cmp_ok($rs + 0, '==', 3, 'Correct number of records returned');
-# start test for prefetch SELECT count
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
-DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+my $queries = 0;
+$schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++ });
+$queries = 0;
my @cd = $rs->all;
is($cd[2]->{_inflated_column}{artist}->name, 'Caterwauler McCrae', 'Prefetch on parent object ok');
-# count the SELECTs
-DBI->trace(0, undef);
-my $selects = 0;
-my $trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
- or die "Unable to read trace file";
-while (<$trace>) {
- $selects++ if /SELECT/;
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
-is($selects, 1, 'prefetch ran only 1 select statement');
+is($queries, 1, 'prefetch ran only 1 select statement');
# test for partial prefetch via columns attr
my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(1,
ok(eval { $cd->artist->name eq 'Caterwauler McCrae' }, 'single related column prefetched');
# start test for nested prefetch SELECT count
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
-DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+$queries = 0;
$rs = $schema->resultset('Tag')->search(
is( $tag->cd->artist->name, 'Caterwauler McCrae', 'step 2 ok for nested prefetch');
# count the SELECTs
-DBI->trace(0, undef);
-$selects = 0;
-$trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
- or die "Unable to read trace file";
-while (<$trace>) {
- $selects++ if /SELECT(?!.*WHERE 1=0.*)/;
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
-is($selects, 1, 'nested prefetch ran exactly 1 select statement (excluding column_info)');
+#$selects++ if /SELECT(?!.*WHERE 1=0.*)/;
+is($queries, 1, 'nested prefetch ran exactly 1 select statement (excluding column_info)');
-# start test for prefetch on find SELECT count
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
-DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+$queries = 0;
$cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(1, { prefetch => 'artist' });
is($cd->{_inflated_column}{artist}->name, 'Caterwauler McCrae', 'artist prefetched correctly on find');
-# count the SELECTs
-DBI->trace(0, undef);
-$selects = 0;
-$trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
- or die "Unable to read trace file";
-while (<$trace>) {
- $selects++ if /SELECT(?!.*WHERE 1=0.*)/;
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
-is($selects, 1, 'find with prefetch ran exactly 1 select statement (excluding column_info)');
+is($queries, 1, 'find with prefetch ran exactly 1 select statement (excluding column_info)');
$rs = $schema->resultset('Tag')->search(
is($rs->next->name, 'Caterwauler McCrae', "Correct artist returned");
-my $queries;
-$schema->storage->debugcb(sub { $queries++ });
+$queries = 0;
my $tree_like =
sub run_tests {
my $schema = shift;
+my $queries;
+$schema->storage->debugcb( sub{ $queries++ } );
eval "use DBD::SQLite";
plan skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing' if $@;
plan tests => 23;
is( scalar @{$rs->get_cache}, 0, 'set_cache() only accepts objects of correct type for the resultset' );
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
-DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+$queries = 0;
$rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( undef, { cache => 1 } );
while( $artist = $rs->next ) {}
$artist = $rs->first();
-# count the SELECTs
-DBI->trace(0, undef);
-my $selects = 0;
-$trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
- or die "Unable to read trace file";
-while (<$trace>) {
- $selects++ if /SELECT/;
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
+is( $queries, 1, 'revisiting a row does not issue a query when cache => 1' );
-is( $selects, 1, 'revisiting a row does not issue a query when cache => 1' );
my @a = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(
{ },
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Deparse = 1;
# start test for prefetch SELECT count
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
-DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+$queries = 0;
$artist = $rs->first;
# ensure that $artist->count_related('cds') returns correct value
is( $artist->count_related('cds'), 3, 'artist->count_related returns correct value' );
-# count the SELECTs
-DBI->trace(0, undef);
-$selects = 0;
-my $trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
- or die "Unable to read trace file";
-while (<$trace>) {
- $selects++ if /SELECT/;
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
-is($selects, 1, 'only one SQL statement executed');
+is($queries, 1, 'only one SQL statement executed');
# make sure related_resultset is deleted after object is updated
$artist->set_column('name', 'New Name');
# SELECT count for nested has_many prefetch
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
-DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+$queries = 0;
$artist = ($rs->all)[0];
-# count the SELECTs
-DBI->trace(0, undef);
-$selects = 0;
-$trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
- or die "Unable to read trace file";
-while (<$trace>) {
- $selects++ if /SELECT/;
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
-is($selects, 1, 'only one SQL statement executed');
+is($queries, 1, 'only one SQL statement executed');
my @objs;
#$artist = $rs->find(1);
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
-DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+$queries = 0;
my $cds = $artist->cds;
my $tags = $cds->next->tags;
is_deeply( \@objs, [ 2, 5, 8 ], 'second cd has correct tags' );
-# count the SELECTs
-DBI->trace(0, undef);
-$selects = 0;
-$trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
- or die "Unable to read trace file";
-while (<$trace>) {
- $selects++ if /SELECT/;
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
-is( $selects, 0, 'no additional SQL statements while checking nested data' );
+is( $queries, 0, 'no additional SQL statements while checking nested data' );
# start test for prefetch SELECT count
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
-DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+$queries = 0;
$artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1, { prefetch => [qw/cds/] });
-# count the SELECTs
-DBI->trace(0, undef);
-$selects = 0;
-$trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
- or die "Unable to read trace file";
-while (<$trace>) {
- $selects++ if /SELECT/;
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
-is( $selects, 1, 'only one select statement on find with inline has_many prefetch' );
+is( $queries, 1, 'only one select statement on find with inline has_many prefetch' );
# start test for prefetch SELECT count
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace' if -e 't/var/dbic.trace';
-DBI->trace(1, 't/var/dbic.trace');
+$queries = 0;
$rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(undef, { prefetch => [qw/cds/] });
$artist = $rs->find(1);
-# count the SELECTs
-DBI->trace(0, undef);
-$selects = 0;
-$trace = IO::File->new('t/var/dbic.trace', '<')
- or die "Unable to read trace file";
-while (<$trace>) {
- $selects++ if /SELECT/;
-unlink 't/var/dbic.trace';
+is( $queries, 1, 'only one select statement on find with has_many prefetch on resultset' );
-is( $selects, 1, 'only one select statement on find with has_many prefetch on resultset' );