-use inc::Module::Install 1.00;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.008001;
+use inc::Module::Install 1.00;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
-# get cpanX --installdeps . to behave in a checkout (most users do not need
-# the deps for a full test suite run, and if they do - there's MI::AutoInstall
-# for that)
## DO NOT USE THIS HACK IN YOUR DISTS!!! (it makes #toolchain sad)
-$Module::Install::AUTHOR = 0 if (grep { $ENV{"PERL5_${_}_IS_RUNNING"} } (qw/CPANM CPANPLUS CPAN/) );
-### All of them should go to DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies
+# get cpanX --installdeps . to behave in a checkout (most users do not expect
+# the deps for a full test suite run, and if they do - there's MI::AutoInstall
+# for that)
+ $Module::Install::AUTHOR = 0 if (grep { $ENV{"PERL5_${_}_IS_RUNNING"} } (qw/CPANM CPANPLUS CPAN/) );
name 'DBIx-Class';
perl_version '5.008001';
all_from 'lib/DBIx/Class.pm';
-my $build_requires = {
- # needed for testing only, not for operation
- 'DBD::SQLite' => '1.29',
+tests_recursive (qw|
+ t
-my $test_requires = {
- 'File::Temp' => '0.22',
- 'Test::Exception' => '0.31',
- 'Test::Warn' => '0.21',
- 'Test::More' => '0.94',
- # not sure if this is necessary at all, ask schwern some day
- 'Test::Builder' => '0.94',
+install_script (qw|
+ script/dbicadmin
- # this is already a dep of n::c, but just in case - used by t/55namespaces_cleaned.t
- # remove and do a manual glob-collection if n::c is no longer a dep
- 'Package::Stash' => '0.28',
+homepage 'http://www.dbix-class.org/';
+resources 'IRC' => 'irc://irc.perl.org/#dbix-class';
+resources 'license' => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/';
+resources 'repository' => 'git://git.shadowcat.co.uk/dbsrgits/DBIx-Class.git';
+resources 'MailingList' => 'http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dbix-class';
+resources 'bugtracker' => 'http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=DBIx-Class';
+### All of them *MUST* go to DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies
my $runtime_requires = {
+ # FIXME - temporary, needs throwing out for something more efficient
+ 'Data::Compare' => '1.22',
+ # DBI itself should be capable of installation and execution in pure-perl
+ # mode. However it has never been tested yet, so consider XS for the time
+ # being
+ 'DBI' => '1.57',
+ # XS (or XS-dependent) libs
+ 'Sub::Name' => '0.04',
+ # pure-perl (FatPack-able) libs
'Class::Accessor::Grouped' => '0.10002',
'Class::C3::Componentised' => '1.0009',
'Class::Inspector' => '1.24',
'SQL::Abstract' => '1.72',
'Try::Tiny' => '0.04',
- # XS (or XS-dependent) libs
- 'DBI' => '1.57',
- 'Sub::Name' => '0.04',
# dual-life corelibs needing a specific bugfixed version
'File::Path' => '2.07',
- # FIXME - temporary, needs throwing out for something more efficient
- 'Data::Compare' => '1.22',
+my $build_requires = {
+ # needed for testing only, not for operation
+ # we will move away from this dep eventually, perhaps to DBD::CSV or something
+ 'DBD::SQLite' => '1.29',
+my $test_requires = {
+ 'File::Temp' => '0.22',
+ 'Test::Exception' => '0.31',
+ 'Test::Warn' => '0.21',
+ 'Test::More' => '0.94',
+ # not sure if this is necessary at all, ask schwern some day
+ 'Test::Builder' => '0.94',
+ # this is already a dep of n::c, but just in case - used by t/55namespaces_cleaned.t
+ # remove and do a manual glob-collection if n::c is no longer a dep
+ 'Package::Stash' => '0.28',
# Bail out on parallel testing
if (
*** ***
*** ***
-*** DBIC tests will fail. It is harder to make them parallel-friendly than ***
+*** DBIC tests WILL FAIL. It is harder to make them parallel-friendly than ***
*** it should be (though work is underway). In the meantime you will have ***
*** to adjust your environment and re-run the installation. Sorry! ***
*** ***
-require Getopt::Long;
-my $getopt = Getopt::Long::Parser->new(
- config => [qw/gnu_getopt bundling_override no_ignore_case pass_through/]
-my $args = {
- skip_author_deps => undef,
-$getopt->getoptions($args, 'skip_author_deps');
-if (@ARGV) {
- warn "\nIgnoring unrecognized option(s): @ARGV\n\n";
# this is so we can order requires alphabetically
-# copies are needed for author requires injection
+# copies are needed for potential author requires injection
my $reqs = {
build_requires => { %$build_requires },
requires => { %$runtime_requires },
test_requires => { %$test_requires },
-my %reqs_for_group = %{DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_group_list};
-# exclude the rdbms_* groups which are for DBIC users
-my $opt_testdeps = {
- map { %{$reqs_for_group{$_}} } grep { !/^rdbms_/ } keys %reqs_for_group
-# require extra modules for testing if we're in a checkout
-my $optdep_msg;
if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
- if ($args->{skip_author_deps}) {
- $optdep_msg = <<'EOW';
-*** ***
-*** IGNORING AUTHOR MODE: no optional test dependencies will be forced. ***
-*** ***
-*** If you are using this checkout with the intention of submitting a DBIC ***
-*** patch, you are *STRONGLY ENCOURAGED* to install all dependencies, so ***
-*** that every possible unit-test will run. ***
-*** ***
+ # get options here, make $args available to all snippets
+ require Getopt::Long;
+ my $getopt = Getopt::Long::Parser->new(
+ config => [qw/gnu_getopt bundling_override no_ignore_case pass_through/]
+ );
+ my $args = {
+ skip_author_deps => undef,
+ };
+ $getopt->getoptions($args, 'skip_author_deps');
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ warn "\nIgnoring unrecognized option(s): @ARGV\n\n";
- else {
- $optdep_msg = <<'EOW';
-*** ***
-*** AUTHOR MODE: all optional test dependencies converted to hard requires ***
-*** ( to disable re-run Makefile.PL with --skip_author_deps ) ***
-*** ***
- $reqs->{test_requires} = {
- %{$reqs->{test_requires}},
- %$opt_testdeps
- };
+ require File::Spec;
+ # string-eval, not do(), because we need to provide the
+ # $reqs and $*_requires lexicals to the included file
+ # (some includes *do* modify $reqs above)
+ for (sort glob ( File::Spec->catfile('maint', 'Makefile.PL.inc', '*') ) ) {
+ eval scalar do { local (@ARGV, $/) = $_; <> }
+ or die ($@ || $!);
+else {
+ # make sure this Makefile can not be used to make a dist
+ # (without the author includes there are no sanity checks)
+ postamble <<EOP;
+.PHONY: nonauthor_stop_distdir_creation
+create_distdir: nonauthor_stop_distdir_creation
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) Creation of dists in non-author mode is not allowed
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(FALSE)
# compose final req list, for alphabetical ordering
my %final_req;
$rtype->($mod, $ver);
-# output twice since the deplist is > 70 lines
-warn $optdep_msg if $Module::Install::AUTHOR;
+# author-mode or not - this is where we show a list of missing deps
+# IFF we are running interactively
-warn $optdep_msg if $Module::Install::AUTHOR;
-# re-create various autogenerated documentation bits
-if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
- # adjust ENV for $AUTHOR system() calls
- require Config;
- $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join ($Config::Config{path_sep}, @INC);
- print "Regenerating README\n";
- system('pod2text lib/DBIx/Class.pm > README');
- if (-f 'MANIFEST') {
- print "Removing MANIFEST\n";
- unlink 'MANIFEST';
- }
- print "Regenerating Optional/Dependencies.pod\n";
- require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
- DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->_gen_pod (Meta->version);
- # FIXME Disabled due to unsolved issues, ask theorbtwo
- # require Module::Install::Pod::Inherit;
- # PodInherit();
-tests_recursive (qw|
- t
-# temporary(?) until I get around to fix M::I wrt xt/
-# needs Module::Install::AuthorTests
-eval {
- # this should not be necessary since the autoloader is supposed
- # to work, but there were reports of it failing
- require Module::Install::AuthorTests;
- recursive_author_tests (qw/xt/);
- 1;
-} || do {
- if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR && ! $args->{skip_author_deps}) {
- my $err = $@;
- # better error message in case of missing dep
- eval { require Module::Install::AuthorTests }
- || die "\nYou need Module::Install::AuthorTests installed to run this Makefile.PL in author mode (or supply --skip_author_deps):\n\n$@\n";
- die $err;
- }
-install_script (qw|
- script/dbicadmin
-### Mangle makefile - read the comments for more info
-postamble <<"EOP";
-# This will add an extra dep-spec for the distdir target,
-# which `make` will fold together in a first-come first-serve
-# fashion. What we do here is essentially adding extra
-# commands to execute once the distdir is assembled (via
-# create_distdir), but before control is returned to a higher
-# calling rule.
-distdir : dbicadmin_pod_inject
-# The pod self-injection code is in fact a hidden option in
-# dbicadmin itself
-dbicadmin_pod_inject :
-\tcd \$(DISTVNAME) && \$(ABSPERL) -Ilib script/dbicadmin --selfinject-pod
-# Regenerate manifest before running create_distdir.
-create_distdir : manifest
-homepage 'http://www.dbix-class.org/';
-resources 'IRC' => 'irc://irc.perl.org/#dbix-class';
-resources 'license' => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/';
-resources 'repository' => 'git://git.shadowcat.co.uk/dbsrgits/DBIx-Class.git';
-resources 'MailingList' => 'http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dbix-class';
-resources 'bugtracker' => 'http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=DBIx-Class';
-# Deprecated/internal modules need no exposure
-no_index directory => $_ for (qw|
- lib/DBIx/Class/Admin
- lib/DBIx/Class/PK/Auto
- lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat
-no_index package => $_ for (qw/
- DBIx::Class::Storage::DBIHacks
- DBIx::Class::Carp
- DBIx::Class::ResultSet::Pager
-# Re-write META.yml to _exclude_ all forced build-requires (we do not want to ship
-# this) We are also not using M::I::AuthorRequires as this will be an extra dep,
-# and deps in Makefile.PL still suck
-# Also always test the result so we stop shipping borked dependency lists to CPAN
-# FIXME test_requires is not yet part of META
-my %original_build_requires = ( %$build_requires, %$test_requires );
-my @all_build_requires = @{delete Meta->{values}{build_requires}};
-my %removed_build_requires;
-for (@all_build_requires) {
- if ($original_build_requires{$_->[0]}) {
- push @{Meta->{values}{build_requires}}, $_;
- }
- else {
- $removed_build_requires{$_->[0]} = $_->[1]
- unless $_->[0] eq 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker';
- }
-# Rewrite only in author mode, the original META should not contain anything anyway
-# if we executed as non-author
-if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR && keys %removed_build_requires) {
- print "Regenerating META with author requires excluded\n";
- Meta->write;
-# test that we really took things away (just in case, happened twice somehow)
-if (! -f 'META.yml') {
- warn "No META.yml generated?! aborting...\n";
- exit 1;
-my $meta = do { local @ARGV = 'META.yml'; local $/; <> };
-# this is safe as there is a fatal check earlier to make sure $opt_testdeps does
-# not contain any real dependencies
-my @illegal_leftovers = grep
- { $meta =~ /^ \s+ \Q$_\E \: \s+ /mx }
- ( sort keys %$opt_testdeps )
-if (@illegal_leftovers) {
- die join ("\n",
- "\n\nFATAL FAIL! It looks like some author dependencies made it to the META.yml:\n",
- map { "\t$_" } @illegal_leftovers
- ) . "\n\n";
--- /dev/null
+my ($optdep_msg, $opt_testdeps);
+if ($args->{skip_author_deps}) {
+ $optdep_msg = <<'EOW';
+*** ***
+*** IGNORING AUTHOR MODE: no optional test dependencies will be forced. ***
+*** ***
+*** If you are using this checkout with the intention of submitting a DBIC ***
+*** patch, you are *STRONGLY ENCOURAGED* to install all dependencies, so ***
+*** that every possible unit-test will run. ***
+*** ***
+else {
+ $optdep_msg = <<'EOW';
+*** ***
+*** AUTHOR MODE: all optional test dependencies converted to hard requires ***
+*** ( to disable re-run Makefile.PL with --skip_author_deps ) ***
+*** ***
+ require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
+ my %reqs_for_group = %{DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_group_list};
+ # exclude the rdbms_* groups which are for DBIC users
+ $opt_testdeps = {
+ map { %{$reqs_for_group{$_}} } grep { !/^rdbms_/ } keys %reqs_for_group
+ };
+ print "Including all optional deps\n";
+ $reqs->{test_requires} = {
+ %{$reqs->{test_requires}},
+ %$opt_testdeps
+ };
+# nasty hook into both M::AI init and the prompter, so that the optdep message
+# comes at the right places (on top and then right above the prompt)
+ require Module::AutoInstall;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ no strict 'refs';
+ for (qw/_prompt import/) {
+ my $meth = "Module::AutoInstall::$_";
+ my $orig = \&{$meth};
+ *{$meth} = sub {
+ print $optdep_msg;
+ goto $orig;
+ };
+ }
+# this will run after the Makefile is written and the main Makefile.PL terminates
+END {
+ # Re-write META.yml at the end to _exclude_ all forced build-requires (we do not
+ # want to ship this) We are also not using M::I::AuthorRequires as this will be
+ # an extra dep, and deps in Makefile.PL still suck
+ # Also always test the result so we stop shipping borked dependency lists to CPAN
+ # FIXME test_requires is not yet part of META
+ my %original_build_requires = ( %$build_requires, %$test_requires );
+ my @all_build_requires = @{delete Meta->{values}{build_requires}||[]};
+ my %removed_build_requires;
+ for (@all_build_requires) {
+ if ($original_build_requires{$_->[0]}) {
+ push @{Meta->{values}{build_requires}}, $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ $removed_build_requires{$_->[0]} = $_->[1]
+ unless $_->[0] eq 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker';
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys %removed_build_requires) {
+ print "Regenerating META with author requires excluded\n";
+ Meta->write;
+ }
+ # test that we really took things away (just in case, happened twice somehow)
+ if (! -f 'META.yml') {
+ warn "No META.yml generated?! aborting...\n";
+ unlink 'Makefile';
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ my $meta = do { local @ARGV = 'META.yml'; local $/; <> };
+ # this is safe as there is a fatal check earlier in the main Makefile.PL
+ # to make sure there are no duplicates (i.e. $opt_testdeps does not contain
+ # any real dependencies)
+ my @illegal_leftovers = grep
+ { $meta =~ /^ \s+ \Q$_\E \: \s+ /mx }
+ ( sort keys %$opt_testdeps )
+ ;
+ if (@illegal_leftovers) {
+ warn join ("\n",
+ "\n\nFATAL FAIL! It looks like some author dependencies made it to the META.yml:\n",
+ map { "\t$_" } @illegal_leftovers
+ ) . "\n\n";
+ unlink 'Makefile';
+ exit 1;
+ }
+# keep the Makefile.PL eval happy