-use inc::Module::Install 0.67;
+use inc::Module::Install 0.81;
name 'DBIx-Class';
perl_version '5.006001';
requires 'Data::Page' => 2.00;
requires 'Scalar::Util' => 0;
-requires 'SQL::Abstract' => 1.24;
+requires 'SQL::Abstract' => 1.51;
requires 'SQL::Abstract::Limit' => 0.13;
requires 'Class::C3' => 0.20;
-requires 'Class::C3::Componentised' => 0;
+requires 'Class::C3::Componentised' => 1.0004;
requires 'Storable' => 0;
requires 'Carp::Clan' => 0;
requires 'DBI' => 1.40;
requires 'Module::Find' => 0;
requires 'Class::Inspector' => 0;
-requires 'Class::Accessor::Grouped' => 0.08002;
+requires 'Class::Accessor::Grouped' => 0.08003;
requires 'JSON::Any' => 1.17;
requires 'Scope::Guard' => 0.03;
requires 'List::Util' => 1.19;
# Test txn_scope_guard
- local $TODO = "Work out how this should work";
# reset schema
$schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
# forcing a txn_rollback to happen
outer($schema, 0);
+ local $TODO = "Work out how this should work";
is($@, "Not sure what we want here, but something", "Rollback okay");
ok(!$artist_rs->find({name => 'Death Cab for Cutie'}), "Artist not created");
my @cds = $schema->resultset('CD')->search( { artist => 1, cdid => { -between => [ 1, 3 ] }, } );
is_same_sql_bind (
$sql, \@bind,
- q/SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year FROM cd me WHERE ( artist = ? AND cdid BETWEEN ? AND ? )/,
+ q/SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year FROM cd me WHERE ( artist = ? AND (cdid BETWEEN ? AND ?) )/,
[qw/'1' '1' '3'/],
'got correct SQL with all bind parameters'
$sql, \@bind,
- q/SELECT `me`.`cdid`, `me`.`artist`, `me`.`title`, `me`.`year` FROM `cd` `me` ORDER BY `year DESC`/, [],
+ q/SELECT `me`.`cdid`, `me`.`artist`, `me`.`title`, `me`.`year` FROM `cd` `me` ORDER BY `year` DESC/, [],
'scalar ORDER BY okay (single value)'
- local $TODO = "select attr with star needs fixing (mst/nate)";
($sql, @bind) = $sql_maker->select(