use Moose;
extends 'App';
- around configfile => sub { '/notused/default' };
+ sub _get_default_configfile { '/notused/default' }
- {
+ SKIP: {
+ eval "use MooseX::ConfigFromFile 0.08 (); 1;";
+ diag("MooseX::ConfigFromFile 0.08 needed to test this use of configfile defaults"),
+ skip "MooseX::ConfigFromFile 0.08 needed to test this use of configfile defaults", 7 if $@;
my $app = App::ConfigFileWrapped->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App::ConfigFileWrapped' );
app_ok( $app );
'correct constructor args passed',
- TODO: {
+ {
my $app = App::ConfigFileWrapped->new_with_options;
isa_ok( $app, 'App::ConfigFileWrapped' );
app_ok( $app );
ok( $app->config_from_override,
'... config_from_override true as expected' );
-# FIXME - in order for this to work, we need to fix CFF so the
-# configfile method always returns the actual value of the attribute,
-# not the default sub thingy.
- local $TODO = 'MooseX::ConfigFromFile needs fixes';
is( $app->configfile, path('/notused/override'),
'... configfile is /notused as expected' );