my $relobj = $collation->relations->get_relationship( @$p );
next if $relobj->type eq 'collated'; # Don't show these
next if $p->[0] eq $p->[1]; # HACK until bugfix
- my $relhash = { source => $p->[0], target => $p->[1],
- type => $relobj->type, scope => $relobj->scope };
+ my $relhash = { source_id => $p->[0], target_id => $p->[1],
+ source_text => $collation->reading( $p->[0] )->text,
+ target_text => $collation->reading( $p->[1] )->text,
+ type => $relobj->type, scope => $relobj->scope,
+ a_derivable_from_b => $relobj->a_derivable_from_b,
+ b_derivable_from_a => $relobj->b_derivable_from_a,
+ non_independent => $relobj->non_independent,
+ };
$relhash->{'note'} = $relobj->annotation if $relobj->has_annotation;
push( @all_relations, $relhash );
'error' => 'You do not have permission to modify this tradition.' };
$c->detach( 'View::JSON' );
} elsif( $c->request->method eq 'POST' ) {
- my $node = $c->request->param('source_id');
- my $target = $c->request->param('target_id');
- my $relation = $c->request->param('rel_type');
- my $note = $c->request->param('note');
- my $scope = $c->request->param('scope');
+ my $opts = $c->request->params;
+ # Retrieve the source / target from the options
+ my $node = delete $opts->{source_id};
+ my $target = delete $opts->{target_id};
+ # Make sure we didn't send a blank or invalid relationship type
+ my $relation = $opts->{type};
+ unless( $collation->get_relationship_type( $relation ) ) {
+ my $errmsg = $relation ? "No such relationship type $relation" :
+ "You must specify a relationship type";
+ $c->stash->{'result'} = { error => $errmsg };
+ $c->response->status( '400' );
+ $c->detach( 'View::JSON' );
+ }
+ # Keep the data clean
+ my @booleans = qw/ a_derivable_from_b b_derivable_from_a non_independent /;
+ foreach my $k ( keys %$opts ) {
+ if( $opts->{$k} && grep { $_ eq $k } @booleans ) {
+ $opts->{$k} = 1;
+ }
+ }
- my $opts = { 'type' => $relation, 'propagate' => 1 };
- $opts->{'scope'} = $scope if $scope;
- $opts->{'annotation'} = $note if $note;
+ delete $opts->{scope} unless $opts->{scope};
+ delete $opts->{annotation} unless $opts->{annotation};
+ $opts->{propagate} = 1;
try {
my @vectors = $collation->add_relationship( $node, $target, $opts );
sub _clean_booleans {
- my( $rdg, $param, $val ) = @_;
- if( $rdg->meta->get_attribute( $param )->type_constraint->name eq 'Bool' ) {
+ my( $obj, $param, $val ) = @_;
+ if( $obj->meta->get_attribute( $param )->type_constraint->name eq 'Bool' ) {
$val = 1 if $val eq 'true';
$val = undef if $val eq 'false';