skip "$opts_name not functional in this configuration: $_", 1;
-$schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
- my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
- eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE artist") };
- $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
+ $schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
+ my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
+ eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE artist") };
+ $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
name VARCHAR(100),
primary key(artistid)
+ });
# test Auto-PK
$schema->resultset('Artist')->search({ name => 'foo' })->delete;
# Test populate
- $schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
- my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
- eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE owners") };
- eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE books") };
- $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
+ {
+ $schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
+ my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
+ eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE owners") };
+ eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE books") };
+ $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
source VARCHAR(100),
name VARCHAR(100),
- });
- lives_ok ( sub {
- # start a new connection, make sure rebless works
- my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $opts);
- $schema->populate ('Owners', [
- [qw/id name /],
- [qw/1 wiggle/],
- [qw/2 woggle/],
- [qw/3 boggle/],
- [qw/4 fRIOUX/],
- [qw/5 fRUE/],
- [qw/6 fREW/],
- [qw/7 fROOH/],
- [qw/8 fISMBoC/],
- [qw/9 station/],
- [qw/10 mirror/],
- [qw/11 dimly/],
- [qw/12 face_to_face/],
- [qw/13 icarus/],
- [qw/14 dream/],
- [qw/15 dyrstyggyr/],
- ]);
- }, 'populate with PKs supplied ok' );
- lives_ok (sub {
- # start a new connection, make sure rebless works
- # test an insert with a supplied identity, followed by one without
- my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $opts);
- for (2, 1) {
- my $id = $_ * 20 ;
- $schema->resultset ('Owners')->create ({ id => $id, name => "troglodoogle $id" });
- $schema->resultset ('Owners')->create ({ name => "troglodoogle " . ($id + 1) });
- }
- }, 'create with/without PKs ok' );
- is ($schema->resultset ('Owners')->count, 19, 'owner rows really in db' );
- lives_ok ( sub {
- # start a new connection, make sure rebless works
- my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $opts);
- $schema->populate ('BooksInLibrary', [
- [qw/source owner title /],
- [qw/Library 1 secrets0/],
- [qw/Library 1 secrets1/],
- [qw/Eatery 1 secrets2/],
- [qw/Library 2 secrets3/],
- [qw/Library 3 secrets4/],
- [qw/Eatery 3 secrets5/],
- [qw/Library 4 secrets6/],
- [qw/Library 5 secrets7/],
- [qw/Eatery 5 secrets8/],
- [qw/Library 6 secrets9/],
- [qw/Library 7 secrets10/],
- [qw/Eatery 7 secrets11/],
- [qw/Library 8 secrets12/],
- ]);
- }, 'populate without PKs supplied ok' );
-# test simple, complex LIMIT and limited prefetch support, with both dialects and quote combinations (if possible)
-for my $dialect (
- 'Top',
- ($schema->storage->_server_info->{normalized_dbms_version} || 0 ) >= 9
- ? ('RowNumberOver')
- : ()
- ,
-) {
- for my $quoted (0, 1) {
- $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, {
- limit_dialect => $dialect,
- %$opts,
- $quoted
- ? ( quote_char => [ qw/ [ ] / ], name_sep => '.' )
- : ()
- ,
- my $test_type = "Dialect:$dialect Quoted:$quoted";
- # basic limit support
- TODO: {
- my $art_rs = $schema->resultset ('Artist');
- $art_rs->delete;
- $art_rs->create({ name => 'Artist ' . $_ }) for (1..6);
- my $it = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( {}, {
- rows => 4,
- offset => 3,
- order_by => 'artistid',
- });
- is( $it->count, 3, "$test_type: LIMIT count ok" );
- local $TODO = "Top-limit does not work when your limit ends up past the resultset"
- if $dialect eq 'Top';
- is( $it->next->name, 'Artist 4', "$test_type: iterator->next ok" );
- $it->next;
- is( $it->next->name, 'Artist 6', "$test_type: iterator->next ok" );
- is( $it->next, undef, "$test_type: next past end of resultset ok" );
+ lives_ok ( sub {
+ # start a new connection, make sure rebless works
+ my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $opts);
+ $schema->populate ('Owners', [
+ [qw/id name /],
+ [qw/1 wiggle/],
+ [qw/2 woggle/],
+ [qw/3 boggle/],
+ [qw/4 fRIOUX/],
+ [qw/5 fRUE/],
+ [qw/6 fREW/],
+ [qw/7 fROOH/],
+ [qw/8 fISMBoC/],
+ [qw/9 station/],
+ [qw/10 mirror/],
+ [qw/11 dimly/],
+ [qw/12 face_to_face/],
+ [qw/13 icarus/],
+ [qw/14 dream/],
+ [qw/15 dyrstyggyr/],
+ ]);
+ }, 'populate with PKs supplied ok' );
+ lives_ok (sub {
+ # start a new connection, make sure rebless works
+ # test an insert with a supplied identity, followed by one without
+ my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $opts);
+ for (2, 1) {
+ my $id = $_ * 20 ;
+ $schema->resultset ('Owners')->create ({ id => $id, name => "troglodoogle $id" });
+ $schema->resultset ('Owners')->create ({ name => "troglodoogle " . ($id + 1) });
+ }
+ }, 'create with/without PKs ok' );
+ is ($schema->resultset ('Owners')->count, 19, 'owner rows really in db' );
+ lives_ok ( sub {
+ # start a new connection, make sure rebless works
+ my $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $opts);
+ $schema->populate ('BooksInLibrary', [
+ [qw/source owner title /],
+ [qw/Library 1 secrets0/],
+ [qw/Library 1 secrets1/],
+ [qw/Eatery 1 secrets2/],
+ [qw/Library 2 secrets3/],
+ [qw/Library 3 secrets4/],
+ [qw/Eatery 3 secrets5/],
+ [qw/Library 4 secrets6/],
+ [qw/Library 5 secrets7/],
+ [qw/Eatery 5 secrets8/],
+ [qw/Library 6 secrets9/],
+ [qw/Library 7 secrets10/],
+ [qw/Eatery 7 secrets11/],
+ [qw/Library 8 secrets12/],
+ ]);
+ }, 'populate without PKs supplied ok' );
- # plain ordered subqueries throw
- throws_ok (sub {
- $schema->resultset('Owners')->search ({}, { order_by => 'name' })->as_query
- }, qr/ordered subselect encountered/, "$test_type: Ordered Subselect detection throws ok");
+# test simple, complex LIMIT and limited prefetch support, with both dialects and quote combinations (if possible)
+ for my $dialect (
+ 'Top',
+ ($schema->storage->_server_info->{normalized_dbms_version} || 0 ) >= 9
+ ? ('RowNumberOver')
+ : ()
+ ,
+ ) {
+ for my $quoted (0, 1) {
+ $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, {
+ limit_dialect => $dialect,
+ %$opts,
+ $quoted
+ ? ( quote_char => [ qw/ [ ] / ], name_sep => '.' )
+ : ()
+ ,
+ });
+ my $test_type = "Dialect:$dialect Quoted:$quoted";
+ # basic limit support
+ TODO: {
+ my $art_rs = $schema->resultset ('Artist');
+ $art_rs->delete;
+ $art_rs->create({ name => 'Artist ' . $_ }) for (1..6);
+ my $it = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( {}, {
+ rows => 4,
+ offset => 3,
+ order_by => 'artistid',
+ });
+ is( $it->count, 3, "$test_type: LIMIT count ok" );
+ local $TODO = "Top-limit does not work when your limit ends up past the resultset"
+ if $dialect eq 'Top';
+ is( $it->next->name, 'Artist 4', "$test_type: iterator->next ok" );
+ $it->next;
+ is( $it->next->name, 'Artist 6', "$test_type: iterator->next ok" );
+ is( $it->next, undef, "$test_type: next past end of resultset ok" );
+ }
- # make sure ordered subselects *somewhat* work
- {
- my $owners = $schema->resultset ('Owners')->search ({}, { order_by => 'name', offset => 2, rows => 3, unsafe_subselect_ok => 1 });
- my $sealed_owners = $owners->as_subselect_rs;
+ # plain ordered subqueries throw
+ throws_ok (sub {
+ $schema->resultset('Owners')->search ({}, { order_by => 'name' })->as_query
+ }, qr/ordered subselect encountered/, "$test_type: Ordered Subselect detection throws ok");
- is_deeply (
- [ map { $_->name } ($sealed_owners->all) ],
- [ map { $_->name } ($owners->all) ],
- "$test_type: Sort preserved from within a subquery",
- );
- }
- {
- my $book_owner_ids = $schema->resultset ('BooksInLibrary')->search ({}, {
- rows => 6,
- offset => 2,
- join => 'owner',
- distinct => 1,
- order_by => '',
- unsafe_subselect_ok => 1
- })->get_column ('owner');
+ # make sure ordered subselects *somewhat* work
+ {
+ my $owners = $schema->resultset ('Owners')->search ({}, { order_by => 'name', offset => 2, rows => 3, unsafe_subselect_ok => 1 });
+ my $sealed_owners = $owners->as_subselect_rs;
+ is_deeply (
+ [ map { $_->name } ($sealed_owners->all) ],
+ [ map { $_->name } ($owners->all) ],
+ "$test_type: Sort preserved from within a subquery",
+ );
+ }
- my @ids = $book_owner_ids->all;
+ {
+ my $book_owner_ids = $schema->resultset ('BooksInLibrary')->search ({}, {
+ rows => 6,
+ offset => 2,
+ join => 'owner',
+ distinct => 1,
+ order_by => '',
+ unsafe_subselect_ok => 1
+ })->get_column ('owner');
+ my @ids = $book_owner_ids->all;
+ is (@ids, 6, 'Limit works');
+ my $book_owners = $schema->resultset ('Owners')->search ({
+ id => { -in => $book_owner_ids->as_query }
+ });
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "Correlated limited IN subqueries will probably never preserve order";
+ is_deeply (
+ [ map { $_->id } ($book_owners->all) ],
+ [ $book_owner_ids->all ],
+ "$test_type: Sort is preserved across IN subqueries",
+ );
+ }
+ }
- is (@ids, 6, 'Limit works');
+ # still even with lost order of IN, we should be getting correct
+ # sets
+ {
+ my $owners = $schema->resultset ('Owners')->search ({}, { order_by => 'name', offset => 2, rows => 3, unsafe_subselect_ok => 1 });
+ my $corelated_owners = $owners->result_source->resultset->search (
+ {
+ id => { -in => $owners->get_column('id')->as_query },
+ },
+ {
+ order_by => 'name' #reorder because of what is shown above
+ },
+ );
+ is (
+ join ("\x00", map { $_->name } ($corelated_owners->all) ),
+ join ("\x00", map { $_->name } ($owners->all) ),
+ "$test_type: With an outer order_by, everything still matches",
+ );
+ }
- my $book_owners = $schema->resultset ('Owners')->search ({
- id => { -in => $book_owner_ids->as_query }
- });
+ # make sure right-join-side single-prefetch ordering limit works
+ {
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset ('BooksInLibrary')->search (
+ {
+ '' => { '!=', 'woggle' },
+ },
+ {
+ prefetch => 'owner',
+ order_by => '',
+ }
+ );
+ # this is the order in which they should come from the above query
+ my @owner_names = qw/boggle fISMBoC fREW fRIOUX fROOH fRUE wiggle wiggle/;
+ is ($rs->all, 8, "$test_type: Correct amount of objects from right-sorted joined resultset");
+ is_deeply (
+ [map { $_->owner->name } ($rs->all) ],
+ \@owner_names,
+ "$test_type: Prefetched rows were properly ordered"
+ );
+ my $limited_rs = $rs->search ({}, {rows => 6, offset => 2, unsafe_subselect_ok => 1});
+ is ($limited_rs->count, 6, "$test_type: Correct count of limited right-sorted joined resultset");
+ is ($limited_rs->count_rs->next, 6, "$test_type: Correct count_rs of limited right-sorted joined resultset");
+ my $queries;
+ my $orig_debug = $schema->storage->debug;
+ $schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++; });
+ $schema->storage->debug(1);
+ is_deeply (
+ [map { $_->owner->name } ($limited_rs->all) ],
+ [@owner_names[2 .. 7]],
+ "$test_type: Prefetch-limited rows were properly ordered"
+ );
+ is ($queries, 1, "$test_type: Only one query with prefetch");
+ $schema->storage->debugcb(undef);
+ $schema->storage->debug($orig_debug);
+ is_deeply (
+ [map { $_->name } ($limited_rs->search_related ('owner')->all) ],
+ [@owner_names[2 .. 7]],
+ "$test_type: Rows are still properly ordered after search_related",
+ );
+ }
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = "Correlated limited IN subqueries will probably never preserve order";
+ # try a ->has_many direction with duplicates
+ my $owners = $schema->resultset ('Owners')->search (
+ {
+ '' => { '!=', undef },
+ '' => { '!=', 'somebogusstring' },
+ },
+ {
+ prefetch => 'books',
+ order_by => { -asc => \['name + ?', [ test => 'xxx' ]] }, # test bindvar propagation
+ group_by => [ map { "me.$_" } $schema->source('Owners')->columns ], # the literal order_by requires an explicit group_by
+ rows => 3, # 8 results total
+ unsafe_subselect_ok => 1,
+ },
+ );
+ my ($sql, @bind) = @${$owners->page(3)->as_query};
is_deeply (
- [ map { $_->id } ($book_owners->all) ],
- [ $book_owner_ids->all ],
- "$test_type: Sort is preserved across IN subqueries",
+ \@bind,
+ [
+ $dialect eq 'Top' ? [ test => 'xxx' ] : (), # the extra re-order bind
+ ([ '' => 'somebogusstring' ], [ test => 'xxx' ]) x 2 # double because of the prefetch subq
+ ],
- }
- }
- # still even with lost order of IN, we should be getting correct
- # sets
- {
- my $owners = $schema->resultset ('Owners')->search ({}, { order_by => 'name', offset => 2, rows => 3, unsafe_subselect_ok => 1 });
- my $corelated_owners = $owners->result_source->resultset->search (
- {
- id => { -in => $owners->get_column('id')->as_query },
- },
- {
- order_by => 'name' #reorder because of what is shown above
- },
- );
+ is ($owners->page(1)->all, 3, "$test_type: has_many prefetch returns correct number of rows");
+ is ($owners->page(1)->count, 3, "$test_type: has-many prefetch returns correct count");
- is (
- join ("\x00", map { $_->name } ($corelated_owners->all) ),
- join ("\x00", map { $_->name } ($owners->all) ),
- "$test_type: With an outer order_by, everything still matches",
- );
- }
- # make sure right-join-side single-prefetch ordering limit works
- {
- my $rs = $schema->resultset ('BooksInLibrary')->search (
- {
- '' => { '!=', 'woggle' },
- },
- {
- prefetch => 'owner',
- order_by => '',
+ is ($owners->page(3)->count, 2, "$test_type: has-many prefetch returns correct count");
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "Top-limit does not work when your limit ends up past the resultset"
+ if $dialect eq 'Top';
+ is ($owners->page(3)->all, 2, "$test_type: has_many prefetch returns correct number of rows");
+ is ($owners->page(3)->count_rs->next, 2, "$test_type: has-many prefetch returns correct count_rs");
- );
- # this is the order in which they should come from the above query
- my @owner_names = qw/boggle fISMBoC fREW fRIOUX fROOH fRUE wiggle wiggle/;
- is ($rs->all, 8, "$test_type: Correct amount of objects from right-sorted joined resultset");
- is_deeply (
- [map { $_->owner->name } ($rs->all) ],
- \@owner_names,
- "$test_type: Prefetched rows were properly ordered"
- );
- my $limited_rs = $rs->search ({}, {rows => 6, offset => 2, unsafe_subselect_ok => 1});
- is ($limited_rs->count, 6, "$test_type: Correct count of limited right-sorted joined resultset");
- is ($limited_rs->count_rs->next, 6, "$test_type: Correct count_rs of limited right-sorted joined resultset");
- my $queries;
- my $orig_debug = $schema->storage->debug;
- $schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++; });
- $schema->storage->debug(1);
- is_deeply (
- [map { $_->owner->name } ($limited_rs->all) ],
- [@owner_names[2 .. 7]],
- "$test_type: Prefetch-limited rows were properly ordered"
- );
- is ($queries, 1, "$test_type: Only one query with prefetch");
- $schema->storage->debugcb(undef);
- $schema->storage->debug($orig_debug);
- is_deeply (
- [map { $_->name } ($limited_rs->search_related ('owner')->all) ],
- [@owner_names[2 .. 7]],
- "$test_type: Rows are still properly ordered after search_related",
- );
- }
+ # try a ->belongs_to direction (no select collapse, group_by should work)
+ my $books = $schema->resultset ('BooksInLibrary')->search (
+ {
+ '' => [qw/wiggle woggle/],
+ },
+ {
+ distinct => 1,
+ having => \['1 = ?', [ test => 1 ] ], #test having propagation
+ prefetch => 'owner',
+ rows => 2, # 3 results total
+ order_by => { -desc => 'me.owner' },
+ unsafe_subselect_ok => 1,
+ },
+ );
- # try a ->has_many direction with duplicates
- my $owners = $schema->resultset ('Owners')->search (
- {
- '' => { '!=', undef },
- '' => { '!=', 'somebogusstring' },
- },
- {
- prefetch => 'books',
- order_by => { -asc => \['name + ?', [ test => 'xxx' ]] }, # test bindvar propagation
- group_by => [ map { "me.$_" } $schema->source('Owners')->columns ], # the literal order_by requires an explicit group_by
- rows => 3, # 8 results total
- unsafe_subselect_ok => 1,
- },
- );
- my ($sql, @bind) = @${$owners->page(3)->as_query};
- is_deeply (
- \@bind,
- [
- $dialect eq 'Top' ? [ test => 'xxx' ] : (), # the extra re-order bind
- ([ '' => 'somebogusstring' ], [ test => 'xxx' ]) x 2 # double because of the prefetch subq
- ],
- );
- is ($owners->page(1)->all, 3, "$test_type: has_many prefetch returns correct number of rows");
- is ($owners->page(1)->count, 3, "$test_type: has-many prefetch returns correct count");
- is ($owners->page(3)->count, 2, "$test_type: has-many prefetch returns correct count");
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = "Top-limit does not work when your limit ends up past the resultset"
- if $dialect eq 'Top';
- is ($owners->page(3)->all, 2, "$test_type: has_many prefetch returns correct number of rows");
- is ($owners->page(3)->count_rs->next, 2, "$test_type: has-many prefetch returns correct count_rs");
- }
+ ($sql, @bind) = @${$books->page(3)->as_query};
+ is_deeply (
+ \@bind,
+ [
+ # inner
+ [ '' => 'wiggle' ], [ '' => 'woggle' ], [ source => 'Library' ], [ test => '1' ],
+ # outer
+ [ '' => 'wiggle' ], [ '' => 'woggle' ], [ source => 'Library' ],
+ ],
+ );
+ is ($books->page(1)->all, 2, "$test_type: Prefetched grouped search returns correct number of rows");
+ is ($books->page(1)->count, 2, "$test_type: Prefetched grouped search returns correct count");
- # try a ->belongs_to direction (no select collapse, group_by should work)
- my $books = $schema->resultset ('BooksInLibrary')->search (
- {
- '' => [qw/wiggle woggle/],
- },
- {
- distinct => 1,
- having => \['1 = ?', [ test => 1 ] ], #test having propagation
- prefetch => 'owner',
- rows => 2, # 3 results total
- order_by => { -desc => 'me.owner' },
- unsafe_subselect_ok => 1,
- },
- );
- ($sql, @bind) = @${$books->page(3)->as_query};
- is_deeply (
- \@bind,
- [
- # inner
- [ '' => 'wiggle' ], [ '' => 'woggle' ], [ source => 'Library' ], [ test => '1' ],
- # outer
- [ '' => 'wiggle' ], [ '' => 'woggle' ], [ source => 'Library' ],
- ],
- );
- is ($books->page(1)->all, 2, "$test_type: Prefetched grouped search returns correct number of rows");
- is ($books->page(1)->count, 2, "$test_type: Prefetched grouped search returns correct count");
- is ($books->page(2)->count, 1, "$test_type: Prefetched grouped search returns correct count");
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = "Top-limit does not work when your limit ends up past the resultset"
- if $dialect eq 'Top';
- is ($books->page(2)->all, 1, "$test_type: Prefetched grouped search returns correct number of rows");
- is ($books->page(2)->count_rs->next, 1, "$test_type: Prefetched grouped search returns correct count_rs");
+ is ($books->page(2)->count, 1, "$test_type: Prefetched grouped search returns correct count");
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "Top-limit does not work when your limit ends up past the resultset"
+ if $dialect eq 'Top';
+ is ($books->page(2)->all, 1, "$test_type: Prefetched grouped search returns correct number of rows");
+ is ($books->page(2)->count_rs->next, 1, "$test_type: Prefetched grouped search returns correct count_rs");
+ }
+ }
- }
# test GUID columns
- $schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
- my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
- eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE artist_guid") };
- $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
+ {
+ $schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
+ my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
+ eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE artist_guid") };
+ $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
CREATE TABLE artist_guid (
name VARCHAR(100),
primary key(artistid)
- });
+ });
- # start disconnected to make sure insert works on an un-reblessed storage
- $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $opts);
+ # start disconnected to make sure insert works on an un-reblessed storage
+ $schema = DBICTest::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $opts);
- my $row;
- lives_ok {
- $row = $schema->resultset('ArtistGUID')->create({ name => 'mtfnpy' })
- } 'created a row with a GUID';
+ my $row;
+ lives_ok {
+ $row = $schema->resultset('ArtistGUID')->create({ name => 'mtfnpy' })
+ } 'created a row with a GUID';
- ok(
- eval { $row->artistid },
- 'row has GUID PK col populated',
- );
- diag $@ if $@;
+ ok(
+ eval { $row->artistid },
+ 'row has GUID PK col populated',
+ );
+ diag $@ if $@;
- ok(
- eval { $row->a_guid },
- 'row has a GUID col with auto_nextval populated',
- );
- diag $@ if $@;
+ ok(
+ eval { $row->a_guid },
+ 'row has a GUID col with auto_nextval populated',
+ );
+ diag $@ if $@;
- my $row_from_db = $schema->resultset('ArtistGUID')
- ->search({ name => 'mtfnpy' })->first;
+ my $row_from_db = $schema->resultset('ArtistGUID')
+ ->search({ name => 'mtfnpy' })->first;
- is $row_from_db->artistid, $row->artistid,
- 'PK GUID round trip';
+ is $row_from_db->artistid, $row->artistid,
+ 'PK GUID round trip';
- is $row_from_db->a_guid, $row->a_guid,
- 'NON-PK GUID round trip';
+ is $row_from_db->a_guid, $row->a_guid,
+ 'NON-PK GUID round trip';
+ }
# test MONEY type
- $schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
- my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
- eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE money_test") };
- $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
+ {
+ $schema->storage->dbh_do (sub {
+ my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
+ eval { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE money_test") };
+ $dbh->do(<<'SQL');
CREATE TABLE money_test (
- });
+ });
- my $rs = $schema->resultset('Money');
- my $row;
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset('Money');
+ my $row;
- lives_ok {
- $row = $rs->create({ amount => 100 });
- } 'inserted a money value';
+ lives_ok {
+ $row = $rs->create({ amount => 100 });
+ } 'inserted a money value';
- cmp_ok $rs->find($row->id)->amount, '==', 100, 'money value round-trip';
+ cmp_ok $rs->find($row->id)->amount, '==', 100, 'money value round-trip';
- lives_ok {
- $row->update({ amount => 200 });
- } 'updated a money value';
+ lives_ok {
+ $row->update({ amount => 200 });
+ } 'updated a money value';
- cmp_ok $rs->find($row->id)->amount, '==', 200,
- 'updated money value round-trip';
+ cmp_ok $rs->find($row->id)->amount, '==', 200,
+ 'updated money value round-trip';
- lives_ok {
- $row->update({ amount => undef });
- } 'updated a money value to NULL';
+ lives_ok {
+ $row->update({ amount => undef });
+ } 'updated a money value to NULL';
- is $rs->find($row->id)->amount, undef,'updated money value to NULL round-trip';
+ is $rs->find($row->id)->amount, undef,'updated money value to NULL round-trip';
+ }
+ }