thread support (still problematic, pending a DBI fix)
- Properly quote table name on INSERT with no values
- Work around possible Storage destruction warnings
+ - Fix count of grouped resultsets using HAVING with aliases
* Misc
- Switch all serialization to use Storable::nfreeze for portable
if (ref $sel eq 'HASH' and $sel->{-as});
- for my $g_part (@$g) {
- my $colpiece = $sel_index->{$g_part} || $g_part;
+ # anything from the original select mentioned on the group-by needs to make it to the inner selector
+ # also look for named aggregates referred in the having clause
+ # having often contains scalarrefs - thus parse it out entirely
+ my @parts = @$g;
+ if ($attrs->{having}) {
+ local $sql_maker->{having_bind};
+ local $sql_maker->{quote_char} = $sql_maker->{quote_char};
+ local $sql_maker->{name_sep} = $sql_maker->{name_sep};
+ unless (defined $sql_maker->{quote_char} and length $sql_maker->{quote_char}) {
+ $sql_maker->{quote_char} = [ "\x00", "\xFF" ];
+ # if we don't unset it we screw up retarded but unfortunately working
+ # 'MAX(' => { '>', 3 }
+ $sql_maker->{name_sep} = '';
+ }
+ my ($lquote, $rquote, $sep) = map { quotemeta $_ } ($sql_maker->_quote_chars, $sql_maker->name_sep);
+ my $sql = $sql_maker->_parse_rs_attrs ({ having => $attrs->{having} });
+ # search for both a proper quoted qualified string, for a naive unquoted scalarref
+ # and if all fails for an utterly naive quoted scalar-with-function
+ while ($sql =~ /
+ $rquote $sep $lquote (.+?) $rquote
+ |
+ [\s,] \w+ \. (\w+) [\s,]
+ |
+ [\s,] $lquote (.+?) $rquote [\s,]
+ /gx) {
+ push @parts, ($1 || $2 || $3); # one of them matched if we got here
+ }
+ }
+ for (@parts) {
+ my $colpiece = $sel_index->{$_} || $_;
- # disqualify join-based group_by's. Arcane but possible query
+ # unqualify join-based group_by's. Arcane but possible query
# also horrible horrible hack to alias a column (not a func.)
# (probably need to introduce SQLA syntax)
if ($colpiece =~ /\./ && $colpiece !~ /^$attrs->{alias}\./) {
local $sql_maker->{name_sep} = $sql_maker->{name_sep};
unless (defined $sql_maker->{quote_char} and length $sql_maker->{quote_char}) {
- $sql_maker->{quote_char} = "\x00";
+ $sql_maker->{quote_char} = ["\x00", "\xFF"];
+ # if we don't unset it we screw up retarded but unfortunately working
+ # 'MAX(' => { '>', 3 }
$sql_maker->{name_sep} = '';
use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
use DBIC::DebugObj;
-plan tests => 10;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
# non-collapsing prefetch (no multi prefetches)
'count_rs db-side limit applied',
+# count with a having clause
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(
+ {},
+ {
+ join => 'cds',
+ group_by => 'me.artistid',
+ '+select' => [ { max => 'cds.year', -as => 'newest_cd_year' } ],
+ '+as' => ['newest_cd_year'],
+ having => { 'newest_cd_year' => '2001' }
+ }
+ );
+ my $crs = $rs->count_rs;
+ is_same_sql_bind (
+ $crs->as_query,
+ FROM (
+ SELECT me.artistid, MAX( cds.year ) AS newest_cd_year
+ FROM artist me
+ LEFT JOIN cd cds ON cds.artist = me.artistid
+ GROUP BY me.artistid
+ HAVING newest_cd_year = ?
+ ) me
+ )',
+ [ [ 'newest_cd_year' => '2001' ],],
+ 'count with having clause keeps sql as alias',
+ );
+ is ($crs->next, 2, 'Correct artist count (each with one 2001 cd)');