+ - make Nopaste attribute lazy
+ - make ReadLineHistory history file location portable
- make plugins be M::I features so dependencies are optional
- resolve rt.cpan#42506 readdir might fail
use inc::Module::Install 0.76;
name 'Devel-REPL';
+perl_version '5.008001';
all_from 'lib/Devel/REPL.pm';
install_script 'script/re.pl';
use namespace::clean -except => [ 'meta' ];
use 5.008001; # backwards compat, doesn't warn like 5.8.1
-our $VERSION = '1.003002'; # 1.3.2
+our $VERSION = '1.003003'; # 1.3.3
with 'MooseX::Object::Pluggable';
package Devel::REPL::Plugin::ReadLineHistory;
use Devel::REPL::Plugin;
+use File::HomeDir;
+use File::Spec;
+my $hist_file = $ENV{PERLREPL_HISTFILE} ||
+ File::Spec->catfile(File::HomeDir->my_home, '.perlreplhist');
-my $hist_file=$ENV{PERLREPL_HISTFILE} ||
- (($ENV{HOME} || (getpwuid($<))[7]) . "/.perlreplhist");
# HISTLEN should probably be in a config file to stop people accidentally
# truncating their history if they start the program and forget to set