scope_guard detected_reinvoked_destructor
is_exception dbic_internal_try
quote_sub qsub perlstring serialize deep_clone
+ parent_dir
) ? 1 : 0;
+# Why not just use some higher-level module or at least File::Spec here?
+# Because:
+# 1) This is a *very* rarely used function, and the deptree is large
+# enough already as it is
+# 2) (more importantly) Our tooling is utter shit in this area. There
+# is no comprehensive support for UNC paths in PathTools and there
+# are also various small bugs in representation across different
+# path-manipulation CPAN offerings.
+# Since this routine is strictly used for logical path processing (it
+# *must* be able to work with not-yet-existing paths), use this seemingly
+# simple but I *think* complete implementation to feed to other consumers
+# If bugs are ever uncovered in this routine, *YOU ARE URGED TO RESIST*
+# the impulse to bring in an external dependency. During runtime there
+# is exactly one spot that could potentially maybe once in a blue moon
+# use this function. Keep it lean.
+sub parent_dir ($) {
+ ( $_[0] =~ m{ [\/\\] ( \.{0,2} ) ( [\/\\]* ) \z }x )
+ ? (
+ $_[0]
+ .
+ ( ( length($1) and ! length($2) ) ? '/' : '' )
+ .
+ '../'
+ )
+ : (
+ require File::Spec
+ and
+ File::Spec->catpath (
+ ( File::Spec->splitpath( "$_[0]" ) )[0,1],
+ '/',
+ )
+ )
+ ;
my $list_ctx_ok_stack_marker;
use Fcntl ':DEFAULT';
use File::Spec ();
use File::Temp ();
-use DBICTest::Util 'local_umask';
+use DBICTest::Util qw( local_umask find_co_root );
+# Try to determine the root of a checkout/untar if possible
+# return a Path::Class::Dir object or undef
+sub _find_co_root { eval { dir( find_co_root() ) } }
_check_author_makefile() unless $ENV{DBICTEST_NO_MAKEFILE_VERIFICATION};
-# Try to determine the root of a checkout/untar if possible
-# or return undef
-sub _find_co_root {
- my @mod_parts = split /::/, (__PACKAGE__ . '.pm');
- my $rel_path = join ('/', @mod_parts); # %INC stores paths with / regardless of OS
- return undef unless ($INC{$rel_path});
- # a bit convoluted, but what we do here essentially is:
- # - get the file name of this particular module
- # - do 'cd ..' as many times as necessary to get to t/lib/../..
- my $root = dir ($INC{$rel_path});
- for (1 .. @mod_parts + 2) {
- $root = $root->parent;
- }
- return (-f $root->file ('Makefile.PL') )
- ? $root
- : undef
- ;
use Carp qw(cluck confess croak);
use Fcntl ':flock';
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr);
-use DBIx::Class::_Util 'scope_guard';
+use DBIx::Class::_Util qw( scope_guard parent_dir );
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
dbg stacktrace
- local_umask
+ local_umask find_co_root
+# Try to determine the root of a checkout/untar if possible
+# OR throws an exception
+my $co_root;
+sub find_co_root () {
+ $co_root ||= do {
+ my @mod_parts = split /::/, (__PACKAGE__ . '.pm');
+ my $inc_key = join ('/', @mod_parts); # %INC stores paths with / regardless of OS
+ # a bit convoluted, but what we do here essentially is:
+ # - get the file name of this particular module
+ # - do 'cd ..' as many times as necessary to get to t/lib/../..
+ my $root = $INC{$inc_key}
+ or croak "\$INC{'$inc_key'} seems to be missing, this can't happen...";
+ $root = parent_dir $root
+ for 1 .. @mod_parts + 2;
+ # do the check twice so that the exception is more informative in the
+ # very unlikely case of realpath returning garbage
+ # (Paththools are in really bad shape - handholding all the way down)
+ for my $call_realpath (0,1) {
+ require Cwd and $root = ( Cwd::realpath($root) . '/' )
+ if $call_realpath;
+ croak "Unable to find root of DBIC checkout/untar: '${root}Makefile.PL' does not exist"
+ unless -f "${root}Makefile.PL";
+ }
+ $root;
+ }
sub stacktrace {
my $frame = shift;
+ File::Spec