--- /dev/null
+name = Package-DeprecationManager
+author = Dave Rolsky <autarch@urth.org>
+copyright_year = 2010
+version = 0.01
+bugtracker.web = http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Package-DeprecationManager
+bugtracker.mailto = bug-package-deprecationmanager@rt.cpan.org
+repository.url = git://git.moose.perl.org/Package-DeprecationManager.git
+repository.web = http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=gitmo/Package-DeprecationManager.git;a=summary
+repository.type = git
+Carp = 0
+Params::Util = 0
+Sub::Install = 0
+[Prereqs / TestRequires]
+Test::Exception = 0
+Test::More = 0.88
+Test::Warn = 0
--- /dev/null
+package Package::DeprecationManager;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp qw( croak );
+use Params::Util qw( _HASH );
+use Sub::Install;
+sub import {
+ shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ croak
+ 'You must provide a hash reference -deprecations parameter when importing Package::DeprecationManager'
+ unless $args{-deprecations} && _HASH( $args{-deprecations} );
+ my %registry;
+ my $import = _build_import( \%registry );
+ my $warn = _build_warn( \%registry, $args{-deprecations} );
+ my $caller = caller();
+ Sub::Install::install_sub(
+ {
+ code => $import,
+ into => $caller,
+ as => 'import',
+ }
+ );
+ Sub::Install::install_sub(
+ {
+ code => $warn,
+ into => $caller,
+ as => 'deprecated',
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+sub _build_import {
+ my $registry = shift;
+ return sub {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $registry->{ caller() } = $args{-api_version}
+ if $args{-api_version};
+ return;
+ };
+sub _build_warn {
+ my $registry = shift;
+ my $deprecated_at = shift;
+ my %warned;
+ return sub {
+ my ( $package, undef, undef, $sub ) = caller(1);
+ my $compat_version = $registry->{$package};
+ my $deprecated_at = $deprecated_at->{$sub};
+ return
+ if defined $compat_version
+ && defined $deprecated_at
+ && $compat_version lt $deprecated_at;
+ return if $warned{$package}{$sub};
+ if ( ! @_ ) {
+ my $msg = "$sub has been deprecated";
+ $msg .= " since version $deprecated_at"
+ if defined $deprecated_at;
+ @_ = $msg;
+ }
+ $warned{$package}{$sub} = 1;
+ goto &Carp::cluck;
+ };
+# ABSTRACT: Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ ...
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Warn;
+ throws_ok {
+ eval 'package Foo; use Package::DeprecationManager;';
+ die $@ if $@;
+ }
+ qr/^\QYou must provide a hash reference -deprecations parameter when importing Package::DeprecationManager/,
+ 'must provide a set of deprecations when using Package::DeprecationManager';
+ package Foo;
+ use Package::DeprecationManager -deprecations => {
+ 'Foo::foo' => '0.02',
+ 'Foo::bar' => '0.03',
+ 'Foo::baz' => '1.21',
+ };
+ sub foo {
+ deprecated('foo is deprecated');
+ }
+ sub bar {
+ deprecated('bar is deprecated');
+ }
+ sub baz {
+ deprecated();
+ }
+ package Bar;
+ Foo->import();
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::foo() }
+ { carped => 'foo is deprecated' },
+ 'deprecation warning for foo';
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::bar() }
+ { carped => 'bar is deprecated' },
+ 'deprecation warning for bar';
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::baz() }
+ { carped => 'Foo::baz has been deprecated since version 1.21' },
+ 'deprecation warning for baz, and message is generated by Package::DeprecationManager';
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::foo() } q{}, 'no warning on second call to foo';
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::bar() } q{}, 'no warning on second call to bar';
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::baz() } q{}, 'no warning on second call to baz';
+ package Baz;
+ Foo->import( -api_version => '0.01' );
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::foo() }
+ q{},
+ 'no warning for foo with api_version = 0.01';
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::bar() }
+ q{},
+ 'no warning for bar with api_version = 0.01';
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::baz() }
+ q{},
+ 'no warning for baz with api_version = 0.01';
+ package Quux;
+ Foo->import( -api_version => '1.17' );
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::foo() }
+ { carped => 'foo is deprecated' },
+ 'deprecation warning for foo with api_version = 1.17';
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::bar() }
+ { carped => 'bar is deprecated' },
+ 'deprecation warning for bar with api_version = 1.17';
+ ::warning_is{ Foo::baz() }
+ q{},
+ 'no warning for baz with api_version = 1.17';