+++ /dev/null
-# This is just a concept-test. If works as intended will ship in its own
-# right as Devel::GlobalDestruction::PP or perhaps even as part of rafls
-# D::GD itself
-package # hide from pause
- DBIx::Class::GlobalDestruction;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base 'Exporter';
-our @EXPORT = 'in_global_destruction';
-use DBIx::Class::Exception;
-if (defined ${^GLOBAL_PHASE}) {
- eval 'sub in_global_destruction () { ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq q[DESTRUCT] }';
-elsif (eval { require Devel::GlobalDestruction }) { # use the XS version if available
- *in_global_destruction = \&Devel::GlobalDestruction::in_global_destruction;
-else {
- my ($in_global_destruction, $before_is_installed);
- eval <<'PP_IGD';
-sub in_global_destruction () { $in_global_destruction }
-END {
- # SpeedyCGI runs END blocks every cycle but keeps object instances
- # hence we have to disable the globaldestroy hatch, and rely on the
- # eval traps (which appears to work, but are risky done so late)
- $in_global_destruction = 1 unless $CGI::SpeedyCGI::i_am_speedy;
-# threads do not execute the global ENDs (it would be stupid). However
-# one can register a new END via simple string eval within a thread, and
-# achieve the same result. A logical place to do this would be CLONE, which
-# is claimed to run in the context of the new thread. However this does
-# not really seem to be the case - any END evaled in a CLONE is ignored :(
-# Hence blatantly hooking threads::create
-if ($INC{'threads.pm'}) {
- require Class::Method::Modifiers;
- Class::Method::Modifiers::install_modifier( threads => before => create => sub {
- my $orig_target_cref = $_[1];
- $_[1] = sub {
- { local $@; eval 'END { $in_global_destruction = 1 }' }
- $orig_target_cref->();
- };
- });
- $before_is_installed = 1;
-# just in case threads got loaded after DBIC (silly)
-sub CLONE {
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("You must load the 'threads' module before @{[ __PACKAGE__ ]}")
- unless $before_is_installed;
# from the parent
- # this is not part of the inheritance tree (plus is a temporary fix anyway)
- 'DBIx::Class::GlobalDestruction',
# Moo does not name its generated methods, fix pending
) };