Revision history for DBIx::Class
+ * New Features
+ - Implemented add_unique_constraints() which delegates to
+ add_unique_constraint() as appropriate
+ - add_unique_constraint() now poparly throws if called with
+ multiple constraint definitions
+ - No longer depend on SQL::Abstract::Limit - DBIC has been doing
+ most of the heavy lifting for a while anyway
* Fixes
- Fixed rels ending with me breaking subqueried limit realiasing
- Oracle sequence detection now *really* works across schemas
(fixed some ommissions from 0.08123)
- - add_unique_constraint() now throws if called with multiple
- constraint definitions
- - Implemented add_unique_constraints() which delegates to
- add_unique_constraint() as appropriate
- dbicadmin now uses a /usr/bin/env shebang to work better with
perlbrew and other local perl builds
- bulk-inserts via $dbh->bind_array (void $rs->populate) now
better with Catalyst installers
- Bumped minimum Module::Install for developers
- Bumped DBD::SQLite dependency and removed some TODO markers
- from tests
- - No longer depend on SQL::Abstract::Limit - DBIC has been doing
- most of the heavy lifting for a while anyway
+ from tests (RT#59565)
- Do not execute t/zzzzzzz_sqlite_deadlock.t for regular module
installs - test is prone to spontaneous blow up