use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
-plan tests => 86;
+plan tests => 89;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
isa_ok ($cd->artwork, 'DBICTest::Artwork', 'Artwork created');
# this test might look weird, but it failed at one point, keep it there
- is ($cd->artwork->images->count, 2, 'Correct artwork image count via the new object');
+ my $art_obj = $cd->artwork;
+ ok ($art_obj->has_column_loaded ('cd_id'), 'PK/FK present on artwork object');
+ is ($art_obj->images->count, 2, 'Correct artwork image count via the new object');
is_deeply (
- [ sort $cd->artwork->images->get_column ('name')->all ],
+ [ sort $art_obj->images->get_column ('name')->all ],
[ 'recursive descent', 'tail packing' ],
'Images named correctly in objects',
isa_ok ($track->lyrics, 'DBICTest::Lyrics', 'Lyrics created');
# this test might look weird, but it was failing at one point, keep it there
- is ($track->lyrics->lyric_versions->count, 2, 'Correct lyric versions count via the new object');
+ my $lyric_obj = $track->lyrics;
+ ok ($lyric_obj->has_column_loaded ('lyric_id'), 'PK present on lyric object');
+ ok ($lyric_obj->has_column_loaded ('track_id'), 'FK present on lyric object');
+ is ($lyric_obj->lyric_versions->count, 2, 'Correct lyric versions count via the new object');
is_deeply (
- [ sort $track->lyrics->lyric_versions->get_column ('text')->all ],
+ [ sort $lyric_obj->lyric_versions->get_column ('text')->all ],
[ 'The color black', 'The colour black' ],
'Lyrics text in objects matches',