use Test::Exception;
use Test::Warn;
use Time::HiRes 'time';
+use Math::BigInt;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
$_[1]->do('ALTER TABLE artist ADD COLUMN bigint BIGINT');
+my $sqlite_broken_bigint = (
+ modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::SQLite', '1.34') and ! modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::SQLite', '1.37')
+# 63 bit integer
+my $many_bits = (Math::BigInt->new(2) ** 62);
# test upper/lower boundaries for sqlite and some values inbetween
# range is -(2**63) .. 2**63 - 1
+# Not testing -0 - it seems to overflow to ~0 on some combinations,
+# thus not triggering the >32 bit guards
+# interesting read:
for my $bi ( qw(
+ -2
+ -1
+ 0
+ +0
+ 1
+ 2
# these values cause exceptions even with all workarounds in place on these
# fucked DBD::SQLite versions *regardless* of ivsize >.<
- ( modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::SQLite', '1.34') and ! modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::SQLite', '1.37') )
+ $sqlite_broken_bigint
? ()
: ( '2147483648', '2147483649' )
) {
my @w;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $_[0] =~ /datatype mismatch/ ? push @w, @_ : warn @_ };
- lives_ok {
+ # some combinations of SQLite 1.35 and older 5.8 faimly is wonky
+ # instead of a warning we get a full exception. Sod it
+ eval {
$row = $schema->resultset('BigIntArtist')->create({ bigint => $bi });
- } "Insering value ($v_desc)" or next;
+ } or do {
+ fail("Exception on inserting $v_desc") unless $sqlite_broken_bigint;
+ next;
+ };
# explicitly using eq, to make sure we did not nummify the argument
# which can be an issue on 32 bit ivsize
# the test will not pass an == if we are running under 32 bit ivsize
# use 'eq' on the numified (and possibly "scientificied") returned value
- DBIx::Class::_ENV_::IV_SIZE < 8 ? 'eq' : '==',
+ (DBIx::Class::_ENV_::IV_SIZE < 8 and $v_bits > 32) ? 'eq' : '==',
# in 1.37 DBD::SQLite switched to proper losless representation of bigints
# regardless of ivize
"value in database correct ($v_desc)"
- is_deeply (\@w, [], 'No mismatch warnings on bigint operations' );
+# FIXME - temporary smoke-only escape
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'Potential for false negatives - investigation pending', 1
+ if DBICTest::RunMode->is_plain;
+ # check if math works
+ # start by adding/subtracting a 50 bit integer, and then divide by 2 for good measure
+ my ($sqlop, $expect) = $bi < 0
+ ? ( '(bigint + ? )', ($bi + $many_bits) )
+ : ( '(bigint - ? )', ($bi - $many_bits) )
+ ;
+ $expect = ($expect + ($expect % 2)) / 2;
+ # read
+ # and check the tables on the right side of the article for an
+ # enlightening journey on why a mere bigint % 2 won't work
+ $sqlop = "( $sqlop + ( ((bigint % 2)+2)%2 ) ) / 2";
+ for my $dtype (undef, \'int', \'bigint') {
+ # FIXME - the double-load should not be needed
+ # will fix in the future
+ $row->update({ bigint => $bi });
+ $row->discard_changes;
+ $row->update({ bigint => \[ $sqlop, [ $dtype => $many_bits ] ] });
+ $row->discard_changes;
+ # can't use cmp_ok - will not engage the M::BI overload of $many_bits
+ ok (
+ $row->bigint
+ ==
+ (DBIx::Class::_ENV_::IV_SIZE < 8 and ! modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::SQLite', '1.37')) ? $expect->bstr + 0 : $expect
+ , "simple integer math with@{[ $dtype ? '' : 'out' ]} bindtype in database correct (base $v_desc)")
+ or diag sprintf '%s != %s', $row->bigint, $expect;
+ }
+# end of fixme
+ is_deeply (\@w, [], "No mismatch warnings on bigint operations ($v_desc)" );