'Package::Stash' => '0.28',
-# make strictures.pm happy (DO NOT LIKE, TOO MUCH XS!)
-# (i.e. what if the .git/.svn is *not* because of DBIC?)
-# Note - this is added as test_requires *directly*, so it gets properly
-# excluded on META.yml cleansing
-if (-e '.git' or -e '.svn') {
- test_requires 'indirect' => '0.25';
- test_requires 'multidimensional' => '0.008';
- test_requires 'bareword::filehandles' => '0.003';
# if the user has this env var set and no SQLT installed, tests will fail
# same rationale for direct test_requires as the strictures stuff above
# (even though no dist will be created from this)
parallel_installdeps_notest ExtUtils::MakeMaker
parallel_installdeps_notest File::Path
parallel_installdeps_notest Carp
- parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Build ExtUtils::Depends
- parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Runtime File::Spec Data::Dumper
+ parallel_installdeps_notest Module::Build Module::Runtime
+ parallel_installdeps_notest File::Spec Data::Dumper
parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Exception Encode::Locale Test::Fatal R/RS/RSAVAGE/Tree-DAG_Node-1.13.tgz
- parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Warn bareword::filehandles B::Hooks::EndOfScope Test::Differences HTTP::Status
+ parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Warn B::Hooks::EndOfScope Test::Differences HTTP::Status
parallel_installdeps_notest Test::Pod::Coverage Test::EOL Devel::GlobalDestruction Sub::Name MRO::Compat Class::XSAccessor URI::Escape HTML::Entities
parallel_installdeps_notest YAML LWP Class::Trigger JSON::XS DBI DateTime::Format::Builder Class::Accessor::Grouped Package::Variant
parallel_installdeps_notest Moose Module::Install JSON SQL::Translator
# we may need to prepend some stuff to that list
HARD_DEPS="$(echo $(make listdeps))"
- # this is a fucked CPAN - won't understand configure_requires of
- # various pieces we may run into
- # FIXME - need to get these off metacpan or something instead
- CPAN_is_sane || HARD_DEPS="ExtUtils::Depends B::Hooks::OP::Check $HARD_DEPS"
- # The unicode-in-yaml bug on older cpan clients
- # FIXME there got to be a saner way to fix this...
- perl -M5.008008 -e 1 &> /dev/null || \
- run_or_err "Installing multidimensional and bareword::filehandles via cpanm" \
- "cpanm multidimensional bareword::filehandles"
# work around Params::Validate not having a Makefile.PL so really old
# toolchains can not figure out what the prereqs are ;(
# Need to do more research before filing a bug requesting Makefile inclusion