use warnings;
use Test::More;
use lib qw(t/lib);
-use DBICTest;
# This is a rather unusual test.
# It does not test any aspect of DBIx::Class, but instead tests the
return $] < 5.008009 && !_has_bug_34925();
+# If the test here fails, you are running a 5.88 or older perl which
+# has been patched to correct for an issue with bless/overload, but
+# which *might* be susceptable to a severe performance issue caused
+# by a partial fix. The performance issue is tested for in the second
+# test.
+# If *this* test fails, but the other test is OK, then you have a fixed
+# perl and no need to worry.
ok( !_possibly_has_bad_overload_performance(),
'Checking not susceptable to bless/overload performance problem' );
'Overload/bless performance acceptable' )
# if the test above failed, look at the section titled
# Perl Performance Issues on Red Hat Systems in
-# L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Troubleshooting>
\ No newline at end of file
+# L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Troubleshooting>
+# Basically you may suffer severe performance issues when running
+# DBIx::Class (and many other) modules. Look at getting a fixed
+# version of the perl interpreter for your system.