# $VERSION declaration must stay up here, ahead of any other package
# declarations, as to not confuse various modules attempting to determine
# this ones version, whether that be s.c.o. or Module::Metadata, etc
-$VERSION = '0.08270';
+$VERSION = '0.082700_01';
$VERSION = eval $VERSION if $VERSION =~ /_/; # numify for warning-free dev releases
-my $dbic_ver_re = qr/ (\d) \. (\d{2}) (\d{3}) (?: _ (\d{2}) )? /x; # not anchored!!!
+my $dbic_ver_re = qr/ 0 \. (\d{2}) (\d{2}) (\d{2}) (?: _ (\d{2}) )? /x; # not anchored!!!
my $version_string = Meta->version;
my $version_value = eval $version_string;
my ($v_maj, $v_min, $v_point, $v_dev) = $version_string =~ /^$dbic_ver_re$/
or die sprintf (
- "Invalid version %s (as specified in %s)\nCurrently valid version formats are M.VVPPP or M.VVPPP_DD\n",
+ "Invalid version %s (as specified in %s)\nCurrently valid version formats are 0.MMVVPP or 0.MMVVPP_DD\n",
Meta->{values}{version_from} || Meta->{values}{all_from} || 'Makefile.PL',
-if ($v_maj != 0 or $v_min > 8) {
+if ($v_maj > 8) {
die "Illegal version $version_string - we are still in the 0.08 cycle\n"
-if ($v_point >= 300) {
- die "Illegal version $version_string - we are still in the 0.082xx cycle\n"
Meta->makemaker_args->{DISTVNAME} = Meta->name . "-$version_string-TRIAL" if (
- # all odd releases *after* 0.08200 generate a -TRIAL, no exceptions
- ( $v_point > 200 and int($v_point / 100) % 2 )
+ # all odd releases *after* 0.089x generate a -TRIAL, no exceptions
+ ( $v_point > 89 )
my $shipped_versions;
my $shipped_dev_versions;
+ my $legacy_re = qr/^ v 0 \. (\d{2}) (\d{2}) (\d) (?: _ (\d{2}) )? $/x;
for (keys %$tags) {
- if ($_ =~ /^v$dbic_ver_re$/) {
+ if ($_ =~ /^v$dbic_ver_re$/ or $_ =~ $legacy_re ) {
if (defined $4) {
- $shipped_dev_versions->{"$1.$2$3$4"} = 1;
+ $shipped_dev_versions->{"0.$1$2$3$4"} = 1;
else {
- $shipped_versions->{"$1.$2$3"} = 1;
+ $shipped_versions->{"0.$1$2$3"} = 1;
delete $tags->{$_};