-source maint/travis-ci_scripts/common.bash
+# Stop pre-started RDBMS and sync for some settle time
+run_or_err "Stopping MySQL" "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop"
+run_or_err "Stopping PostgreSQL" "sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop"
+# Sanity check VM before continuing
+echo "
+= Startup Meminfo
+$(free -m -t)
+if [[ "$(free -m | grep 'buffers/cache:' | perl -p -e '$_ = (split /\s+/, $_)[3]')" -lt "$CI_VM_MIN_FREE_MB" ]]; then
+ echo_err "
+CI virtual machine stuck in a state with a lot of memory locked for no reason.
+Under Travis this state usually results in a failed build.
+Short-circuiting buildjob to avoid false negatives, please restart it manually.
if [[ -n "$SHORT_CIRCUIT_SMOKE" ]] ; then return ; fi
# Different boxes we run on may have different amount of hw threads
# The oneliner is a tad convoluted - basicaly what we do is
# slurp the entire file and get the index off the last
# `processor : XX` line
+# We also divide the result by two, otherwise the travis VM
+# gets overloaded (the amount of available swap is just TOOOO
+# damn small)
export NUMTHREADS="$(( ( $(perl -0777 -n -e 'print (/ (?: .+ ^ processor \s+ : \s+ (\d+) ) (?! ^ processor ) /smx)' < /proc/cpuinfo) + 1 ) / 2 ))"
export CACHE_DIR="/tmp/poormanscache"
### config mysql
- run_or_err "Restarting MySQL" "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart"
+ run_or_err "Starting MySQL" "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start"
run_or_err "Creating MySQL TestDB" "mysql -e 'create database dbic_test;'"
export DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN='dbi:mysql:database=dbic_test;host='
### config pg
- run_or_err "Restarting PostgreSQL" "sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart"
+ run_or_err "Starting PostgreSQL" "sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start"
run_or_err "Creating PostgreSQL TestDB" "psql -c 'create database dbic_test;' -U postgres"
export DBICTEST_PG_DSN='dbi:Pg:database=dbic_test;host='
export DBICTEST_PG_USER=postgres