my %registry;
my $import = _build_import( \%registry );
- my $warn = _build_warn( \%registry, $args{-deprecations} );
+ my $warn = _build_warn( \%registry, $args{-deprecations}, $args{-ignore} );
my $caller = caller();
sub _build_warn {
my $registry = shift;
my $deprecated_at = shift;
+ my $ignore = shift;
+ my %ignore = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $ignore || [] };
my %warned;
my ( $package, undef, undef, $sub ) = caller(1);
+ my $skipped = 0;
+ if ( keys %ignore ) {
+ while ( defined $package && $ignore{$package} ) {
+ # We want to start two levels back, since we already looked
+ # one level back and found an internal package.
+ $package = caller($skipped++ + 2);
+ $skipped++;
+ }
+ }
+ $package = 'unknown package' unless defined $package;
unless ( defined $args{feature} ) {
$args{feature} = $sub;
return if $warned{$package}{ $args{feature} };
+ my $msg;
if ( defined $args{message} ) {
- @_ = $args{message};
+ $msg = $args{message};
else {
- my $msg = "$args{feature} has been deprecated";
+ $msg = "$args{feature} has been deprecated";
$msg .= " since version $deprecated_at"
if defined $deprecated_at;
- @_ = $msg;
$warned{$package}{ $args{feature} } = 1;
- goto &Carp::cluck;
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1 + $skipped;
+ Carp::cluck($msg);
deprecated. However, the feature names can be any string. This is useful if
you don't want to deprecate an entire subroutine, just a certain usage.
+You can also provide an optional array reference in the C<-ignore>
+parameter. This is a list of package names to ignore when looking at the stack
+to figure out what code used the deprecated feature. This should be packages
+in your distribution that can appear on the call stack when a deprecated
+feature is used.
As part of the import process, C<Package::DeprecationManager> will export two
subroutines into its caller. It proves an C<import()> sub for the caller and a
C<deprecated()> sub.
'got a warning for quux(10)';
+ package Dep;
+ use Package::DeprecationManager -deprecations => {
+ 'foo' => '1.00',
+ },
+ -ignore => [ 'My::Foo', 'My::Bar' ];
+ sub foo {
+ deprecated('foo is deprecated');
+ }
+ package My::Foo;
+ sub foo { Dep::foo() }
+ package My::Bar;
+ sub foo { My::Foo::foo() }
+ package My::Baz;
+ ::warning_like{ My::Bar::foo() }
+ qr/^foo is deprecated at t.basic\.t line \d+/,
+ 'deprecation warning for call to My::Bar::foo()';
+ package My::Baz;
+ Dep->import( -api_version => '0.8' );
+ ::warning_is{ My::Bar::foo() }
+ q{},
+ 'no wanrning when calling My::Bar::foo()';