on DateTime::Format::Pg (RT#61503)
- Fix dirtyness detection on source-less objects
- Fix incorrect limit_dialect assignment on Replicated pool members
+ - Fix invalid sql on relationship attr order_by with prefetch
* Misc
- Refactored capability handling in Storage::DBI, allows for
# in ResultSet->_collapse_result
my @key = map { (/^foreign\.(.+)$/ ? ($1) : ()); }
keys %{$rel_info->{cond}};
- my @ord = (ref($rel_info->{attrs}{order_by}) eq 'ARRAY'
- ? @{$rel_info->{attrs}{order_by}}
+ push @$order, map { "${as}.$_" } @key;
- : (defined $rel_info->{attrs}{order_by}
- ? ($rel_info->{attrs}{order_by})
- : ()));
- push(@$order, map { "${as}.$_" } (@key, @ord));
+ if (my $rel_order = $rel_info->{attrs}{order_by}) {
+ # this is kludgy and incomplete, I am well aware
+ # but the parent method is going away entirely anyway
+ # so sod it
+ my $sql_maker = $self->storage->sql_maker;
+ my ($orig_ql, $orig_qr) = $sql_maker->_quote_chars;
+ my $sep = $sql_maker->name_sep;
+ # install our own quoter, so we can catch unqualified stuff
+ local $sql_maker->{quote_char} = ["\x00", "\xFF"];
+ my $quoted_prefix = "\x00${as}\xFF";
+ for my $chunk ( $sql_maker->_order_by_chunks ($rel_order) ) {
+ my @bind;
+ ($chunk, @bind) = @$chunk if ref $chunk;
+ $chunk = "${quoted_prefix}${sep}${chunk}"
+ unless $chunk =~ /\Q$sep/;
+ $chunk =~ s/\x00/$orig_ql/g;
+ $chunk =~ s/\xFF/$orig_qr/g;
+ push @$order, \[$chunk, @bind];
+ }
+ }
return map { [ "${as}.$_", "${as_prefix}${pre}.$_", ] }
JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist
LEFT JOIN cd cds ON cds.artist = artist.artistid
LEFT JOIN artist artist_2 ON artist_2.artistid = cds.artist
- ORDER BY cds.artist, cds.year
+ ORDER BY cds.artist, cds.year ASC