'Storable' => 0,
'Class::Data::Accessor' => 0.01,
'Carp::Clan' => 0,
+ 'DBI' => 1.40,
build_requires => {
'DBD::SQLite' => 1.11,
- 'DBI' => 1.40,
recommends => {
'Data::UUID' => 0,
Revision history for DBIx::Class
+0.05000 2006-02-01 16:48:30
+ - assorted doc fixes
- remove ObjectCache, not yet working in 0.05
- let many_to_many rels have attrs
- fix ID method in PK.pm to be saner for new internals
# i.e. first release of 0.XX *must* be 0.XX000. This avoids fBSD ports
# brain damage and presumably various other packaging systems too
-$VERSION = '0.04999_07';
+$VERSION = '0.05000';
An arrayref containing a list of accessors in the foreign class to proxy in
the main class. If, for example, you do the following:
- __PACKAGE__->might_have(bar => 'Bar', undef, { proxy => qw[/ margle /] });
+ __PACKAGE__->might_have(bar => 'Bar', undef, { proxy => [ qw/margle/ ] });
Then, assuming Bar has an accessor named margle, you can do:
An arrayref containing a list of accessors in the foreign class to proxy in
the main class. If, for example, you do the following:
- __PACKAGE__->might_have(bar => 'Bar', undef, { proxy => qw[/ margle /] });
+ __PACKAGE__->might_have(bar => 'Bar', undef, { proxy => [ qw/margle/ ] });
Then, assuming Bar has an accessor named margle, you can do:
my $dsn = "dbi:SQLite:${db_file}";
my $schema = __PACKAGE__->compose_connection(__PACKAGE__, $dsn);
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn);