+++ /dev/null
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Exception;
-use Test::Warn;
-use lib qw(t/lib);
-use DBICTest;
-use ViewDeps;
-use ViewDepsBad;
- require DBIx::Class;
- plan skip_all => 'Test needs ' .
- DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for('deploy')
- unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for('deploy');
-#################### SANITY
-my $view = DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View->new;
-isa_ok( $view, 'DBIx::Class::ResultSource', 'A new view' );
-isa_ok( $view, 'DBIx::Class', 'A new view also' );
-can_ok( $view, $_ ) for qw/new from deploy_depends_on/;
-#################### DEPS
- my $schema
- = ViewDeps->connect( DBICTest->_database (quote_char => '"') );
- ok( $schema, 'Connected to ViewDeps schema OK' );
-#################### DEPLOY
- $schema->deploy;
-#################### DOES ORDERING WORK?
- my $sqlt_object = $schema->{sqlt};
- is_deeply(
- [ map { $_->name } $sqlt_object->get_views ],
- [qw/
- a_name_artists
- track_number_fives
- year_2010_cds
- ab_name_artists
- year_2010_cds_with_many_tracks
- aba_name_artists
- aba_name_artists_and_2010_cds_with_many_tracks
- /],
- "SQLT view order triumphantly matches our order."
- );
-#################### AND WHAT ABOUT USING THE SCHEMA?
- lives_ok( sub { $schema->resultset($_)->next }, "Query on $_ succeeds" )
- for grep {
- $schema->resultset($_)
- ->result_source->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View')
- } @{ [ $schema->sources ] };
-#################### AND WHAT ABOUT A BAD DEPS CHAIN IN A VIEW?
- my $schema2
- = ViewDepsBad->connect( DBICTest->_database ( quote_char => '"') );
- ok( $schema2, 'Connected to ViewDepsBad schema OK' );
-#################### DEPLOY2
- warnings_exist { $schema2->deploy }
- [qr/no such table: main.aba_name_artists/],
- "Deploying the bad schema produces a warning: aba_name_artists was not created.";
-#################### DOES ORDERING WORK 2?
- my $sqlt_object2 = $schema2->{sqlt};
- is_deeply(
- [ map { $_->name } $sqlt_object2->get_views ],
- [qw/
- a_name_artists
- track_number_fives
- year_2010_cds
- ab_name_artists
- year_2010_cds_with_many_tracks
- aba_name_artists_and_2010_cds_with_many_tracks
- aba_name_artists
- /],
- "SQLT view order triumphantly matches our order."
- );
-#################### AND WHAT ABOUT USING THE SCHEMA2?
- lives_ok( sub { $schema2->resultset($_)->next }, "Query on $_ succeeds" )
- for grep {
- $schema2->resultset($_)
- ->result_source->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View')
- } grep { !/AbaNameArtistsAnd2010CDsWithManyTracks/ }
- @{ [ $schema2->sources ] };
- throws_ok { $schema2->resultset('AbaNameArtistsAnd2010CDsWithManyTracks')->next }
- qr/no such table: aba_name_artists_and_2010_cds_with_many_tracks/,
- "Query on AbaNameArtistsAnd2010CDsWithManyTracks throws, because the table does not exist"
- ;