collapse works');
( $_[1] and $_[1]->() )
) {
- $cur_row_ids[$_] = defined $cur_row->[$_] ? $cur_row->[$_] : "\xFF\xFFN\xFFU\xFFL\xFFL\xFF\xFF"
+ $cur_row_ids[$_] = defined $cur_row->[$_] ? $cur_row->[$_] : "\0NULL\xFF$rows_pos\xFF$_\0"
for (0, 3, 4, 5);
# a present cref in $_[1] implies lazy prefetch, implies a supplied stash in $_[2]
( $_[1] and $_[1]->() )
) {
- $cur_row_ids[$_] = defined $cur_row->[$_] ? $cur_row->[$_] : "\xFF\xFFN\xFFU\xFFL\xFFL\xFF\xFF"
+ $cur_row_ids[$_] = defined $cur_row->[$_] ? $cur_row->[$_] : "\0NULL\xFF$rows_pos\xFF$_\0"
for (0, 1, 5, 6, 8);
$is_new_res = ! $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[1]} and (
'Multiple has_many on multiple branches torture test',
+$infmap = [
+ 'single_track.trackid', # (0) definitive link to root from 1:1:1:1:M:M chain
+ 'year', # (1) non-unique
+ 'tracks.cd', # (2) \ together both uniqueness for second multirel
+ 'tracks.title', # (3) / and definitive link back to root
+ 'single_track.cd.artist.cds.cdid', # (4) to give uniquiness to ...tracks.title below
+ 'single_track.cd.artist.cds.year', # (5) non-unique
+ 'single_track.cd.artist.artistid', # (6) uniqufies entire parental chain
+ 'single_track.cd.artist.cds.genreid', # (7) nullable
+ 'single_track.cd.artist.cds.tracks.title',# (8) unique when combined with ...cds.cdid above
+is_deeply (
+ $schema->source('CD')->_resolve_collapse({ as => {map { $infmap->[$_] => $_ } 0 .. $#$infmap} }),
+ {
+ -idcols_current_node => [],
+ -idcols_extra_from_children => [ 0, 2, 3, 4, 8 ],
+ -node_index => 1,
+ -root_node_idcol_variants => [
+ [ 0 ], [ 2 ],
+ ],
+ single_track => {
+ -idcols_current_node => [ 0 ],
+ -idcols_extra_from_children => [ 4, 8 ],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ -is_single => 1,
+ -node_index => 2,
+ cd => {
+ -idcols_current_node => [ 0 ],
+ -idcols_extra_from_children => [ 4, 8 ],
+ -is_single => 1,
+ -node_index => 3,
+ artist => {
+ -idcols_current_node => [ 0 ],
+ -idcols_extra_from_children => [ 4, 8 ],
+ -is_single => 1,
+ -node_index => 4,
+ cds => {
+ -idcols_current_node => [ 0, 4 ],
+ -idcols_extra_from_children => [ 8 ],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ -node_index => 5,
+ tracks => {
+ -idcols_current_node => [ 0, 4, 8 ],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ -node_index => 6,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ tracks => {
+ -idcols_current_node => [ 2, 3 ],
+ -is_optional => 1,
+ -node_index => 7,
+ }
+ },
+ 'Correct underdefined root collapse map constructed'
+is_same_src (
+ $schema->source ('CD')->_mk_row_parser({
+ inflate_map => $infmap,
+ collapse => 1,
+ }),
+ ' my($rows_pos, $result_pos, $cur_row, @cur_row_ids, @collapse_idx, $is_new_res) = (0, 0);
+ while ($cur_row = (
+ ( $rows_pos >= 0 and $_[0][$rows_pos++] ) or do { $rows_pos = -1; undef } )
+ ||
+ ( $_[1] and $_[1]->() )
+ ) {
+ $cur_row_ids[$_] = defined $$cur_row[$_] ? $$cur_row[$_] : "\0NULL\xFF$rows_pos\xFF$_\0"
+ for (0, 2, 3, 4, 8);
+ # cache expensive set of ops in a non-existent rowid slot
+ $cur_row_ids[9] = (
+ ( ( defined $cur_row->[0] ) && (join "\xFF", q{}, $cur_row->[0], q{} ))
+ or
+ ( ( defined $cur_row->[2] ) && (join "\xFF", q{}, $cur_row->[2], q{} ))
+ or
+ "\0$rows_pos\0"
+ );
+ $is_new_res = ! $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[9]} and (
+ $_[1] and $result_pos and (unshift @{$_[2]}, $cur_row) and last
+ );
+ $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[9]} ||= [{ year => $$cur_row[1] }];
+ $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[9]}[1]{single_track} ||= ($collapse_idx[2]{$cur_row_ids[0]} ||= [{ trackid => $$cur_row[0] }]);
+ $collapse_idx[2]{$cur_row_ids[0]}[1]{cd} ||= $collapse_idx[3]{$cur_row_ids[0]};
+ $collapse_idx[3]{$cur_row_ids[0]}[1]{artist} ||= ($collapse_idx[4]{$cur_row_ids[0]} ||= [{ artistid => $$cur_row[6] }]);
+ push @{$collapse_idx[4]{$cur_row_ids[0]}[1]{cds}},
+ $collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[0]}{$cur_row_ids[4]} ||= [{ cdid => $$cur_row[4], genreid => $$cur_row[7], year => $$cur_row[5] }]
+ unless $collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[0]}{$cur_row_ids[4]};
+ push @{$collapse_idx[5]{$cur_row_ids[0]}{$cur_row_ids[4]}[1]{tracks}},
+ $collapse_idx[6]{$cur_row_ids[0]}{$cur_row_ids[4]}{$cur_row_ids[8]} ||= [{ title => $$cur_row[8] }]
+ unless $collapse_idx[6]{$cur_row_ids[0]}{$cur_row_ids[4]}{$cur_row_ids[8]};
+ push @{$collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[9]}[1]{tracks}},
+ $collapse_idx[7]{$cur_row_ids[2]}{$cur_row_ids[3]} ||= [{ cd => $$cur_row[2], title => $$cur_row[3] }]
+ unless $collapse_idx[7]{$cur_row_ids[2]}{$cur_row_ids[3]};
+ $_[0][$result_pos++] = $collapse_idx[1]{$cur_row_ids[9]}
+ if $is_new_res;
+ }
+ splice @{$_[0]}, $result_pos;
+ ',
+ 'Multiple has_many on multiple branches with underdefined root torture test',
my $deparser;