use strict;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use lib 't/lib';
+use DBICTest::RunMode;
my $authorcount = scalar do {
open (my $fh, '<', 'AUTHORS') or die "Unable to open AUTHORS - can't happen: $!\n";
map { chomp; ( ( ! $_ or $_ =~ /^\s*\#/ ) ? () : $_ ) } <$fh>;
} or die "Known AUTHORS file seems empty... can't happen...";
-# do not announce anything under travis - we are watching for STDERR silence
-diag "\n\n$authorcount contributors made this library what it is today\n\n"
- unless ($ENV{TRAVIS}||'') eq 'true';
+# do not announce anything under ci - we are watching for STDERR silence
+diag <<EOD unless DBICTest::RunMode->is_ci;
+$authorcount contributors made this library what it is today
+Distinguished patrons:
+ * ( 2014 ~ 2015 ) Henry Van Styn, creator of
+# looks funny if we do it before stuff
ok 1;