which in turn returns a single count value
- make_column_dirty() now overwrites the deflated value with an
inflated one if such exists
+ - Fixed set_$rel with where restriction deleting rows outside
+ the restriction
0.08107 2009-06-14 08:21:00 (UTC)
- Fix serialization regression introduced in 0.08103 (affects
"{$set_meth} needs a list of objects or hashrefs"
my @to_set = (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $_[0] } : @_);
- $self->search_related($rel, {})->delete;
+ $self->search_related( $rel, ($rel_attrs||{})->{where},($rel_attrs||{})->{where}?{join => $f_rel}:{} )->delete;
$self->$add_meth($_, ref($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}) for (@to_set);
use DBICTest;
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 16;
+plan tests => 19;
# select from a class with resultset_attributes
my $resultset = $schema->resultset('BooksInLibrary');
if ($@) { print $@ }
ok( !$@, 'many_to_many add_to_$rel($hash) did not throw');
is($round_objects->count, $round_count+1, 'many_to_many add_to_$rel($hash) count correct');
+# test set_$rel
+$round_count = $round_objects->count();
+$pointy_count = $pointy_objects->count();
+my @all_pointy_objects = $pointy_objects->all;
+# doing a set on pointy objects with its current set should not change any counts
+eval {$collection->set_pointy_objects(\@all_pointy_objects)};
+if ($@) { print $@ }
+ok( !$@, 'many_to_many set_$rel(\@objects) did not throw');
+is($pointy_objects->count, $pointy_count, 'many_to_many set_$rel($hash) count correct');
+is($round_objects->count, $round_count, 'many_to_many set_$rel($hash) other rel count correct');