Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ - modified SQLT parser to skip dupe table names
+ - added remove_column(s) to ResultSource/ResultSourceProxy
+ - added add_column alias to ResultSourceProxy
+ - added source_name to ResultSource
+ - load_classes now uses source_name and sets it if necessary
+ - add update_or_create_related to Relationship::Base
+ - add find_or_new to ResultSet/ResultSetProxy and find_or_new_related
+ to Relationship::Base
+ - add accessors for unique constraint names and coulums to
+ ResultSource/ResultSourceProxy
+ - rework ResultSet::find() to search unique constraints
+ - CDBICompat: modify retrieve to fix column casing when ColumnCase is
+ loaded
+ - CDBICompat: override find_or_create to fix column casing when
+ ColumnCase is loaded
+ - make find_or_create_related check defined() instead of truth
+ - don't unnecessarily fetch rels for cascade_update
- don't set_columns explicitly in update_or_create; instead use
update($hashref) so InflateColumn works
- fix for has_many prefetch with 0 related rows
sub find_or_create_related {
my $self = shift;
- return $self->find_related(@_) || $self->create_related(@_);
+ my $obj = $self->find_related(@_);
+ return (defined($obj) ? $obj : $self->create_related(@_));
+=head2 update_or_create_related
+ my $updated_item = $obj->update_or_create_related('relname', \%col_data, \%attrs?);
+Update or create an item of a related class. See
+L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/update_or_create> for details.
+sub update_or_create_related {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $rel = shift;
+ return $self->related_resultset($rel)->update_or_create(@_);
=head2 set_from_related
$book->set_from_related('author', $author_obj);
sub run_tests {
my $schema = shift;
- plan tests => 57;
-plan tests => 47;
++plan tests => 58;
# figure out if we've got a version of sqlite that is older than 3.2.6, in
# which case COUNT(DISTINCT()) doesn't work
is($art->name, 'Test _cond_for_update_delete', 'updated second artist name');
-#test cascade_delete thru many_many relations
-my $art_del = $schema->resultset("Artist")->find({ artistid => 1 });
-cmp_ok( $schema->resultset("CD")->search({artist => 1}), '==', 0, 'Cascading through has_many top level.');
-cmp_ok( $schema->resultset("CD_to_Producer")->search({cd => 1}), '==', 0, 'Cascading through has_many children.');
+# test source_name
+ # source_name should be set for normal modules
+ is($schema->source('CD')->source_name, 'CD', 'source_name is set to moniker');
-$schema->source("Artist")->{_columns}{'artistid'} = {};
+ # test the result source that sets source_name explictly
+ ok($schema->source('SourceNameArtists'), 'SourceNameArtists result source exists');
-my $typeinfo = $schema->source("Artist")->column_info('artistid');
-is($typeinfo->{data_type}, 'INTEGER', 'column_info ok');
-ok($schema->source("Artist")->{_columns_info_loaded} == 1, 'Columns info flag set');
+ my @artsn = $schema->resultset('SourceNameArtists')->search({}, { order_by => 'name DESC' });
+ cmp_ok(@artsn, '==', 4, "Four artists returned");
+ my $newbook = $schema->resultset( 'Bookmark' )->find(1);
+ $@ = '';
+ eval {
+ my $newlink = $newbook->link;
+ };
+ ok(!$@, "stringify to false value doesn't cause error");
+# test cascade_delete through many_to_many relations
+ my $art_del = $schema->resultset("Artist")->find({ artistid => 1 });
+ $art_del->delete;
+ cmp_ok( $schema->resultset("CD")->search({artist => 1}), '==', 0, 'Cascading through has_many top level.');
+ cmp_ok( $schema->resultset("CD_to_Producer")->search({cd => 1}), '==', 0, 'Cascading through has_many children.');
+# test column_info
+ $schema->source("Artist")->{_columns}{'artistid'} = {};
+ my $typeinfo = $schema->source("Artist")->column_info('artistid');
+ is($typeinfo->{data_type}, 'INTEGER', 'column_info ok');
+ $schema->source("Artist")->column_info('artistid');
+ ok($schema->source("Artist")->{_columns_info_loaded} == 1, 'Columns info flag set');
+# test remove_columns
+ is_deeply([$schema->source('CD')->columns], [qw/cdid artist title year/]);
+ $schema->source('CD')->remove_columns('year');
+ is_deeply([$schema->source('CD')->columns], [qw/cdid artist title/]);