} ('Huey', 'Dewey', $ex_title, 'Louie')
-}, qr/\Qexecute_array() aborted with 'constraint failed\E.+ at populate slice.+$ex_title/ms, 'Readable exception thrown for failed populate');
+}, qr/\Qexecute_array() aborted with '\E.+ at populate slice.+$ex_title/ms, 'Readable exception thrown for failed populate');
## make sure populate honors fields/orders in list context
## schema order
sub {
$schema->resultset('CD')->create({ title => 'vacation in antarctica' })
- qr/DBI Exception.+constraint failed.+cd\.artist.+NULL/s
+ qr/DBI Exception.+cd\.artist.+NULL/s
); # as opposed to some other error
}, [], 'No warnings besides exception' );