my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
+ $args{-api_version} ||= delete $args{-compatible};
$registry->{ caller() } = $args{-api_version}
if $args{-api_version};
- ...
+ package My::Class;
+ use Package::DeprecationManager
+ -deprecations => {
+ 'My::Class::foo' => '0.02',
+ 'My::Class::bar' => '0.05',
+ };
+ sub foo {
+ deprecated( 'Do not call foo!' );
+ ...
+ }
+ sub bar {
+ deprecated();
+ ...
+ }
+ package Other::Class;
+ use My::Class -api_version => '0.04';
+ My::Class->new()->foo(); # warns
+ My::Class->new()->bar(); # does not warn
+ My::Class->new()->far(); # does not warn again
+This module allows you to manage a set of deprecations for one or more modules.
+When you import C<Package::DeprecationManager>, you must provide a set of
+C<-deprecations> as a hash ref. The keys are fully qualified sub/method names,
+and the values are the version when that subroutine was deprecated.
+As part of the import process, C<Package::DeprecationManager> will export two
+subroutines into its caller. It proves an C<import()> sub for the caller and a
+C<deprecated()> sub.
+The C<import()> sub allows callers of I<your> class to specify an C<-api_version>
+parameter. If this is supplied, then deprecation warnings are only issued for
+deprecations for api versions earlier than the one specified.
+You must call C<deprecated()> sub in each deprecated subroutine. When called,
+it will issue a warning using C<Carp::cluck()>. If you do not pass an explicit
+warning message, one will be generated for you.
+Deprecation warnings are only issued once for a given package, regardless of
+how many times the deprecated sub/method is called.