return $self->search(@_)->count if @_ and defined $_[0];
return scalar @{ $self->get_cache } if $self->get_cache;
- my @subq_attrs = qw/prefetch collapse group_by having having_bind/;
+ my @subq_attrs = qw/prefetch collapse distinct group_by having having_bind/;
# if we are not paged - we are simply asking for a limit
if (not $self->{attrs}{page} and not $self->{attrs}{software_limit}) {
-# _update_delete_via_subq
-# Presence of some rs attributes requires a subquery to reliably
-# update/deletre
+# _rs_update_delete
+# Determines whether and what type of subquery is required for the $rs operation.
+# If grouping is necessary either supplies its own, or verifies the current one
+# After all is done delegates to the proper storage method.
+sub _rs_update_delete {
+ my ($self, $op, $values) = @_;
+ my $rsrc = $self->result_source;
+ my $needs_group_by_subq = $self->_has_attr (qw/prefetch distinct join seen_join group_by/);
+ my $needs_subq = $self->_has_attr (qw/row offset page/);
+ if ($needs_group_by_subq or $needs_subq) {
+ # make a new $rs selecting only the PKs (that's all we really need)
+ my $attrs = $self->_resolved_attrs;
+ delete $attrs->{$_} for qw/prefetch select +select as +as columns +columns/;
+ $attrs->{columns} = [ map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } ($self->result_source->primary_columns) ];
+ if ($needs_group_by_subq) {
+ # make sure no group_by was supplied, or if there is one - make sure it matches
+ # the columns compiled above perfectly. Anything else can not be sanely executed
+ # on most databases so croak right then and there
+ if (my $g = $attrs->{group_by}) {
+ my @current_group_by = map
+ { $_ =~ /\./ ? $_ : "$attrs->{alias}.$_" }
+ (ref $g eq 'ARRAY' ? @$g : $g );
+ if (
+ join ("\x00", sort @current_group_by)
+ ne
+ join ("\x00", sort @{$attrs->{columns}} )
+ ) {
+ $self->throw_exception (
+ "You have just attempted a $op operation on a resultset which does group_by"
+ . ' on columns other than the primary keys, while DBIC internally needs to retrieve'
+ . ' the primary keys in a subselect. All sane RDBMS engines do not support this'
+ . ' kind of queries. Please retry the operation with a modified group_by or'
+ . ' without using one at all.'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $attrs->{group_by} = $attrs->{columns};
+ }
+ }
-sub _update_delete_via_subq {
- return $_[0]->_has_attr (qw/join seen_join group_by row offset page/);
+ my $subrs = (ref $self)->new($rsrc, $attrs);
+ return $self->result_source->storage->subq_update_delete($subrs, $op, $values);
+ }
+ else {
+ return $rsrc->storage->$op(
+ $rsrc,
+ $op eq 'update' ? $values : (),
+ $self->_cond_for_update_delete,
+ );
+ }
$self->throw_exception('Values for update must be a hash')
unless ref $values eq 'HASH';
- # rs operations with subqueries are Storage dependent - delegate
- if ($self->_update_delete_via_subq) {
- return $self->result_source->storage->subq_update_delete($self, 'update', $values);
- }
- my $cond = $self->_cond_for_update_delete;
- return $self->result_source->storage->update(
- $self->result_source, $values, $cond
- );
+ return $self->_rs_update_delete ('update', $values);
=head2 update_all
$self->throw_exception('delete does not accept any arguments')
if @_;
- # rs operations with subqueries are Storage dependent - delegate
- if ($self->_update_delete_via_subq) {
- return $self->result_source->storage->subq_update_delete($self, 'delete');
- }
- my $cond = $self->_cond_for_update_delete;
- $self->result_source->storage->delete($self->result_source, $cond);
- return 1;
+ return $self->_rs_update_delete ('delete');
=head2 delete_all
my ($rs, $op, $values) = @_;
my $rsrc = $rs->result_source;
+ my $attrs = $rs->_resolved_attrs;
my @pcols = $rsrc->primary_columns;
+ $self->throw_exception ('_onepk_update_delete can not be called on resultsets selecting multiple columns')
+ if (ref $attrs->{select} eq 'ARRAY' and @{$attrs->{select}} > 1);
return $self->$op (
$op eq 'update' ? $values : (),
- { $pcols[0] => { -in => $rs->get_column ($pcols[0])->as_query } },
+ { $pcols[0] => { -in => $rs->as_query } },
my $rsrc = $rs->result_source;
my @pcols = $rsrc->primary_columns;
+ my $attrs = $rs->_resolved_attrs;
+ $self->throw_exception ('Number of columns selected by supplied resultset does not match number of primary keys')
+ if ( ref $attrs->{select} ne 'ARRAY' or @{$attrs->{select}} != @pcols );
my $guard = $self->txn_scope_guard;
- my $subrs_cur = $rs->search ({}, { columns => \@pcols })->cursor;
+ my $subrs_cur = $rs->cursor;
while (my @pks = $subrs_cur->next) {
my $cond;