weaken $derived_rsrc->{schema}
- if length ref($self);
+ if length( my $schema_class = ref($self) );
my %reg = %{$self->source_registrations};
$reg{$source_name} = $derived_rsrc;
$map{$result_class} = $source_name;
+ my $schema_class_level_rsrc;
+ if (
+ # we are called on a schema instance, not on the class
+ length $schema_class
+ and
+ # the schema class also has a registration with the same name
+ $schema_class_level_rsrc = dbic_internal_try { $schema_class->source($source_name) }
+ and
+ # what we are registering on the schema instance *IS* derived
+ # from the class-level (top) rsrc...
+ ( grep { $_ == $derived_rsrc } $result_class_level_rsrc->__derived_instances )
+ and
+ # ... while the schema-class-level has stale-markers
+ keys %{ $schema_class_level_rsrc->{__metadata_divergencies} || {} }
+ ) {
+ my $msg =
+ "The ResultSource instance you just registered on '$self' as "
+ . "'$source_name' seems to have no relation to $schema_class->"
+ . "source('$source_name') which in turn is marked stale (likely due "
+ . "to recent $result_class->... direct class calls). This is almost "
+ . "always a mistake: perhaps you forgot a cycle of "
+ . "$schema_class->unregister_source( '$source_name' ) / "
+ . "$schema_class->register_class( '$source_name' => '$result_class' )"
+ ;
+ ? emit_loud_diag( msg => $msg, confess => 1 )
+ : carp_unique($msg)
+ ;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+BEGIN { do "./t/lib/ANFANG.pm" or die ( $@ || $! ) }
+# things will die if this is set
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Warn;
+use DBICTest;
+my $s = DBICTest->init_schema( no_deploy => 1 );
+warnings_exist {
+ DBICTest::Schema::Artist->add_column("somethingnew");
+ $s->unregister_source("Artist");
+ $s->register_class( Artist => "DBICTest::Schema::Artist" );
+ qr/The ResultSource instance you just registered on .+ \Qas 'Artist' seems to have no relation to DBICTest::Schema->source('Artist') which in turn is marked stale/,
+ 'Expected warning on incomplete re-register of schema-class-level source'